Alice's mental journal

It took me and Xia a solid month to get to the bottom of this insane dungeon. While I stand here before the final boss room doors I can only reminisce over the past month.

I have to be honest I now have a newfound respect for those knights conscripted to clear out these dungeons and those adventures that risk their lives every day in these places.

Because obviously, my dungeon clearing experience was far from normal. Have a being that brings death to anything with millions of stat points standing beside you sure makes things easier and less tense allowing for a quite pleasant journey to the end.

As everyone knows being in a party has many useful features. Shared EXP allowed Xia to power level me to the crazy high level I am now. I will talk more about my new level and skills later.

The next useful feature is that party members can't harm each other with their skills. Thank god for that feature. Although it can't kill me I can still feel the death that comes from Xia's [Annihilating Aura] that he keeps permanently on. A skill that powerful would usually be sent out like a wave and then turned off… but he has kept it on for a month straight. Yea his mana regeneration is just THAT insane.

The last feature is telepathy for anyone wondering. Members can speak to each other regardless of distance, quite useful for large parties but seeing as I stayed near Xia the whole time we had no need for the feature.

The only reason it took us an entire month to get to this point was unfortunately because of me. Xia doesn't need to eat, sleep or wait for his mana to recharge. Even with my better stats, I was still a human after all. Notice the "I was" part of that sentence. Yea that's past tense bitches.

[Name: Alice] (Leader)

[Race: High Human]

[Dragon Slayer, Goblin King Killer, Orc King Bully… Ascended]

[Level: 501]

[STR: 700, DEX: 830, CON: 620, INT:931, WIS:890]

Once I hit level 500 my body was surrounded by a pink and black aura as my bones, skin, organs and anything else was replaced. Despite the beautiful spectacle, it was properly ruined by my screaming from the pain.

Xia looked so worried at that time for me, bless his non-existent heart…

Anyways once the process was over I became a completely new being. My hair became long and completely black as the night sky, my eyes turned a pink color, my skin became white as snow and of course, I gained a bit of height now standing at 1.8 meters.

No longer was I bound by such mortal needs as eating and sleeping. My new source of fuel was mana. Just by existing in this mana-rich world, I became similar to the undead. But much to my dismay if I use my mana up for spells then I will feel the urge to eat.

You want to know what skills I have now? Quite a curious one aren't you? Well, I'm feeling good right now so I'll indulge you.


[Pink magic X] (A unique kind of magic of the Ascended Human known as Alice, Its a type of mind magic originating from her eyes)

[Dark Spirit Magic X] (A more offensive version of Shadow magic, it focuses more on curses and debuffs than Shadow magic which focuses on mobility)

[Stealth VIII] (Allows the user to hide their presences and at high enough levels become actually invisible to the naked eye, Reduces the effectiveness of tracking and search skills)

[Fan Martial Arts V] (Gives the user increased affinity to using 'Japanese' style war fans as a weapon)

[Monster Eater IV] (The user has indulged in eating monster meat that is often diseased or poisoned, with this skill the user is less likely to suffer after consuming monsters)

[Appraisal III] (The user receives subtle information about things they encounter for the first time, such as 'that is properly poisonous' or 'This monster looks weak to ice magic')

[Cooking II] (Dishes made by the user taste better)

Anyways enough nostalgia it's time for the final boss fight. You may wonder why I don't sound nervous? Well unlike the previous boss fights Xia said he wanted to take out the last one much to my disappointment. So in conclusion this poor boss would do well to last even a single minute vs Xia.

Entering through the colossal doors into a giant cave there stands the being Xia must defeat to finally finish this dungeon.

Inside this huge cave stands a single being, an Ancient Red Dragon. Said to be the strongest amongst the dragon race. This must be the dragon that made itself the Dungeon boss after stealing the dungeon from the humans. Even for an S rank 100 floor dungeon, an Ancient Red Dragon is a bit too unfair.

Xia on the other hand is simply grinning at the massive creature. The huge being looked down upon us as if we were ants and unleashed its killing intent. Unfortunately for the dragon, it was facing off vs an undead that's immune to fear and a High Human that's really stubborn and believes in Xia's strength to not get scared.

Seeing that its intimidation didn't bring its enemies to their knees and repenting for their sins, its chest ballooned out as air rushed into its mouth. A second later an enormous fireball descended on the 'unlucky' fools that tried to stand before such a mighty and Ancient dragon.

"Ice freeze all before me, for unlike the weak flames of man, winter is eternal" [Freezing Cone]

Instead of impacting them, the fireball seemed to make contact with a cone made of mystical ice that despite making contact with a miniature sun-sized fireball burning at thousands of degrees not a single drop of water could be seen, nor even steam.

The ice completely ignored the laws of temperature and remained steady, and then started freezing the fireball… hey is that even possible?

A few seconds later all that was left was a frozen ball of fire that fell to the ground and shattered.

To say the dragon had a baffled look on its face was easy to see despite it trying to hide it. Seeing that magic wouldn't work, the dragon took its first steps in many years towards the shadow being.

"Where there is light, there are shadows"

A small ball of shadow appeared on the end of Xia's claw.

"Shadows that deform spacetime heed me"

The mana being used spiked to both the horror of the dragon but even Alice, Both started to back away from Xia.

"Before a giant being, I stand yet the smallest point can prevail"

"Become an entity that bends gravity to your will that not even light can escape!"

[Black Hole]

The seemingly innocent little black sphere moved through the air towards the dragon, warping light around it. Most would laugh at such a long chant for such a weak-looking attack.

But unlike those fools, the dragon is adept at magic. It could tell that little sphere held more mana than it had in its entire mana pool a hundred times over.

No shield or spell could save it. Accepting defeat it simply looked at the shadow being and roared.

The little black ball reached the dragon and it ripped off its red scale's one by one with extreme gravity. The mighty dragon was ripped apart piece by piece, atom by atom till nothing remained. Only silence and an empty cave.

Centuries of being the most feared existence, the dragon was gone. As if never to have existed...