Goddess vs Xia

After sending Emilia to her new world, the Goddess decided to have a quick check on her world before going back to sleep.

It will be millions of years before her planet will create warriors strong enough to contend in the realm of the Gods. Therefore passing the time by with sleep is a solid solution.

Taking a closer look at Eden and the capital city Utopia, something seems off. Artifacts created through the Deity shop are powered by the Deity's area of control. For Xia that would be his dungeon.

The 'Divine' energy that these artifacts use doesn't come from thin air, the energy is provided by the planet. The Goddess can see that Eden and the city Utopia are using an absolute obscene about of mana.

She almost wants to claw her eyes out seeing how the mana is being used. Teleportation gates cover the city, transporting millions of people an hour across Utopia or from Utopia to another city within the Underworld.

Teleportation is one of the most mana-intensive processes and it's being used on such a ridiculous scale. Also, the artifacts keeping Eden's islands afloat are using more mana than all the cities outside of the Underworld, combined!

Checking the planet's power level, it's low, around half of its mana supply has been used up in only a thousand years? The 'Underworld' accounts for 99.9% of the total mana usage!

Checking the leaderboards the Goddess almost screams in anger

[Deity Leaderboards: TOP 5]

(Hidden, Goddess(World) 200,395,681,534)

[1. Xia (Dungeons) 177,873,353,097]

[2. Olivia (Love) 3,674,973,443]

[3. David (War) 2,855,833,743]

[4. Petra (Animals) 2,645,933,242]

[5. Orca (Oceans) 1,365,897,269]

Xia is only 23 billion away from being able to take over the planet from her?!

[System Authority] "Restrict Deity Xia's Divine Powers"

[With Goddess current mana reserves Deity Xia's Divine Powers can be locked for a week, Proceed?]



"I need to reduce Xia's powers at all costs. He is only weeks away from overtaking my authority, also at this level of mana consumption he is going to destroy the entire planet!"

[System Authority] "Set all Underworld monsters to Berserk State"

[Not enough Divine power is available to alter 19,534,763,982 monsters' mental state. Convert 400 million Deity coins for the required power?]



[Deity shop coins: 200,395,681,534 -> 199,995681534]


Xia was happily talking to Harley in his office when he shuddered suddenly.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" Harley asked noticing the change in her father's face.

Xia felt like all the warmth had left his body

[Divine skills have been locked by the Goddess for 167 Hours 59 Minutes 59 Seconds.]

"What the…"

"Dad don't ignore Harley.. Hmph" Harley said crossing her arms and pouting from being ignored.

A smile formed on Xia's face 'You finally made your move Goddess. I didn't realize you could lock my powers, how interesting. Let the battle for the throne commence…'

"Daaaaaaaaad why are you smiling"

"Silly daughter, something fun is about to happen"

"OH! Really??" She replies going wide-eyed with excitement

*knock knock*

"Come in"

"Your Majesty, please come with me to the command center something urgent has come up," A young-looking man with golden hair known as Leon Reed says in a polite tone.

Xia slowly got up from his chair and flattened out the creases in his white and golden robes. He then ran his slender hand through his long golden hair.

The body Xia has when using humanize is a 2-meter tall man with long flowing golden hair. He has a sharp jawline but almost feminine-like features with thin arms. Some could call him a flower boy. One of the other Deities who came from Earth once said he looked like the slender man but he personally didn't like that reference.

Xia turned to look down at Harley who was trying to hold his hand

"Dad can I come toooo~"

"Fine, but behave. Leon lead the way"

Once the trio arrived at the command room inside Xia's castle, the rest of the Grand Council had also been summoned.

20 men and women including Luna and her brother were present. They all had golden hair, eyes and were wearing white and golden robes. Nobody demanded they wore white and gold robes but since they were Xia's favorite everyone copied him.

"Greeting your Majesty and Princess Harley," They all said in unison and bowed before taking their seat around the large table.

"Yes please be seated, What seems to be the emergency"

Upon Xia's question the table lit up and a hologram showing Eden, Utopia city, and the surrounding area was displayed in blue light.

Surrounding the massive city, waves of red dots could be seen quickly approaching the outer walls of Utopia.

Luna's younger brother, Lucas, who is over 900 years old but still looked to be in his 20's was assigned as the head of the military but has had nothing to do for hundreds of years since Eden and Utopia city rarely goes to war. Lucas managed the Frostland from Eden in his free time, because of teleportation gates and telepathy managing a country from a remote location is quite easy.

