Suprise Attack

My name is Leon Reed a Noble hailing from the Empire. My father is a royal knight serving in the capital. We are a small baron family with little power here in the Capital so my father said it would be best for me to join the knights as well to further increase our family's foothold in the capital.

I hate war and battles but my little sister will be of marriageable age soon. I need to increase my family's prestige quickly to ensure she will be married into a good and powerful family.

So while I was waiting around at the Knights training compound I heard of a report that something crazy had happened in the capital's 30-floor dungeon.

I of course jumped at the opportunity and brought some knights loyal to me to the dungeon.

When I entered the dungeon the first thing that caught us off guard was a new message. I had been to this dungeon before but now:

[Welcome to the Underworld]

Once we arrived on the teleportation pad some low-ranked adventurers came over to tell us what the commotion was. They were very happy to try and get a favor from an up-and-coming noble from me. Although I find these kinds of people disgusting I can't blame them so I heard them out.

They explained how the walls fell down and now there were miles of grassland surrounding the dungeon. I look up and over the trees where the white dungeon walls would usually be there is instead a beautiful blue sky.

Unfortunately, I can't see through the dense forest and therefore unable to see the grasslands from my position, so I will need to check on that after listening to these adventurers.

While I was having these thoughts one of my friends and a fellow knight called Ben who specializes in magic seemed startled and shouted to me "Leon I detect spatial magic".

My eyes instantly widen as a titan-sized rock monster materializes in thin air behind Ben.


He wastes no time and activates an artifact to instantly surround himself and some nearby knights in a golden shield.

The titan's rocky hands come crashing down with monstrous speed and strength shattering the barrier on impact.

Luckily Ben hadn't just been standing around and cast a quick short-range teleportation spell and was able to avoid the monster just in time.

Since he isn't a peak-level magician that can multicast spells yet he sacrificed an expensive artifact to generate a shield while he chanted his teleport spell, all without knowing the threat but just from trusting his friend's urgent shout.

Leon could only silently applaud his friend's decisive action and skills.

After a second everyone recovered from the shock of suddenly being attacked on the first floor of a dungeon by such a powerful monster they all turned to face it.

Yet it was gone…

An easily twenty-meter tall titan had vanished, In my second of confusion, I heard a scream from behind me and a loud bang.

I whipped my head around towards the sound but all that was left was a crater and a mangled body in the center, the huge titan's arm was reaching out from behind a tree using it to hide its body.

Ben then shouted out a spell "Show me the power of my opponent's soul!" [Appraisal]

He then used the party feature to share the information on our opponent

[Name: ???]

[Race: Rock Golem]

[Level: 1]

[STR: 300, DEX: 5, CON: 200(200/200), INT: 30(0/30), WIS: 12]


[Teleporation II]

[Stealth V]

[Body Regeneration III]

It's a golem that can use magic? Also, why are those skills so weird for a golem? They usually deal with defensive or enhancement skills but stealth and teleportation on a 20-meter tall golem are a little unfair.

While reading through the stats I hear Ben say "It ran out of mana so it can't use spells anymore! Have no fear it's now just a big dumb rock!"

That caused an uproar from the knights as they charged into the forest to begin defeating the golem.

Ben: "Most of its mana is accumulated inside that green wisp where its head should be, it should be the golem's core!".

The few other mages within the group started chanting long-range sniping magic to attack the golem's core.

It moved its large rocky hands to block the magic but since it ran out of mana and couldn't regenerate with its [Body Regeneration III] skill its arms slowly accumulated damage before finally exploding in a shower of rock. Although it had interesting skills, golems usually have no INT or WIS meaning thay can't use magic and are also weak to magic attacks. This golem has some WIS so had some magic defenses but versus concentrated attacks from level 50 Empires knight mages, it stood no chance.

Once its arms were lost it tried to turn and flee

"Oh no, you don't you bastard!" one of the mages shouted as he started chanting "I call upon the arcane, the purest form of magic to end the enemy before me" [Arcanopulse]

A giant blue ball of pure energy shot out from the mage's hand at insane speed towards the golem, the mage collapsed to his knees from mana sickness but he kept his head up to watch his magic.

A second later the blue ball of energy impacted the moving green wisp dead on and destroyed it on impact.

The golems huge rock body fell to the ground with a slam causing trees to go flying into the air and a massive dust cloud to cover the sky.

A moment later it shone in a dazzling golden light and vanished, a single green card was floating in a place where the body used to be.

Is this an item drop?

I quickly walked forward to obtain the strange card, I could see the greed in the other men's eyes wishing to have got the drop but since I was the leader of the mission and the highest-ranked noble here nobody stepped forward to contest me for it.

"Ben, can you use Appraisal on this for me?"

"Sure", [Appraisal]

He then sent the information to me

[A low-level access card to the Underworld's capital city, Eden. It was created by the Deity of Dungeons, Xia]

Could this artifact be the key to my family's prosperity?

Leon thought with a troubled expression on his face

I'll need to report this to the emperor immediately, but maybe I will keep this card a secret for now...