
POV: Calvin

I am thrown out of bed from the shaking onto the cold stone floor, I let out a loud groan of pain and push my body up.

Opening my eyes and readjusting to this bizarre awakening I realize the entire room is shaking. A glass jar placed on the edge of a table falls to the ground causing a loud smash and shattered glass to spew all over the floor.

I quickly get up despite the pain in my back and run to the window, frantically pushing the curtains to the side and pushing up the window. I carefully peek my head out to observe the situation outside. Is there an earthquake? Volcanic eruption? Monster stampede? What could cause such violent shaking?

However, what I witnessed was nothing but unexplainable. The walls of the dungeon are falling down! This has never happened in history before. Dungeon walls are known to be indestructible, made by the gods! How could they just crumble down into mere rock?

After 2 more minutes of shaking it finally stops, the walls that once surrounded the dungeons' first floor are completely gone. Instead, flat grasslands stretched as far as the eye could see!

POV: Xia

The shaking continued for a few minutes but finally stopped. I looked around yet nothing seemed different. Same old 93rd floor. The walls were still intact, monsters continued to come to fight me. Nothing seemed amiss.

[Mega Dungeon created 'Underworld']

[All first floors of Dungeons globally have been merged]

[Assigning Authority to Dungeon Deity {Xia}]


Right as the divine voice stopped speaking I received an urgent-sounding message telepathically from Alice.

"Xia come up to the first floor quickly! Something crazy has happened"

I teleported to the first floor next to Alice and what greeted me was a vast grassland that stretched even further than my enhanced eyesight could see.

Behind me stood Eden, It looked out of place being surrounded by grass for hundreds of miles. This single white city stands alone on an ocean of grass.

The residents of Eden were all adventuring outside of the city's perimeter and speaking amongst themselves on what could have caused such a development.

Despite everyone's confusion, I have a slight idea of what's going on. "So this is the Mega-Dungeon, quite bland isn't it."

Everyone turns to look at me, some show fear, while others show respect. But none can look directly at me and try to divert their gaze.

"What's a Mega-Dungeon" Alice inquires from the side.

"My domain" I simply reply, she returns a puzzled look and I just let out a sinister chuckle. "Watch".

"I am the God of creation, nature bends via my will, create an everlasting forest, for nature shall grow!" [Dungeon Master]

After completing my chant, divine light explodes from my body. I raise up my arms and the ground trembles beneath my feet.

Huge trees start materializing out of golden light in front of everyone's eyes. Within mere moments a vast forest the size of the cursed forest has been created.

"Rock and earth are below our feet, but sometimes rise up to pierce the heavens!" [Dungeon Master]

The earth trembles once more as a colossal mountain that seems to pierce the heavens with ease materializes in the far distance, dwarfing the skyline.

After my little performance of my newfound powers, I lower my arms and turn towards the humans with a grin.

Some fainted, others were on the floor muttering "impossible" while a few managed to retain some semblance of sanity. Those include Alice, Luna, and Calvin.

Seeing that none of my residents are capable of speaking to me right now I instead activate my [Stealth] skill and go to explore my new domain.

After flying for an hour I find an interesting scene. Apart from the forest and mountain I created I couldn't find any other signs of life or natural structures, just endless flatlands.

But in front of me is a small forest about 10 miles in length with a teleportation pad in the center and stairs leading down to the next floor in the corner. I assume this is the first floor of another dungeon that was added into my Mega-Dungeon.

I can see small humans in military uniform questioning a group of adventures near the teleportation pad. Floating closer I listen in on the conversation.

The adventurers seemed to have been inside the dungeon when it started shaking and then the walls disappeared. From their cheap leather armor and worn-out daggers, these adventurers are definitely very low level.

They seemed ecstatic to be able to tell their heroic tale to the men in full metal armor that had a crest with a red lion's head. Judging from the direction I flew in they are probably knights of the Empire that Alice mentioned to me.

Should I give them a little scare?

Might be finally time to open my [Deity shop]

Selecting the option in my status the following was displayed:

[Premade Monsters]

[Premade Items]

[Premade Skills]

[Monster Creation]

[Item Creation]

[Skill Creation]

Oh? I was planning on buying a scary-looking skill but maybe I should create my own monster?

Selecting [Monster Creation] a new interface pops up. It looks very similar to the creation screen in 'Spore'. The monster is on a rotating platform in the middle and I can freely add limbs, change what it's made of, its color, etc.

Every time I add a new limb or eyeball the total cost in the bottom corner increases. I can even buy skills for my monster to use. Well, this should be fun.

Since it's my first time using this interface, let's make something quite simple. A golem. I selected a humanoid shape since it's the easiest to work with. I set the size of the golem to be 20 meters tall and replaced the head area with a green wisp as its 'core'.

I decide the golem will be made mostly of rock with thick arms for smashing its enemies. Looking over at the skills section, after scrolling through at least a thousand skills I select three skills.

[Body Regeneration], [Stealth] and [Teleportation]. For this monster, it was limited to only three skills due to its low intelligence stat as its a golem.

I picked these spells because wouldn't a 20 meter tall invisible and teleporting golem be fucking awesome? Also, it would scare the living daylights out of these tiny humans.

Feeling happy with my creation I go to the checkout section to pay for my new monster to be brought into the world.

1.3 million credits was the end cost. A little steep in my opinion but I have 86 million left so no problems.

[Shop credits: 87,907,546 -> 86,607,546]

Now that my creature has been created, using [Monster Control] I summon the creature inside the forest next to the knights.

Some divine light leaves my body and the 20-meter golem is materialized yet none of the knights notice. Both mine and the golems' stealth skills seem to have hidden the summoning process, useful information to keep for the future.

Go my son teach them that the Underworld is not a place for the weak!

The 20-meter golem that easily towers even me simply bows in agreement and teleports behind the knights and raises its titan-sized arm into the air to crush these insignificant insects that dare enter its master's Domain without permission.

Now let's see how my creation does versus a group of 20 elite-looking knights and some weak-looking adventurers.