Jeff Found What He Was Looking For.

It only took them less than thirty minutes, and Jeff found what he was looking for.

"Stop! Stop it right there. They're the ones I'm looking for. Find out which room they're staying in, especially that young man." He pointed at James, who looked like he was wasting a lot of time.

After hearing what Jeff said, the GM started working. Jeff returned to the penthouse while waiting for the GM to give him their room numbers.

He just arrived at the penthouse when the GM came and provided him with what he needed. He then left right away to handle other matters of the hotel.

Jeff changed his clothes first before going to the floor below them where the presidential suites were located.

Two bodyguards were standing by one of the doors, while on the other door was Tiny. Jeff immediately recognized him from a distance.

Tiny also recognized Jeff as well as the two Royal bodyguards. They all immediately greeted him as he approached them.