
Hey, it's me again, your favorite Nightwalker Xia. I feel like we haven't caught up in ages!

It's been 4 months since I reincarnated here in this strange world. The first month or so was quite hectic and intense. My life was constantly in danger forcing me onwards in slaughter.

Despite its drawbacks, I am very grateful I went with an undead body. I doubt I would have survived in the middle of a monster-infested forest in a normal body. Even if I was overpowered I would eventually need to sleep or eat.

Even ignoring the annoying necessities of sleeping and eating just the mental trauma from slaughtering not only animals and monsters but even humans! Luckily for me, I have no emotions with this body.

All my emotions are forced using my old personality as a guide. If I don't manually force myself to feel emotions then I feel nothing! Obviously, I didn't attempt to force myself to feel guilty for killing since that would produce zero benefits and only make me depressed again.

Depression is strange in the way it's not really an emotion but more a mindset. Although I can't feel pain, sadness, grief, guilt, happiness, etc… I can feel depressed and bored.

Although I am very thankful for picking this body there are some drawbacks. The main thing is that everyone is completely terrified of me. Imagine taking a leisurely walk through the park and everyone who lays eyes upon you run in fear! It breaks my non-existent heart to be treated this way. Although I totally understand why they are scared of me, I just sometimes forget since Alice acts so casual around me.

Even though I have only been here a few months I am incredibly bored. This world is already far behind Earth in terms of entertainment, everyone's lives are so hard in this world that they have no time to develop activities other than drinking and sex. Neither of which I can do.

I am a man from modern earth for god sake! I'm used to having the internet for on-demand entertainment on any topic I could think of!

Every day after reading another light novel I would think to myself how much I wished I could be the main character for once. Finally, my chance has come! Yet it fucking sucks.

With this fucking undead body sure I am overpowered and could destroy nations and lead my undead armies into battle. But for what? Money? Power? Land? I need none of those.

Why would I want to rule over a load of boring miserable useless people, and be paid money which I have no use for! I can't eat or drink the money away.

In conclusion from this little rant this world is fucking boring compared to my old world, even if I was a human and could enter human cities without being ran from I would still be bored. The only saving grace of this world is the game-like leveling system and being able to mess around with the dungeon.

"Xia I leveled up again!" the silver-haired girl exclaimed with wide eyes. Her excited shouting broke me from my bored and depressing thoughts.

I turn my head and look down, from up here humans look like toddlers or small puppies. The little silver-haired girl trembled from my stare. I just nod and open up her status through the party function.

[Name: Luna]

[Race: Human]

[Titles: Princess]

[Level: 63 -> 64]

[STR: 40, DEX:82, CON: 38, INT: 120, WIS:97]

Since I have nothing better to do while I wait for people to move from the Frostlands to Eden, I have been clearing out the dungeon to level myself up and to raise my stats.

Then Alice begged me to take this little princess to level up. She telepathically told me she planned to use the girl as a pawn so I reluctantly agreed. I already know of Alice's more questionable personality but considering how she was sold off by her own family into slavery, then subjected to a month-long killing session in the dungeon, it's no wonder she has a screw loose.

I had turned off my [Annihilating Aura X] to allow Luna to try and kill some monsters to test her strength. Although the EXP is being shared between us, high levels are useless without battle experience.

We continued on for a few more hours, Luna leveled up another time. She decided she had leveled enough for today so I waved my hand and teleported her back to the first floor.

For the first time in ages, I decided to open my own status to check on my progress

[Name: Xia]

[Race: Nightwalker]

[Dragon Slayer, Cursed Forest Overlord, Dungeon Master]

[Level: 999]

[STR: 87907546, DEX: 87907546, CON: 87907546, INT: 87907546, WIS: 87907546]

(Life Force Unstable: 24418 hours {1017 days})


[Life Eater X]

[Raise Undead X]

[Shadow Magic X]

[Annihilating Aura X]

[Freezing cone X]

[Stealth X]

[Finger of Doom X]

[Spirit Movement X]

[Dungeon Master]

[Dungeon Movement]

[Floor Management]

[Monster Control]

[Floor Regeneration]

Seeing that I'm level 999 does excite me, I had been stuck at this level for the last few days. My progress had been slowed down to a crawl from having to share my exp with Luna and spend time managing Eden, mainly scaring people before giving them blue cards.

