Not Tolerating Such Behavior

Ava had finished eating lunch and decided to go to the restroom to freshen up before returning to class. Pearl decided to join her; when the two bullies and Crystal saw them get up, they decided that now was the time to act. So they followed the two girls into the girls' restroom.

Ava and pearl were already in one of the stalls when they walked in. Both bullies quickly and quietly grabbed a bucket and filled it with water, planning on dumping it onto the two girls from the empty stalls.

They were so busy filling the buckets with water that they didn't realize that another person walked inside and stood watching them from the corner.

When the bucket was filled with water, one of the bullies was ready to go inside the empty stall but was stopped by Chupsy.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Said Chupsy calmly while towering over the girl.

Crystal, who was standing by the sink watching the other bullies filling the water, turned and looked to see what was going on. The other bully also stopped what she was doing and checked at the same time.

Their jaws dropped when they saw a woman of color holding the other bully by her collar and hauling her out of the vacant stall.

Crystal and the other bully quickly dropped their buckets and ran away as fast as they could. Meanwhile, Chupsy still had her hands on the other bully's collar, scaring the heck out of the girls. However, that did not deter her from acting tough…

"Who are you? Let me go! Let me go, or I'll report you for abuse!" She shouted as loud as she could, trying to scare Chupsy.

"Me! You're going to report abuse? Hahaha! You need to check yourself, kiddo before you make a false statement. It was obvious what you're planning to do, and you're telling me you're going to report me? You're kidding. Get down on your knees before I kick your butt!" Ordered Chupsy.

The two were speaking loudly that Ava and pearl quickly finished their business to see what's going on. When they saw what was happening, their eyes widened, and they were speechless. They stood rooted to the ground, dumbfounded and unable to believe what they were seeing.

"Ava! Pearl! Both of you get out of here right now!" Chupsy ordered them while still holding on to the bully girl by her collar.

The two girls finally came to their senses and swiftly made their way out of the restroom. They run back to the dining hall to look for Akira. But, instead, they found her busy chatting with Prince Edmund. She was engrossed in a conversation with Prince Edmund, not knowing that a commotion was going on that involved her secret service.

Pearl was about to go to Akira, but Ava stopped her. "Forget about her; let's just get out of here and go back to our villa. She's not going to be of much help; we need to inform Mary and Pisces of what happened." She then grabbed Pearl's arm and pulled her as she ran out of the dining hall.

Unknown to Ava and Pearl, Prince Edmund saw them from the corner of his eyes because he kept checking when they would be back when he saw the two standing by the threshold, he thought of getting up and meeting them halfway through, but then they sprinted away so fast as if the devil was after them.

That made him anxious, and he wanted to go after them.

Unfortunately, Akira was saying something, and he couldn't just get up and leave her hanging. But, he needed to find a way to go after Ava and Pearl to find out what made them leave like that.

He made a decision, "Akira, how about we go ahead and I take you back to your villa? I think your two roommates might have gone back ahead of you. It's been a while, and almost everyone has left already." He then quickly got up and helped Akira get up so they could leave right away.

Akira was disappointed because she wasn't finished telling him about her twin older brothers. So, unfortunately, she could do nothing do when Prince Edmund pulled her up and almost dragged her out of the room.

They ran into Ava and Pearl on the way to the headmistress's office. The two bodyguards were right behind them with stern looks on their faces.

Akira ran towards them with a sullen look on her face and pouty lips.

"Why did you leave me? You said you were only going to the washroom, yet you already went back to our villa. What's up with that?" She said while stomping her feet on the ground like a spoiled child.

The two girls and the two women didn't have time to waste on Akira's childish antics, so they ignored her and continued walking straight ahead. There was nothing Akira and Prince Edmund could do but follow to find out what was happening. A moment later, they arrived at their destination.

Chupsy and the bully were already inside Ms. Williams's office, standing right in front of her desk while Chupsy was busy narrating what had transpired in the restroom. She went into great detail to ensure that Ms. Williams understood why she had to restrain the bully.

Ms. Williams listened intensely with a frown on her face.

"So... that's what happened." Said Chupsy after she finished retelling the whole scenario.

"Hmmm," was all Ms. Williams's response before she turned her attention to the bully and glared at her as she spoke…