An Intruder Arrived..

James and Crown Prince Edward welcomed Prince Philip and Prince Edmund while Ava and Jeffrey waved their hands and said hello.

Prince Edmund quickly pulled an empty chair next to Ava with a sweet smile plastered on his handsome face.

He had called her several times while on holiday, but same as everyone-- He couldn't get through. So, he wanted to know if she deliberately didn't answer his call or if it was just a coincidence that she was speaking to someone each time he called. 

"Hi, Ava! How was your holiday?" Prince Edmund asked. He didn't care that everyone heard him.

"Hello! It was fine. I was busy studying, so I had my phone turned off. I'm sorry! I only saw that you called the day that we were leaving and on the way here. So, I figured that I would just apologize to you in person when I run into you at the Royal Academy. But, since you are here now, please, accept my apology." Her voice was sincere, although she didn't look him in the eye.