Black Hole

"Well that was unexpected, I knew it would be powerful but I assumed the dragon would be able to avoid it…". Xia said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Dumbass what creature could survive that attack, also you said [Black Hole] in a language I've never heard of, is that the language of your homeworld?"

"Indeed, I guess my language translation skill didn't work since there's no word for a Black hole in this world's language. I guess that makes sense since you people haven't discovered them yet."

"Anyways is that the dungeon core?" Xia inquired to change the subject while pointing towards a blue stone that was slightly floating off the ground at the end of the cave.

"Yea, we have tried any means to control them but only monsters are allowed to become dungeon masters so it's useless to humans like us…" Alice seemed to have a lightbulb moment as her beautiful pink eyes met with Xia's.

"You classify as a monster right, Xia?"

"Alice please don't call me a monster you will break my fragile heart…" :(

"Dummy" Alice kicks Xia's shin but her foot passes right through the shadow stuff "I didn't mean it like that! Try and become the dungeon master!"

Xia stopped mucking around and just nodded in agreement. Walking over to the strange blue rock he poked it but no reaction. "Hmmm, how exactly do I become the dungeon master?"

"I think you have to eat the rock" Alice replied from next to Xia, she was also staring at the rock to get her [Appraisal] skill to tell her the answer.

"How do you know that?" "My skill told me so" "Sure it did…" "No Xia I'm being serious you just have to swallow the rock."

Do I really have to eat a rock? I wonder if it tastes of anything? Ah well here goes nothing.

Xia reached out and grabbed the rock and threw it in his mouth. The rock was around 20cm wide so it was a little difficult to swallow but Xia managed eventually.

Nothing happened for a few seconds so Xia looked at Alice for more advice but she just shook her head.

Then a blinding white light surrounded Xia.

[Name: Xia]

[Race: Nightwalker]

[Dragon Slayer, Cursed Forest Overlord -> Dungeon Master]

[Level: 610]

[STR:7030521, DEX: 7030521, CON: 7030521, INT: 7030521, WIS: 7030521]

(Life Force Unstable: 1952 hours)


[Life Eater X] (Absorb nearby lost souls for life energy)

[Raise Undead X] (User can turn corpses into undead creatures, due to the skill being maxed out the target can keep their precious memories and skills.)

[Shadow Magic X] (User has complete magical control over shadows, Shadow magic is usually used for movement but can be used for destructive spells as well)

[Annihilating Aura X] (Surrounds the user in an aura that attacks all enemies within 300ft with necrotic damage)

[Freezing cone X] (Summons a cone of magical ice that can be used to block attacks or freeze enemies movements)

[Stealth X] (Allows the user to turn completely invisible and ignore search, detection, and tracking skills, the effect is broken upon using single target attacks)

[Finger of Doom X] (Shoots out a purple beam originating from the user's finger, does high single target true damage) (True damage: Ignores targets defense)

[Spirit Movement X] (User abandons his physical form and moves around using the astral plane, while in this from the user can move through physical objects and ignore physical attacks)


[Dungeon Master] (User has complete control over every aspect involving the dungeon. Some example abilities are: )

[Dungeon Movement] (User can move instantly to any location inside the dungeon)

[Floor Management] (User can create, edit or remove floors using mana)

[Monster Control] (User can summon monsters for mana and can directly control units to attack intruders. There are restrictions, the monsters can only be summoned in biomes that suit them, their level of difficulty must match the floor they are assigned, e.g an orc can't be summoned on the first floor and a goblin can't be summoned on the last floor.)

[Floor Regeneration] (At the cost of mana the user can regenerate a floors monsters, terrain and anything else to a save point)

"Holy shit" both exclaim at the same time. Alice's merchant brain was currently going into overdrive. With a smug look she turns to Xia "With these dungeon abilities, you're undead army and my merchant knowledge we could so create an awesome city here."

"Hehe I think you're right, let's start right away, Queen Alice"

"You cheeky bastard, you only said that because you want me to call you King! Also, we aren't even married! ...yet" She mumbled under her breath.

"Ok ok calm down it was just a joke. Hey why are you blushing"



While such a city was being founded in the depths of a deep dungeon, the countries surrounding the cursed forest and especially the Empire had finally won against the monster surge that started over a month ago.

"General Khayi Sala you may rise," The Emperor said from his throne. Surrounding the room are all his chief advisors for the massive empire. They had gathered here today to decide on a course of action.

"Thank you, my lord, the month-long battle has finally come to an end! There should be no more monsters left in the forest my lord, should we invade it and set up a military outpost before the Kingdom Eshnar does?"

"Fool! There were no reports of the dragons escaping the forest. They should still be controlling the central mountain.

If we invade without seeking their permission we could lose a large part of our military forces to their wrath!"

A slim and tall man with black hair steps forward from the side and clears his throat "As the chief advisor I do agree with the emperor's words but I do personally think we should investigate the matter. My lord, maybe we could make use of the adventure guild for such a task?"

"Hmm, that's a good idea," the emperor said while rubbing his beard

"Send a message to the guild, 5 gold coins to anyone who brings back reliable information about the situation in the center of the cursed forest!"

"It shall be done my lord," An attendant says while bowing and leaving the room.

"Kekeke the cursed forest and its dungeon will be mine soon enough, the dragons may have taken it away from my ancestors but I will bring the Empire to a new age of prosperity!"