

That was the only word that could describe the state of Utopia city below Xia.

Xia had been flying at supersonic speed towards the border to defend the Utopia from his own monsters.

He had been annihilating any ariel monster he flew into but had quickly got annoyed by the insane number, the sky was completely filled with monsters, so he decided to call for some help.

"The heavens are scowling, the thunder is growling, but now the sky clears, the bright sun appears, now everyone fears, for death has come."

[Summon Storm Elemental: Tempest]

The heavens shook as the vast sky quickly darkened at a horrifying rate, nimbostratus clouds started rolling across the sky blotting out the sunlight, leaving only the burning buildings below to light the horizon.

A terrible scream from an unfathomable ancient being echoed out causing everyone to almost faint from terror.

Within the dark black clouds, two eyes opened as if a god was gazing down upon ants. The two titanic-sized eyes lazily glanced upon the battlefield.

Once its eyes met Xia its eyes twitched slightly before its unfathomable voice thundered out "Masters orders?" It seemed the ancient being didn't wish to listen to orders but since it had been summoned by something stronger than itself, it had no choice.

Seeing such an ancient entity being respectful towards him, Xia felt a sense of pride. "Dispose of these monsters above my lands, O ancient one".

"As you wish"

Xia then continued his journey to the border. Screams of monsters could be heard all around as lightning arcs could be seen dancing between each monster, turning them quickly to dust.

While the monsters were being taken care of, Xia could finally slow down to think and observe the situation below.

If he was counting correctly he just pasted the 57th wall of Utopia. From the last time he checked there should be 100 walls. The residents didn't feel safe being exposed to a dungeon with monsters roaming off in the distance, despite the fact they never came near.

Although Xia found it annoying to obtain the materials and constructing a hundred walls, which were all thousands of kilometers long, however, he was now glad he did it.

He could see below that since the teleportation gates were disabled, residents were trying to get deeper into Utopia and put as many walls between themselves and the monsters. Long lines of humans could be seen entering through the gates in the walls.

There were many buildings on fire, mainly due to attacks from the monsters but he could see some humans joining in, burning down businesses and homes.

Xia could only shake his head. Utopia was a very unique city compared to those on earth. He used artifacts to automate every part of society since he only needed people to live here to get deity coins.

Utopia greatly relied on divine energy, mana, and artifacts to function. The scene below Xia could only be described as if a country on earth lost electricity/internet and all its social services like the police. Complete disorder.

Artifacts would distribute food automatically three times a day to every resident, but since all the artifacts went out of order, this one had also stopped functioning. Xia could see people killing each other over food supplies. He felt kinda bad about it seeing his precious coin generators killing each other over something like food.

One of the undead race's traits was 'emotional loss'. Although he maintained his morals from when he was human, after spending a thousand years as an undead he has lost touch with his humane side.

He saw these humans similar to how a chicken farmer would see their chickens. He felt annoyance from watching the lost profits rather than feeling sad over the loss of life.

While having these rare thoughts, Xia passed over the 82nd wall. Each wall was taller than the last, the one he just passed over was over 200 meters high.

Between each wall was 100 kilometers. Within this area were hundreds of districts. These were often ruled over by one of a few families. The further one went from the center of Utopia, the weaker these families got.

Although Xia was unaware of this, all families aimed to get as close to or onto Eden. Although once ascended the immortals cant help their family, the families still want their leaders to become immortals as its boosts the reputation and pride of a family.

The district directly below Eden is not controlled by a single family but is instead heavily fought over by the 10 largest families including the Wilson and Titan families.

These large families spread their influence far and wide. The district that Xia just flew over is owned by the Titan family despite it being 87 walls away from their main territory.

Thanks to teleportation gates, these families can quickly move between controlled districts, so keeping control over such a large area was easy.

The closer Xia got to the 100th wall, the more severe the destruction became. 90% of the buildings were destroyed and on fire, dead bodies were lining the streets.

Xia could see a group of men on the ground, they seemed like merchants that were trying to escape. Xia could tell they were merchants since they were relying on undead summoned through their green cards instead of killing the monsters themselves.

The skeletons would quickly be defeated only for the merchants to scream with tears in their eyes [Summon Undead] causing another skeleton to rise in its place, just to get destroyed in one hit again.

Their voices were going hoarse from shouting the spell name over and over, they would soon die. Xia was going to continue on his mission, completely unfazed by the scene, until he noticed the merchants were surrounding a scared girl.

The little girl was clutching a teddy bear and bawling her eyes out. One of the merchants who seemed to be her father was standing in front of her trying his best to hold off the monster.

Xia's fatherly instincts kicked in. He cared not for these humans but the determination to protects one's offspring transcends race and cultural differences.

Xia continued towards the border but teleported Shadow, his pet undead dragon to the location of the merchants. He gave Shadow the simple command to kill any monsters that got near the merchant and his daughter, if they survived the battle, that was up to fate.

After an hour of flying at supersonic speed, Xia arrived at the 100th wall of Utopia. The wall stood at a kilometer high and 300 meters thick. It was made from reinforced and enchanted obsidian. It was many times larger and stronger than all the previous walls since this was was considered the last.

Utopia's population had mostly stabilized so expanding out any further was deemed unnecessary.

Despite its immense depth and strength, it was still shaking slightly from the pounding of thousands of berserk monsters.

The wall was covered in offensive artifacts like automatic turrets but they all stood still, having run out of Divine power from Xia.

Xia quickly got to work.

He first used his max level [Gravity Control] to increase gravity thousands of times in front of him. All the airborne monsters crashed to the ground while other monsters that were trying to scale the walls fell upon the monsters below, crushing them instantly.

Once he was sure all the monsters would be hit, he began his next grand magic spell.

"Neptunes wrath can remove all evil" [Elemental Magic: Grand Flood]

A tsunami thousands of miles across and hundreds of meters high made from pure mana crashed down upon the waves of monsters, drowning them or simply grinding and crushing them with extreme pressure.

This spell defeated around half the monsters in this area but some were adapted to counter elemental magic or were already water-based monsters.

Xia wasted no time and began chanting again "Legion of death, rally to me, an endless battle awaits" [Raise Undead]

All the dead monster's corpses shuddered as flesh melted off revealing their bones. Millions of monsters had become undead under the control of Xia.

"Go my minions, win this war for me"

The new undead army split up and begun charging in both directions along the wall to wipe out the monsters still attacking the wall. Any monster that fell to the army joined its ranks.

Despite his immense mana pool, Xia felt incredibly drained so he decided to take a rest while his army did the work.

{Telepathic Message Received From 'Old George'}

"Surface dwellers have arrived at Eden and plan to kill everyone here, shall I deal with it?"

Xia contemplated for a second before asking

"Is Harley there?"

"Yes my Lord, she was sitting with me when they came"

A smile formed on Xia's handsome human face, "Let her deal with it, she should be able to beat a few humans with no trouble, she needs the experience."

"Very well…"

{Call disconnected}