"Reports came in that all the monsters suddenly went beserk and attacked merchants even though they possessed cards that have the [Safe Travel] skill. These monsters are now all heading towards Utopia city from all directions!"

After Lucas Cloudhell finished his report another elderly-looking council member said "We are safe up here thanks to Xia's artifacts protecting the islands with a barrier, why should we care about the surface dwellers let them deal with it!"

A few council members nodded in agreement.

"Dad, why don't we want to save them?" Harley asked in a low voice so only he could hear but since everyone is a high human they could all hear her.

"Listen well everyone this is more serious than you all believe."

Everyone tensed up since Xia the most powerful existence after the Goddess said something was serious.

"A year ago I attempted to create a new skill called [System Authority], It would have given me power over the system and effectively make me a God. However, the system told me I needed over 200 billion points to make the skill."

"It seems the Goddess has noticed my attempt to challenge her authority and therefore has given me a trial that I must overcome."

"My Divine skills have been locked for a week, I therefore no longer have control over the dungeon and its monsters. Haha, I truly did not expect to have to fight my own creations..."

One of the council members faced paled "Sir are you saying we will need to fight those monsters you created for fun?"

"Unfortunately yes, that is why I said this is a lot more serious than you think. My defensive artifacts can easily protect against weak monsters like goblins or most human attacks but my monsters are different."

"Ladies and gentlemen of the council, prepare for war. If Utopia falls and people think the 'Underworld' is too dangerous to live in and move back to the surface I will never get enough coins to ascend!"

"Although I see them as simple coin generators this war could slow down my plans by thousands of years!"

"General Lucas, Sound the alarms and start all the defensive artifacts in Utopia city. Everyone else who has combat abilities is to participate in the defense. Everyone remember to use your [Undead] skills to bolster our army's ranks!"



Emilia was thrown onto the ground in a cloud of dust in front of the portal. The 20 S rank adventures that had left the portal before her looked at her and raised their weapons.

"Are you an immortal?"

They asked with scared voices. Although she only looked like a child, the immortals had transcendent abilities and were usually decked out in powerful artifacts. Fighting one was rarely worth the effort and one could expect to lose everything to win in the fight. Even if the immortal was somehow killed before they could teleport away, they can be revived using spare bodies with rituals the immortals invented.

Emilia got up from the floor, patting down her pajamas to remove the dust, and gazed at the people who pointed their weapons at her.

Her powerful eyes sent shivers down everyone's spines. She looked around in confusion and a hint of excitement at the buildings around her.

Just as the adventurers were taking battle stances a loud air raid siren pierced the sky alerting everyone. "Huh, I've never heard this before? What does it mean, anyone, know?" one of the adventurers asked nobody in particular.

A loud mechanical voice sounded through the air for all to hear.

"Utopia is under attack! Commencing Defense Protocol 66"

Everyone's eyes drifted to the sky as a gigantic golden barrier could be seen slowly materializing and blocking out the entire sky.

"Enemy attacks incoming!" the robotic voice said.

A few seconds later explosions could be seen appearing on the surface of the barrier in the sky.

The entire ground shook from the impacts. Emilia looked into the sky and could see a colossal monster in the sky. It was easily 20 meters long, had 4 wings, two heads, and six legs. It was covered in jet black scales and was shooting fireballs and lighting out of its two heads at the golden barrier.

Emilia looked over towards one of the skyscrapers nearby and saw the roof open up and a large metal gun emerging.

The massive gun turned to point at the dragon-looking monster in the sky. The robotic voice sounded again "Returning fire" and a red beam of energy shot out at shockingly high speed towards the dragon. The barrier in the sky created a small opening to allow the energy beam to pass through.

The energy beam made contact with the dragon and destroyed two of its wings causing it to scream in pain. The enormous dragon falls towards the barrier as it could no longer remain airborne with only two wings.

The second it made contact with the barrier it burst into flames and was obliterated from existence.

"HOLY SHIT!" Everyone exclaimed at once "What the fuck is going on? Quick let's head to the guild to find out" the leader said to the group. They all nodded and quickly took off in an unknown direction leaving Emilia all alone.

Emilia simply stood still in shock and after a moment managed to say "I thought the Goddess said this place was safe…"