While having these thoughts my [Annihilating Aura] was still turned on as I mindlessly flew through the 93rd floor of the dungeon. I commanded all the monsters I summoned to run towards me so I could kill them more efficiently.

[Level up!]

The message I had been waiting for finally happened. I was about to open my status to see if anything changed when the whole world seemed to pause around me.

Monsters running towards me stopped in place, the swaying grass below my feet froze mid-motion. A leaf drifting down from a tree was suspended mid-air seemingly defying gravity.

A heavenly sounding voice echoed in my head:

[Deity Tutorial for Reincarnated individual {Xia} has been completed]

[Analysing User to determine options]

[Ding! Options generated]

[Please select one of the following options to become the Deity]








What the hell? I expected to maybe evolve or something at level 1000. Tutorial? Becoming a Deity what does any of that mean?

[All Reincarnated individuals are summoned to this world to become a Deity to help the Goddess manage the world. However, not all reincarnated individuals make it this far! Only those able to reach the peak of heights in the level system are allowed to become a Deity]

[Deity's have complete control over their chosen area, pick wisely as it cannot be changed]

Well, that's a pleasant surprise. Looking over the options:

[Shadows] I assume I was given this option due to my maxed-out shadow magic and Nightwalkers being made up of mostly shadows. I already have very good control over shadows with my maxed-out magic so I don't really see a need to become the Deity of shadows.

[Ice] Although a useful element I don't really have much use for ice. I use ice in my [Freezing Cone] skill but that's it. I have never felt a desire to be better at Ice magic so I'll skip this option.

[Destruction] This would make me a Deity of war who has control over destruction. Yea, no. This isn't for me. I could cause massive destruction already with my stats and yet I have not because that doesn't interest me. Causing death and destruction is not entertaining to me.

[Death] By having control over death wouldn't that allow me to resurrect people? I would pick this option if I still had my family to worry about or wanted to perform miracles and start a religion but I have neither of those. I guess Alice could be considered 'almost' family with how close we are but she's a tough person with an almost unlimited life span ahead of her. She doesn't need any more of my help.

[Undead] Now this is definitely an option to consider. I use undead every day as a workforce for Eden. It also gives me a private army that listens to any commands. A very useful ability indeed.

[Immortality] I'm already immortal as an undead so I can't think of much use other than maybe granting immortality to others? An immortal army could definitely be heaven-defying!

[Dungeons] I assume this was given to me because I am a Dungeon master. Although I currently have some control over my dungeon it requires immense amounts of mana to do so. Also, I'm restricted by many rules such as not being able to spawn monsters on any floor or biome I want. I also can't regenerate my mana outside the boss room.

Although having greater control over the undead would indeed be useful, I already have enough power over the undead with my maxed-out undead skill to suit my current needs. I can turn any monster I want into an undead and control them. What more could I possibly need undead to do?

On the other hand, I am greatly restricted as a Dungeon master, and currently being a dungeon master and building my city is my only enjoyable pastime.

"I will select Dungeons" I finally decided after a while. Although the other options could be useful I already have skills that accomplish similar feats. Although I do have skills to manage a dungeon they are very restrictive, to have full control would make my life much easier.

[Selection confirmed]

[Accumulated Stat points have been reduced to base values]

[STR: 87907546 -> 999, DEX: 87907546 -> 999, CON: 87907546 -> 999, INT: 87907546 -> 999, WIS: 87907546 -> 999]

[Level has been reset]

[Unstable Life force curse has been removed]

[Accumulated Stat points converted into shop credits]

[Deity shop has been unlocked]

[Name: Xia]

[Race: Ascended Nightwalker]

[Dungeon Deity]

[Level: 1]

[Shop Credits: 87907546]

[STR: 999, DEX: 999, CON: 999, INT: 999, WIS: 999]


[Life Eater X]

[Raise Undead X]

[Shadow Magic X]

[Annihilating Aura X]

[Freezing cone X]

[Stealth X]

[Finger of Doom X]

[Spirit Movement X]

[Divine Skills]

[Dungeon Master]

[Dungeon Movement]

[Floor Management]

[Monster Control]

[Floor Regeneration]

Upon seeing these messages and my new weak-looking status screen, the world started moving around me again. Just as I was about to check out the 'Deity shop' the entire Dungeon started shaking around me as if the world was ending. What the hell?