Are You Pregnant?

"Do you like James as a big brother, or do you have some other kind of feelings for him? Let's say, a crush. Do you think he would be a good boyfriend someday, or husband maybe?" There she finally said it. Ashley was hoping that Ava's answer was the one she was looking for.

"I'm sorry, aunty, but I'm not really sure how to answer your question. I know I like him but as a big brother. But as a crush, I'm not sure. I'm still a teenager and don't know what is what. I hope you understand what I mean." Ava answered to the best of her abilities.

"Sure, sure, it's fine. I completely understand. I was just curious and being nosy." Ashley said, reassuring her. 

After explaining to Ava and also learning how the young girl feels about her son, Ashley was overjoyed and couldn't wait to call her husband before they took off. She quickly excused herself and went back to where she was sitting before and dialed Tanaga's number.