She's Afraid...

Arman arranged two villas for the group. Ashley shared a villa with James and Jeffrey, while Akira, Arria, and Ava shared the other one. The boys accompanied the girls and helped them with their luggage, while Ashley went straight to their villa accompanied by Arman. She wanted to get settled so she could make a call to her husband.

As soon as Ashley was settled in her room, her brother left to attend to some matters in the hotel.

She couldn't wait for Arman's silhouette to disappear. As soon as she was sure that Arman was out of earshot, she was quick to call her husband, who had been hiding from her ever since he accidentally blurted out a secret that he had with their son James.

Just as she was about to push the speed dial on her phone, it vibrated then her favorite tune played. When she looked, a smile crept on her lips. It was Tanaga calling via facetime.