Party At The Beach...

Ava answered the call without regarding how James felt. That didn't bode well with him.

Ava: [Ashton! How are you?]

She had the same sweet smile plastered on her face as she greeted his twin brother. He decided to give them space and step back a little. But close enough so he could hear their conversation.

Ashton: [What am I seeing? You're at the resort now? Oh, I'm so jealous of you guys. How I wish I could be there too.] 

Ava: [Yeah! I wish you were here too; it would be more fun. I know Pearl will be over the moon. Although she's not here yet right now. How about you? Are you on tour right now?] From what she could see on the screen, it looked like a training room. Behind Ashton, she could see a wall of mirrors.