
Scarlett felt extremely nauseous while crossing through the portal. The journey took around 5 seconds, she saw the vast cosmos speeding past her vision, but a thin barrier seemed to surround her, protecting her from the vast and deep dangers of space.

Finally, the 5 seconds were over and Scarlett felt her body being suddenly stopped. Before she could even look around she quickly removed her spacesuit's mask and hurled up food all over the forest floor.

Every second a member of the team would arrive, and proceed to instantly vomit, despite their best efforts.

Suddenly Scarlett's mind became clear, and the nauseous feeling disappeared. The life support system on the spacesuits had kicked in and injected drugs to reduce the sickness.

Scarlett grabbed a bottle of water from her backpack to wash out the horrid taste. After taking a moment to recover, she could finally stand up straight with a great amount of effort.

She took in a deep breath of air and was amazed at how clean it was. Surrounding Scarlett and her team was a dense jungle with a thin layer of fog floating around. It felt like she had just stepped back into the prehistoric age of the dinosaurs. Everything was massive compared to earth for example the trees shot into the endless sky, and the flowers were as big as a human.

Scarlett then closed her eyes and said within her mind, "Ai can you show me the planet's data?"

After a second Scarlett saw data being displayed within her vision.

[Gravity 1.5x that of Earth's]

[Atmosphere: Breathable to humans, slightly higher oxygen content]

[Plant life detected, Error, species is not recognized]

Scarlett nodded her head in understanding. The reason she felt so weak was due to the increased gravity of the planet.

(Scarlett) "Everyone activate the spacesuit's 'Strength Enhancement' function, the gravity is much stronger here."

Everyone nodded in unison. Scarlett activated the function and felt the suit tighten up and begin to support her body.

(Scarlett) "Since we need to use this strength enhancement, the suits will drain power much faster than normal… I estimate we have a week."

Suddenly a warning sound was heard in everyone's head, their spacesuit sensors had detected something.

[Warning: Energy fluctuations detected nearby]

Scarlett quickly whipped her head around to find the source and her gaze eventually landed on a black box.

This black box was the mob spawner that Xia had placed a while ago.

The mob spawner shuddered slightly…

(Scarlett) "Something is coming, get into battle formation!"

The group of 9 highly trained humans needed no further instructions as they quickly grouped up. 3 royal marines pointed their weapons towards the black box while the last royal marine defended the group's rear.

Scarlett eyed the bizarre-looking weapons of the royal marines with curiosity. Despite her high rank within MI6, she had never heard anything about these weapons before.

Suddenly a large humanoid-looking creature materialized in thin air next to the black box.

It towered over the humans at 3 meters tall, within its massive hand was a large tree trunk being used as a club. The monster had grey skin with disgusting warts covering its body. It had a grotesque face with a large flat nose. Its big mouth contained a few rotting teeth.

The colossal monster eyed the group of humans with its little beady black eyes. It then opened its rotting mouth and let out a horrifying roar.

If the group had access to the system they would have been shown this information:

[Race: Zombie Troll]

[Level: 23]

[STR: 30, DEX: 3, CON: 27, INT: 0, WIS: 0]

[Skills: Basic Regeneration(passive), Club smash]

Scarlett grabbed a desert eagle pistol from her holster, and in one motion aimed and then fired the weapon at the troll's head.

Her accuracy and speed were very impressive; the bullet went straight through the roaring troll's eye and into its brain.

Everyone lowered their guard slightly at the sight as the troll stopped roaring and started falling forward.

Instead of falling dead, the troll instead started charging towards the group.

(Scarlett) "WHAT? It's not dead? I shot it in the brain! bullshit!!!"

Despite her initial shock, she and the rest of the team rolled to the side to avoid the troll's charge.

The troll kept running for a few meters before slamming its club onto a boulder, obliterating it.

The team all shuddered at the sight. What if they hadn't rolled away in time?

A human in a black cloak quickly rushed forward doing a few flips to increase her speed while navigating the thick foliage. The hood of the cloak fell backward, revealing rainbow hair and a crazed grin.

Freya saw that the monster was temporarily distracted and took the opportunity to try and assassinate it. Upon reaching the monster's neck, she cut upwards in an 'X' pattern with her two daggers, severing the monster's disgusting head from its body.

She then did a graceful backflip off the monster's shoulder and landed with a bow. Freya shot a massive grin towards the team, as she twirled the daggers around her fingers.

Freya felt even smugger looking at everyone's horrified faces! Hahaha yes! Look at my amazing skills!

She was so distracted from her victory that she did not notice the monster colossal standing back up, despite missing its head.

The headless zombie troll was heavily injured and near death, but could still move with much less precision and speed due to its missing head.

Everyone yelled at Freya to get out of the way. Freya was a professional and knew something was wrong, so she immediately rolled to the left. She would have been fine if the troll had not activated its [Club smash] skill, which increased its speed and power with mana.

The attack came faster than anyone expected to be possible, it almost looked like the troll was moving at two times speed.

The massive tree trunk club came hurling down at Freya, breaking the sound barrier as it went causing an enormous shockwave.

Once the dust had settled, there was a thoroughly smashed-up corpse with bloody rainbow hair lying in a small crater.

Scarlett was stunned but quickly regained her senses. Now was not a good time to panic. She quickly turned to the nearest soldier and asked:

"Will those weapons have any effect on that monster, or should we escape back through the portal to earth?"

The soldier was stunned for a moment, but he was a professional soldier who was used to seeing death and despair and quickly focused on Scarlett's inquiry.

(Soldier) "Commander, from my experience using these weapons the chance that we can kill this creature is low but worth a try."

(Scarlett) "Very well, all soldiers aim and shoot at the monster before it recovers!"

The 4 royal marines all nodded and aimed their weapons towards the monster.

The weapons looked similar to a wizard's staff with different colored gems placed on top of each one.

The soldier Scarlett had spoken to was holding a staff with a blue gem. When the soldier pressed a button on the staff's shaft, the blue gem began to glow and Scarlett could feel an immense pressure escaping from the gem.

After 3 seconds, the soldier aimed the staff at the monster. An arc of lightning shot from the gem towards the headless zombie. The monster was completely obliterated on impact and only a pile of burning rotten meat was left behind.

The metal staff holding the gem then proceeded to crack and soon explode in the soldier's hand. The soldier was fine due to the spacesuit taking the damage of the metal fragments.

Scarlett was immensely impressed with the weapon but was confused about why it broke "Are these weapons single use?"

(Soldier) "No commander, when we tested this weapon back on earth it could only release around 10% of the power it just showed… the staff wasn't designed to contain so much power."

(Scarlett) "Can I ask how these weapons were made and what powers them?"

The soldier seemed hesitant but decided it was important information to tell the commander of the operation.

(Soldier) "These gems were obtained from meteors, each gem contains a different element, and when we direct 'background radiation' (mana) into the gems, they release an attack of its element type."

Scarlett was happy to have satisfied her curiosity... but she quickly realized that this was not a good location for a chat.

The remaining 8 members of the team surrounded the crater with the squashed corpse of Freya...

(Scarlett) "I'll contact command to ask if we should continue with the operation considering we already have a casualty, and one of the weapons was destroyed."

"Ai can you contact command?"

Ring, Ring, Ring… connected.

"W... e…. c…..a…..n…..t…..u…..n….."
