Ava's Unhappy Seeing James...

He still remembered when Jeff entered M.I.T. He was only sixteen years old then. But due to him being tall, no one realized that he was younger than he looked. Then, he was aloof and cold, never smiled, and always had a frown on his face. But now, his older version looked so much different. It must have something to do with his beautiful wife, who was sitting next to him quietly.

"Mrs. Go, if you don't mind me asking, which college did you attend?" He assumed she attended a good university from the way she held herself. He could tell that she was one intelligent woman.

Ann was startled by the Dean's question. He automatically assumed that she attended college. It would have been embarrassing for her if she did not. Luckily, she did.

"Oh, I attended Harvard." That was all she said. She didn't elaborate.

The Dean's eyes widened when he heard that her alma mater was Harvard. He was going to interrogate her more, but Jeff interjected.