Card skills

POV Xia:

I watched the battle quietly from the sidelines, my stealth skill is too high for me to be detected so I was able to fly really close to the action. My golem fought valiantly but was sadly defeated in the end by the group of well-trained knights much to my surprise.

Once the fight was over I learned a lot. First of all the people in this world are a lot more talented than I thought. Before this fight, I had only met people from the Frostlands and Alice who was a weak slave when I met her.

These people were not only all-around level 50, but they also had more skills than me thanks to their 'class'. The stats of all these knights are actually higher than my own if added up. Although with my skills I don't think this group of knights could defeat me it's still something to think about, ill need to be careful in the future and increase my strength.

I didn't think classes existed since Alice doesn't have one but these people all had classes. I bought the [Appraisal] skill for 1000 store credits.

[Shop credits: 86,607,546 -> 86,606,546]

When I used appraisal on the mage who surprisingly could see through my golems teleportation and use space magic:

[Name: Ben]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Space Mage]

[Titles: Magic Knight]

[Level: 58]

[STR: 36, DEX:73, CON: 34, INT: 160, WIS:124]]


[Teleportation IV]

[Gate V]

[Conjure Minor Elemental V]

[Detect Magic III]

[Appraisal V]

[Energy Barrier II]

[Fire bolt II]

[Arcane Sword II]

A very impressive number of skills and decent level for someone who is only level 58. He used [Detect Magic] to see through my golems teleportation and then used [Gate] on the floor to teleport himself and those around him to safety.

Even though the golem is only level 1 I am sure his [Energy Barrier] wouldn't have been good enough to block so he must have used an artifact.

Despite the golems failure to win, I found it very entertaining, I learned so many new things. Now I know that golems are not adept at magic, I always wondered why nobody made golems that could use magic but now I know.

It's like trying to make a fish that can walk on land, it's possible but just not practical at all.

Although it's a little unfortunate that I spent 1.3 million credits on designing this golem at least I can summon more for free with mana.

While I was having these thoughts the golem's body exploded in golden light and vanished leaving only a floating green card behind.

"Huh?" I said out loud to nobody, I didn't plan for that.

Checking my shadow that I use as an inventory I can see that one of the green cards I had stored in there had gone missing.

If I don't specify a drop item it will just randomly take an item from my inventory? That's a little dangerous I had blue and gold cards in here as well.

Actually, isn't this perfect? I was wondering how I was going to approach opening Eden up to the world. But now that I have complete control of Dungeons and have access to the Deity shop, can't I make an even more perfect utopia for everyone?

My plan for Eden was to make a perfect city where the rich, famous, and talented people could kick back, relax and maybe give me some entertainment along the way.

I allowed the people from the Frostlands to move into Eden since I needed less skilled people to provide meals and accommodation to guests. What's the point of having a city filled with rich people if there is nowhere to go and eat food or spend the money?

I planned to open a grand casino and auction house, kind of like Vegas or Monaco back on earth. Unfortunately, there's no ocean down here so there's no need for yachts...

Wait can't I just make my own ocean?

Ok never mind I'm getting sidetracked. Step one is to upgrade the cards.

[Item Creation]

A screen pops up that lets me either upgrade an item or create one from scratch by 3D modeling it out in a program.

I summon a green card from my inventory and place it into the slot. The system then registers the item:

[Eden Green Card]

[A low-level access card to the Underworld's capital city, Eden. It was created by the Deity of Dungeons, Xia]

[Stats: N/A]

[Skills: N/A]

These cards are just simple metal cards that are colored and I put my mana mark on them so I can tell if it's a fake or not.

I really want to deck this card out as it will be the main part of my plan.

[Add Skills]

I proceed to scroll through a long list of skills, not all of the skills I wanted to add existed so I had to go and create them myself.

[Eden Green Card]

[A low-level access card to the Underworld's capital city, Eden. It was created by the Deity of Dungeons, Xia]

[Stats: N/A]


[Self Repair](The item will use mana to actively repair. If the item is completely destroyed it can be recreated with mana)

[Soul Bound] (The first person to touch the card has it bound to their soul, it will always return to the owner no matter the distance. Ownership can be changed with permission from the user)

[Home Teleport](Teleports the user to a set location specified by the items creator, current location set: Eden Merchant Square)

[Safe Travel](Monsters in the Underworld dungeon will not attack on sight but will attack if provoked. This only applies to the first floor)

[Telepathy](Cards can be used to communicate with other cardholders. Only works within the Underworld)

I added the following skills to the green card, it cost a total of 3 million credits to create the [Safe Travel] and [Soul Bound] skills. I will then make my golems and future monsters I create drop these green cards.

[Shop credits: 86,606,546 -> 83,606,546]

The green cards will be used by merchants and rich people that wish to visit Eden and stay at a hotel or Inn. I allow the cards to change ownership so that they can be bought and traded for.

Now onto the blue cards:

[Eden Blue Card]

[A mid-level access card to the Underworld's capital city, Eden. It was created by the Deity of Dungeons, Xia]

[Stats: N/A]


[Self Repair](The item will use mana to actively repair. If the item is completely destroyed it can be recreated with mana)

[Soul Bound] (The first person to touch the card has it bound to their soul, it will always return to the owner no matter the distance. The card will self-destruct upon the owner's death and therefore ownership cannot be changed.)

[Home Teleport](Teleports the person to a pre-set location by the owner)

[Safe Travel](Monsters in the Underworld dungeon will not attack on sight but will attack if provoked. This only applies to the first floor)

[Telepathy](Cards can be used to communicate with other cardholders. Only works within the Underworld)

[Unlock/Lock Home](This key can be used to surround a property with a barrier to stop trespassers. It can also be used to deactivate the barrier. Requires contact with the barrier to use)

[Summon Undead Guard](Using the power of Xia an undead soldier will be summoned to protect the owner from danger)

[Small Spatial Inventory](The card can be used similar to a storage ring with a size of 1 cubic meter. Cannot store living things. Time is stopped within the space.)

The blue card is designed for Eden residents to have the most peaceful state of mind. When the city opens up to accept more people, security will become a major issue. Since my city has no guards or police force I made it so every resident can protect themselves and their property.

This is important since guards can often be bribed or blackmailed into conspiring with criminals or nobles. With the summon undead feature, it takes the burden off me to keep people safe and they can instead protect themselves.

The [Unlock/Lock Home] spell will allow residents of Eden to leave their houses unattended without the risk of being robbed.

The barriers use power from the dungeon and can't be broken except by a very high-level mage, but I would detect such magic and move to intercept.

The residents can also use this barrier while inside their homes to protect them at night.

Also to reduce pickpocketing I added a small storage feature so residents can store their money and precious belongings safely as the card will always return to them even if stolen. Even if the card is stolen nobody except the owner can access the storage.

I am going to stop doing the scare test. I originally did that since I couldn't have complete control but now with my new abilities and being the Dungeon Deity I have nothing to fear.

I will reward people I deem worthy with blue cards, I might also make them rare drops or rewards for events like a tournament. They could also be sold at the auction house I plan to build…

Since I had to make the [Unlock/Lock Home] spell from scratch that set me back another 1 million credits.

[Shop credits: 83,606,546 -> 82,606,546]

I then added the same spells to the black and gold cards, I will add more spells to them in the future but for now, this is good enough.

Once I finished making my new items which are now artifacts I updated all the current cards that existed to be the new kind. I'm sure they will be delighted with the new skills.

Right next is to build roads leading all the dungeons towards Eden, oh and some new monsters to drop the cards. So much to do...