Its war then...

Caitlyn had devilish hair and sore feet from running for her life in heels but her eyes shone with awe. The little girl in the sky gave off a truly majestic aura. Was she a goddess sent from the heavens to aid the people of Britain in its time of need?

As the little girl scanned the world below, she seemed to lock eyes with Caitlyn. Those deep and mesmerizing pink eyes almost made Caitlyn kneel and pray before her.

The little girl slowly descended towards Caitlyn, taking in the scenery as she went.

The BBC film crew knew their jobs were at stake so despite the pressure released from the girl they managed to direct that camera towards Harley.

Once Harley finally descended she walked up to Caitlyn causing her to tremble slightly. She pointed towards the camera and said:

"Keui Hydn Yfrg Bbuo?"

Caitlyn and everyone watching around the world had no idea what she was saying. How could they? She was speaking in the language of Astra.

"I-im s-sorry m-miss b-ut I don't understand…" the pitiful woman known as Caitlyn managed to mutter out.

There were now almost two billion people tuned in to watch BBC news from around the world. Their website crashed multiple times before Xkarn technologies quickly lent out some servers to the UK government.

Viewers were on the edge of their seats and some impatient people couldn't help but take to social media to share their opinions.

"Wowow is this first contact with an alien?"

"Comment above HOW DARE you call her an alien! She is clearly a goddess sent to save humanity!"

"What a strange language, can anyone understand it? I only know English -_- maybe it's some Asian language?"

"Ah, why did the Goddess have to visit such a worthless nation! Come visit America miss goddess we will welcome you ~!" - American viewer

Then the comments stopped. How could anyone talk after what they just witnessed?

The Goddess little girl walked up to Caitlyn and handed her a white ring which she seemed to summon from nowhere. Novel readers around the world exclaimed "Inventory!" in their heads.

Caitlyn slid on the white ring while trembling with fear… was this ring cursed? Would it turn her into a monster for not understanding the Goddess's words?

Once the ring was on the little Goddess spoke once more.

"Now you can understand me, yes? I wanted to ask what that big black box thing is and where this place is? Please do answer my questions!"

The white ring was a translation artifact that Xia created over a thousand years ago. In Astra, almost every merchant has one as it allows for easy communication and ignores language barriers.

Caitlyn just stared at the ring and then at Harley with complete confusion. "Yes, I understand you… How?"

Everyone watching understood Caitlyn as she was still speaking in English but since they didn't have a translation artifact Harley was still speaking in a foreign language.

Only Caitlyn could understand. Viewers around the world quickly started complaining to the BBC website, demanding that Caitlyn translate what the Goddess is saying.

Harley pouted slightly from being ignored and questioned. As the daughter of a God who dared to ask her questions?

Harley activated her [Loyalty X] skill (This forces the target to feel intense loyalty towards Harley 6/50 times used)

[System Error, Target is Not Part of the System.]

[Creating New File…]

[New Subspecies of Human Discovered, Adding to Database]

[Human Subspecies: Earthling]

[Earthling 'Caitlyn' has been added to the system]

[Granting 'Caitlyn' Basic Mana Assimilation]

[Generating Status…]

[Name: Caitlyn]

[Age: 34]

[Race: Earthling]

[Level: 1]

[STR: 7, DEX, 12, CON: 9, INT: 3, WIS: 1]

Everyone watched in awe as Caitlyn visibly changed. She was around a 6 out of 10 in terms of looks moments ago. She had an okay body but her face had a few marks of age and her hair's color was slightly faded.

But after her body took in some mana her aged body quickly started to change. Her hair's color changed from a faded light brown to a glowing blonde, her slightly aged face became devoid of all wrinkles.

Her current appearance made her look better than any supermodel. However, Caitlyn was completely oblivious to all these changes.

All she felt was a deep sense of loyalty towards the Goddess before her. This was the effect of Harley's maxed out [Loyalty] skill.

It wasn't a slavery skill but instead instilled a deep sense of loyalty in the individual. Harley couldn't command them to die for her but they instead wish to die for her to prove their loyalty.

Basically, they don't take commands and obey unconditionally but instead, act to benefit Harley in any way they can, like a super devoted friend.

The earpiece in Caitlyn's ear had a manager demanding her to translate towards the camera but it was simply white noise to her. Why would she listen to anyone but this Goddess before her? What does her shitty fat manager have compared to Harley?

Once Harley confirmed that this woman was under control she took a deep breath to calm her irritation at being questioned and asked again.

"Caitlyn I will only ask you once again so pay attention!"

To everyone's surprise, the now beautiful Caitlyn kneeled down and smashed her head into the tarmac leaving a small crater with no blood to be seen…

"Forgive my incompetence master, I will answer all your questions!"

"Good, Now tell me where is this?"

"This city is called London… and we are on planet Earth."

Harley seemed confused and was tapping her chin with her delicate finger. Her enchanting pink eyes seemed to wander around as if checking the validity of Caitlyn's claims.

"And what is this black box thing?"

"That's a Camera, It records things..."

Harley then pointed to many interesting things and Caitlyn answered all her questions to the best of her ability.

"That's a car… not it's not a carriage it uses an engine…"

"This is my smartphone… it lets me use the internet..."

"That's a Mcdonald's you can buy fast food there…"

The little girl followed the now beautiful Caitlyn around like a happy kid as she jumped around with excitement.

Although she found the place interesting, she wasn't used to this heat. The air felt very stuffy and full of fumes and she felt weird that everyone was staring at her.

"I think it's time to return, follow me, Caitlyn!"

The women simply nodded and obediently followed.

The soldiers surrounding the rift quickly formed a defensive line and attempted to stop them from leaving. They were being ordered by the prime minister and the president to stop them at all costs.

Although the soldiers didn't wish to comply, their jobs were threatened so they had no choice.

Much to the soldier's surprise, the women kept walking forward treating the tanks and soldiers like thin air.

5 men suddenly appeared from nowhere wearing black suits and masks. They surrounded the two women and escorted them through the soldiers. One of them even caught a tank round with his bare hand and threw it back destroying a tank with his raw strength.


Meanwhile, in Buckingham Palace, both Ryan Jenkins and Christopher Rodgers screamed orders down their phones.

"STOP THEM AT ALL COSTS GODDAM IT!" Ryan could only curse his military for being useless and incapable.

They wished to keep the Goddess-looking girl here on Earth so they could question her about her world's laws, customs, cultures, military might, political and economic situations… the list goes on.

But by far the biggest issue was Caitlyn. She might tell the aliens about their planet. The strengths and weaknesses of each country and weapon types.

After watching the two enter the rift in space, Christopher finally lost it. He turned towards Ryan and the Royals and dropped his nice guy act.

"As the President of the United States of America, keepers of the free world. I order you as an allied country under our military protection to hand over the British military to me! I need your military to follow them into the portal and kill that BBC presenter woman immediately!"

Much to the president's surprise, Ryan and the royals all collectively said

"We refuse."

The elderly president's face was flushed red from rage and anger.

"It's war then."