William Titan

William Titan is a powerful mage and well respected as an S-rank adventurer. He stands at 6ft tall and has long brown hair and a chiseled jawline. He was respected for both his strength and his good looks.

Many asked him why he trained every day by killing monsters within the Underworld to become one of the youngest S ranks in history. Being level 323 at only 30 years old was an amazing feat.

He simply answered them with a smile and continued pressing forward with unending determination.

William was born and raised in Eden by his parents. They lived in a decent-sized home like many residents and enjoyed peaceful lives. They had been part of the Synth family which controlled the area his home was in.

Although he was too young at the time, he later found out that the Synth family had exchanged a lot of their territory with the Titan family for gold coins.

Apparently, the leader of the Synth family planned to purchase the blue card at that year's auction and ascend to Eden. Since they were a smaller family than true giants like the Titan or Wilson family, the Synth leader had no other choice but to make a last-ditch effort by selling everything he owned to raise the money.

William was 10 years old at the time and was happily having a meal with his parents and sister. There was a knock at the door, interrupting the meal.

William's father let out a grunt in dissatisfaction and got up. He was quite elderly so he groaned a little while walking over to the door. "I bet it's the bloody church trying to recruit believers again" he muttered in annoyance.

The rest of William's family continued eating while his father was at the door. They seemed to be discussing something, William could not see the people as the door was blocking the view. After a few seconds, William's father raised his voice in anger at the people.

"What nonsense are you Titan bastards spewing? This is Synth family territory get the fuck out of here you dogs!!!" He roared which shocked everyone.

Right as he tried to slam the door shut in their faces, a gunshot was heard. From William's seat, he could see his father fall onto the floor with a thump and blood started pooling around his body. His almost lifeless eyes stared at him with a pained face, desperately gasping for air he shouted "Run!" before going lifeless.

Despite his warning, they were all rooted to their seats in fear. William's vision turned blurry as he choked on his words "D-Daaad! Don't die!" he said in a low voice filled with pure despair.

His sister and mother were also screaming frantically. His mother quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. By this time two men had entered with the Titan family's robes on. They stepped on his father's corpses as if it was a rug, paying it no mind.

"You fucking bastards" his mother swore for the first time as she ran at the men with bloodshot eyes. They simply laughed "This bitch is crazy".

[Killing Intent detected towards Green card holder Marcus Titan, the threat is low, do you require assistance?]

"Denied" the man called Marcus said. He did not need help from the Killing intent array to deal with this, he was an A rank and could therefore easily defeat this woman.

He easily grabbed the knife between his fingers and shattered it with brute strength.

His mother wasn't done and tried to scratch the man's eye out. The man didn't seem to appreciate the action and grabbed her thin wrist and a dull cracking sound could be heard followed by a shriek of pain.

The man had easily snapped his mother's wrist in half and then threw her to the side like a rag doll. Her body slammed into the wall and went limp.

William's poor 10-year-old brain was completely overloaded. Just a minute ago he had been discussing with his parents about his favorite foods, but now they both lay dead in the corridor.

He didn't scream or cry like his sister. He simply stared, completely confused at the situation. The men took notice of the kid's reaction.

"Hey this kid could be useful, to not be disturbed by this, he must have a great head on his shoulders."

"I agree, let's take him back to the boss"

William and his sister Mary were dragged away by the men. They were later led to a prison within the Titan family's territory where many other children were kept. The girls were later sold as slaves to other families and the boys like William were kept and trained to become disposable soldiers that would serve the Titan family.

After years of despair and depression, he finally found a purpose in life. When learning about the greatness of the immortals in a prison school run by the Titan family, he was told the following fact:

The immortals left the management of Utopia to the people as it was below them to intervene. Although some would see this as negligence, they provided everyone with free food and other services.

What really got Williams interest however was the fact that the Killing Intent array will activate when someone with the same authority level fights each other. However, if a Green card was to attack a White card it wouldn't active.

This means a green card holder can attack people of lower authority without risk of being stopped by the array.

William thought back to that evening where his life fell apart. Those men must have had green cards since they were able to murder his parents without being stopped. William felt the need to ask the teacher,

"Why did they make this rule?" The elderly teacher turned his attention to the curious boy and pushed his glasses up before answering.

"A good question, the immortals don't charge tax like other royal families or nobles. They instead make money through auctions of artifacts and also the sale of green and blue cards. This rule was probably put in place to raise the value of the green cards."

William was in shock. His parents were killed because Eden wanted a little more money for their stupid cards?

He hated the Titan family. They took his parents from him but ultimately the ones responsible were the immortals. Due to their neglect and greed for money, his parents had been murdered right in front of him and his sister was sold as a slave. He had no idea if she was even still alive or what unthinkable things were happening to her.

He vowed to one day kill those immortal bastards that took everything from him.


William stood before Edens portal. Due to his fame and wealth, he had easily purchased a green card. He had seen the immortals leaving the island. He had never visited Eden before so wasn't sure if that was all of them or not.

He knew this may be his last day in this horrible world but he didn't mind that thought one bit, his entire life had led up to this opportunity. The immortals were known to be incredibly strong and vengeful. Although William expected to go up there alone to his surprise over 30 other people had gathered around the portal.

He recognized many other famous adventurers that were also around his level. They came from various families and backgrounds yet they all seemed to have the same determination and fire in their eyes and he did when staring at the portal and the floating islands above them.

Some were there for similar reasons as William while others like the ones from the Wilson family were there due to their never-ending greed for power and control.

After shaking hands with everyone and agreeing on a battle plan they all headed into the portal.

The battle for Eden was about to begin...