
[Underworld Stats]

[Total Dungeons linked: 1097]

[Dungeon Size: 500,000,000km²]

[Total monsters in the Underworld: 19,534,763,982]

[Number of permanent settlements: 87]

[Total sentient lifeforms living in the Underworld: 1,213,956,091]

[24 hours have passed! Daily deity store credits awarded!]

[Credits awarded daily are equal to the sentient population of the Underworld]

[1,213,956,091 credits awarded…]

[Shop credits:176,659,397,006 -> 177,873,353,097]

[Deity Leaderboards: TOP 5]

[1. Xia (Dungeons) 177,873,353,097]

[2. Olivia (Love) 3,674,973,443]

[3. David (War) 2,855,833,743]

[4. Petra (Animals) 2,645,933,242]

[5. Orca (Oceans) 1,365,897,269]

[Name: Xia]

[Race: Ascended Nightwalker]

[Dungeon Deity]

[Level: ???]

[Shop Credits: 177,873,353,097]

[STR: ???, DEX: ???, CON: ???, INT: ???, WIS: ???]


[Battle Skills]

[Life Eater X]

[Raise Undead X]

[Shadow Magic X]

[Annihilating Aura X]

[Freezing cone X]

[Stealth X]

[Finger of Doom X]

[Spirit Movement X]

[Teleportation X]

[Gravity Control X]

[Elemental Magic X]

[Summon Elemental X]

[Telepathy X]

[Crafting Skills]

[Artifacts X]

[Alchemy X]

[Black Smithing X]

[Divine Skills]

[Dungeon Master]

[Dungeon Movement]

[Floor Management]

[Monster Control]

[Floor Regeneration]

[Created Skills]


[DNA Alteration]

Hey, it's me again, your favorite Nightwalker.

Guess I have some explaining to do? Well take a seat, it's been a while.

To put its simply I have completely broken every system in this world. This is obvious from my ridiculous number of Deity shop credits compared to the other deities.

Deities gain credits depending on their specialization. For Olivia the deity of love, she gains a coin every time a child is born to a loving couple. David the deity of war gets a coin every time a man loses his life in battle.

I get a coin for every sentient lifeform that lives in my Dungeon the 'Underworld'.

In the beginning, it was indeed hard to acquire coins. I had to give people a reason to want to move here, and of course, everyone was hesitant due to the danger.

It took me 500 years to gain my first 1 billion coins. But compared to David or Olivia my income has almost no limit. It just keeps going up and up every day.

Below the many floating islands that make up Eden, also known as the 'Immortal Islands' there lies possibly the biggest city in the multiverse. The city was called Utopia by the people but the residents of Eden refer to them as 'surface dwellers' since they don't live on the floating islands of Eden. The city takes up the equivalent surface area of England. It would take days to exit the city by foot in any direction from the center.

Luckily portals exist so getting around the city is instant despite its immense size.

It started as a hub with many portals connecting the dungeons, merchants used the portals to fast travel across vast oceans or continents to trade goods.

Oh, we also gave out free bracelet artifacts:

[Translation Bracelet]

[Skills: Translates any language]

Thanks to these bracelets the different merchants were able to communicate and visit foreign lands without trouble.

Merchants slowly started setting up companies and warehouses nearby to the portals despite the risk of the monsters.

However after a while, many started to notice that the monsters seemed to avoid the area around Eden.

A group of merchants from over 30 countries came together and took the portal up to Eden's merchant square.

They met with me and my Grand Council and we explained that the lands under Eden are 'blessed' and no monsters will come to attack. We also offered to provide materials and (undead) labor to assist with the construction of the city. This happened around 10 years after the portals were implemented.

To say the population exploded after that would be an understatement.

Since the city was well planned out with state-of-the-art sewage systems, was safe from the monsters and protected by an island filled with powerful people known as the immortals.

The population exploded from a few thousand to millions within a year.

The population continued to rise until today where it has stabilized at around 1 billion people.

The other 213 million people live in the other 86 permanent settlements that surround dungeon gates, guarding the cities above against people and monsters.

Anyways, since I had so many Deity coins I invented hundreds of new monsters, created artifacts, and invented a few skills.

Although I did learn some new skills, it was mostly out of boredom. I'm currently the most powerful being, after the Goddess so even if I had more skills it wouldn't matter. The system can't even measure my stats or levels anymore.

Almost all 30 of the Deities currently live in Eden on a special island I made just for them, so since I'm their landlord they have no reason to fight me. We prefer to settle disagreements through games like chess.

And that is where I am currently. Inside the library of my mansion on the Deity island.

*knock knock*

A cute voice can be heard through the door "Dad, Mom got beat up by Grandpa George again!"

Ah yes, this properly needs an explanation. Alice and I got together as a couple around 300 years ago, we aren't married yet though. I created the [Humanize] skill to give myself a human form for obvious nighttime activities…

Not to anyone's surprise, Nightwalkers and Humans are unable to conceive children. 12 years ago Alice asked me if there was any way we could have children so I created the [DNA Imprint] skill.

It cost an insane 3 billion deity credits, which was crazy high compared to the 100k it took to create [Humanize](This skill allows the user to assume a human form as the cost of mana per second).

[DNA Alteration] (Allows the user to manipulate and change a life form's DNA which is under the user's direct control.)

I created a new monster with my Divine Skill [Monster Creation]. The monster was modeled as a human that could transition into a nightwalker using a skill. I spent weeks making sure this monster was perfect.

I then summoned the monster and used [DNA Alteration] to turn its human form to resemble Alice.

I could have just made a monster that looked similar to Alice and saved a lot of Deity coins but I wanted it to be legit. Using this method the monster was created by me and infused with Alice's DNA. It's the closest we could get to a real child between us.

"Enter Harley, tell father all about it," I say in a soft voice filled with affection. This little girl was my pride and joy and I planned to give her everything in the future. She will become the Empress of Eden! Only if she wants it of course. I respect any decision she makes.

The large wooden door to my office is pushed open with ease and a small girl with pink eyes and long jet black hair pokes her head around before entering. She usually remains in her human form, just like me since Nightwalker's bodies are amazing for combat but suck at anything else.

Although she's only 12 and small for a human, when she transforms into a Nightwalker her body enlarges to being 4 meters tall. None of the buildings in Eden are designed for me and Harleys Nightwalker forms.

When she's in her nightwalker form, her eyes remain pink, unlike mine which is golden since I ascended.

"Come here Harley," I say patting my lap. Since we are both in Human form this interaction looks pretty normal despite the fact that we are both monsters and could destroy entire nations single-handedly.

Oh, also I should mention that thanks to her being half-human she doesn't suffer from losing life force constantly as I had in my early days.

"Dad dad! Mom is furious at George again heheh" she giggles while sitting on my knee.

"Why? tell father, what did Grandpa George do?" I say looking into her big beautiful eyes that resemble her mother so much.

"Mom says he bullied her and demands justice!" Harley says, clearly hyping up the story.

"Really let me check"

I spread out my spiritual sense across all of Edens's vast floating islands. By reading the leftover mana signatures I can see that Alice must have been fighting some surface dwellers but then got thrown out by George.


Whose this golden hair girl? I have never seen her before… and her soul's aura seems strange.

Oh, George just threw her into the portal.

"Harley, do you want to go visit the surface with father soon? I found an interesting person."

"Sure! I love going anywhere with father!"

"Hehe okay it's settled, lets leave in a few days after I finish my work here, she can't run from me anyways."