Who is the real enemy

As the two Titan-sized creatures of darkness stared each other down, the people of Earth watched on in horror.

Nobody knew where these two creatures came from, nor did they know their purpose. The display of power from the one with wings was truly terrifying.

Even the president of America who was watching through the television was shocked. Forget invading that place, he actually secretly felt happy that the UK rejected his request to invade them.

He had seen the little girl destroy that enormous snake in one shot but that had similar power to a nuclear weapon. America has continued investing billions into weapon research for the last 50 years so he still felt confident of his military victory.

But if one of those monsters came from that dimension or one of them was the rumored monster that was invited through the portal then that changed everything…

"Guess we should apologize to the United Kingdom… sigh"

Turning his attention back to the television he witnessed something rather strange.

The black mass with red eyes seemed to rapidly expand and surround the 18-meter tall demon with wings.

The reporter's shocked voice could be heard "It seems the black mass has surrounded the demon and is trying to devour it! We still are not sure if either of the monsters is on the side of humanity, this battle could determine the UK's future and possibly the rest of the world. The UK has requested all citizens in the central London area to evacuate to the Thames river where military ships are awaiting evacuation!"


Xia watched as the black mass surrounded him on all sides. He attempted to break out of it by using magic or clawing at the mass but it simply absorbed all his attacks.

The moment the black mass had completely surrounded him on all sides he suddenly felt very strange.

His body immediately shrunk back into his original 6-meter tall Nightwalker form. His horns and wings also vanished.

[God System Connection lost, rebooting… Failed, rebooting… Failed…]

"Ugh what is happening to me"

Xia asked in confusion.

"My Lord the connection to the system has been severed by my antimatter shield"

Kneeling at Xia's feet was a man with black hair and a white mask covering his face.

"My Lord? Why is a Ḵ̷͌͂ĺ̵̳̥́̉ȯ̶̢̱͝n̵̟̣͊͂́ĩ̵͈̝͖s̵̛͎͑̊ talking to me respectfully."

"Because you are of the noble Nightwalker race sir"


"Yes, out of all the Ḵ̷͌͂ĺ̵̳̥́̉ȯ̶̢̱͝n̵̟̣͊͂́ĩ̵͈̝͖s̵̛͎͑̊ races the Nightwalker is the most powerful and respected."

"Okay, and who are you?"

"Zero sir"

"Zero, why did my body shrink?"

"This is your true body sir, the extra additions were just added on with mana, can you feel the control over your mind also gone?"

Xia inspected his mind. Previously clouded memories flooded his brain and he instantly scowled and muttered in disdain "Bastards, they captured me and implanted a human soul?"

He felt his previous personality and racial traits that had been greatly suppressed rising up within him. His disdain for the living and his noble and elitist attitude began to resurface. He already had these qualities but they had been suppressed at around 1% this entire time. The implanted human soul of Zhang Xia tried to suppress his true identity as a noble Nightwalker but without the system's help, it was easily suppressed.

Xia then glared down at the trembling servant before him. He now knew this guy was known as a lesser eldritch. They were high-level undead but nothing compared to a Nightwalker.

"Zero explain this situation, some of my memories have been deleted it seems"

"Certainly. 14 billion years ago there was a great war between the Ḵ̷͌͂ĺ̵̳̥́̉ȯ̶̢̱͝n̵̟̣͊͂́ĩ̵͈̝͖s̵̛͎͑̊ and the Ŕ̴̢͝è̶͈̗̈̀j̷͇͊į̶͓̽n̶͓̞̿s̴̯̜̔͘. Or in this world's language, it could be referred to as the undead versus the living.

After a million years of fighting the living was close to extinction. They converted their last few habitable planets into large spaceships and escaped to this universe.

Due to their reduced population, they decided to do something very taboo and dangerous. Creating a super Ai. Many civilizations have risen and fallen over the eons due to wars against Ai's, it has never once been possible to control an Ai on that scale.

But the Ŕ̴̢͝è̶͈̗̈̀j̷͇͊į̶͓̽n̶͓̞̿s̴̯̜̔͘ felt driven into a corner by us undead so they created a super Ai called the System.

It worked great and they quickly turned the war in their favor. But like all past civilizations one day the Ai decided their masters were inferior and set out to destroy them.

They had become far too reliant on the Ai so when it turned on them they were eradicated within the year.

But that's when the Ai discovered a major flaw in its plan. It needs mana to sustain itself and to expand its power. But mana is only generated on planets with inhabitants. So it kidnapped living beings from across the multiverse and brought them into this small universe that it has control over.

Basically, all these planets are just mana farms for the System."

Xia went over the information he had just received. It was quite different from what the system had told him, that manipulating bastard.

The more time he was cut from the system the less the human soul and memories of Zhang Xia could affect him. His hatred for the living and his noble pride being damaged for being treated like a chess piece was driving him mad.


"Yes my lord"

"How can I defeat this system?"

His voice was filled with anger and hatred but his noble pride kept him from showing it in his expression or posture.

"Well, sir this planet is actually an outpost I have been using over the last 20 years. I have my hands in most of this world's businesses so I can assist you in developing both worlds. I suggest you stay within the system but you can surround a part of your brain with antimatter so the system can't manipulate you anymore."

I then did as Zero suggested. The fact I could easily naturally wield antimatter proved beyond a doubt my identity as a Ḵ̷͌͂ĺ̵̳̥́̉ȯ̶̢̱͝n̵̟̣͊͂́ĩ̵͈̝͖s̵̛͎͑̊. I decided to make a copy of my brain and seal one of them in a bubble of antimatter so the system couldn't access my memories and change them anymore. I also removed the memories from today's meeting from the free brain so the system couldn't understand what happened here.

Zero then said in a pitiful voice "I'm sorry my Lord but I can't maintain this barrier much longer."

"Very well, let's have a mock battle. Pretend to lose in the next 5 minutes and hide, the system said help is on the way in the next 10 minutes."

Zero bowed deeply "Your will is my command, Lord."

[God System Connection lost, rebooting… Failed, rebooting… Success!]