Investigation Team

After the declaration of war, the President stormed out of Buckingham Palace and left on his private jet.

Why wasn't he stopped? Although he is the President he can't single-handedly declare war. He has to get the majority vote in congress which contains hundreds of people.

By holding the President hostage it would instead only quicken the USA's decision to go to war.

Ryan Jenkins finally let out a deep sigh. That annoying man had finally left. With him gone they could finally focus on pressing matters.

Ryan quickly stood up and shouted towards a secretary "Get MI6 on the line!" (MI6 is the UK's Secret Intelligence Service that specializes in obtaining intel on foreign powers.)

"Right away sir" the secretary replied and passed him a ringing phone.

Ryan took the phone and walked to another room. Once the line finally connected he quickly spoke his commands.

"I need a team of 5 well-trained agents to infiltrate the portal and obtain intelligence on the potential alien forces. This mission will be super low key so they can't take a large military escort, only a few soldiers from the Royal Marines for protection. I also give permission for them to use 'those weapons' for this mission"


Within an hour helicopters could be heard above Hyde Park. The soldiers allowed them to land within the park as they had been notified beforehand.

The commander personally went to greet the guests.

"Welcome," he said respectfully while giving a salute.

3 women and 2 men dressed in high-tech space suits emerged from the helicopter.

These space suits had been developed by Xkarn technologies and were like Iron Man suits. They greatly strengthened the wearer while also providing life support systems. The black space suits were very tight fitting and normal clothes could easily be worn on top. They didn't wear helmets but instead, a small mask that covered the eyes and nose was used.

4 Royal Marines then exited from an army helicopter which was different from the black one the MI6 agents used. They had bizarre-looking weapons and were also wearing space suits, but they wore army uniforms on top.

Scarlett was leading this investigation team. She was 5ft5 (165cm) tall and had long flowing red hair. Scarlett was MI6's trump card. With 3 university degrees in maths, biology, and engineering and with an IQ of 195 she is considered a genius. She can also speak 18 languages and has infiltrated many organizations across the world.

The other 4 members of MI6 weren't quite at the same level as Scarlett but they were still incredible.

For example, there was Timothy who is considered one of the top 5 hackers in the world, he hacked NASA and the Chinese government for MI6 over the years. He was invited because they didn't know the alien's technology level yet.

The other man on the team was Brad, unlike Timothy who looked like a weak nerd, Brad was a 6ft5 monster of a man. He was a master of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat.

Freya had rainbow-colored hair and a psychopathic crazed expression, she specializes in assassination and snipers. She wore a black cloak over her spacesuit and had her hood up.

The final member was Imogen. She was the ultimate intel and intelligence gatherer. Imogen often used her good looks to chat up her target, she would then use drugs and other means to acquire information before disposing of the target later.

The 9 members of this investigation team returned the commander's greeting before quickly heading towards the portal.

The government had sent drones and then some prisoners through the portal already and confirmed that it was safe for humans to cross over.

(Scarlett) "Everyone check your suits and supplies before we step through. Escorts prepare your weapons immediately, the drones have confirmed a few hostile presences near the exit!"

(Soldiers) "Affirmative"

The 4 Royal Marine escorts quickly powered up their weird-looking weapons and surrounded the MI6 agents in a protective formation.

(Scarlett) "Mission briefing: Enter the portal and attempt to make contact with an intelligent alien. Obtain intel on their motives and determine their threat level.

Do NOT engage with violence as it could lead to a war that was preventable! Do I make myself clear?"

(Team) "Yes!"

(Scarlett) "Good, we will be wearing body cams and live streaming our actions to HQ, they will command us if necessary. If that is everything then let's get going!"

Although Scarlett puts on a strong front to motivate her team, having to take the first step through a crack in space into an alien world isn't exactly a walk in the park...

She took a deep breath to calm herself. Scarlett then tapped the side of her head and the Xkarn mind implant came to life. It was linked to her spacesuit so it sent information directly into her brain.

[Life Support: Online]

[Bodycam Livestream: Online]

[Strength Enhancement: Online]

[Enhanced Sensors: Online]

After confirming everything was functioning, Scarlett finally took the first step through the portal. The 8 other team members followed behind with complicated but determined looks on their faces.


[System Alert, 9 'Earthlings' have been detected]

A smile appeared on Xia's face.

So they finally came...