Undead Empire Plans

As the System reconnected I smirked as I felt my memories quickly being suppressed and hidden within the exposed brain. The System was literally placing firewalls around my old memories and implanted new and fake ones.

Turns out Zhang Xia isn't even a real person. It is just an artificial human soul created by the Ai. From what I can work out, the system uses powerful races that can manipulate large amounts of mana as admins such as Nightwalkers or Dragons. The Goddess that reincarnated me gave me 'options' to pick from but of course, the fake human soul implanted in me was always going to conveniently ignore all the options and pick Nightwalker.

From my memories, I was a fallen noble from the undead empire, while escaping the undead empire I was captured by this Ai and implanted with a fake human soul so I would help it develop these worlds of the living.

The Undead hate the living, they are our immortal enemies. For an undead noble such as myself to help the living is fucking disgusting.


I'm surrounded by enemies on all sides, even inside my own head.

The undead empire won't help as I'm a traitor fallen noble who has been captured and manipulated by the enemy.

The 'System' is just using me for its own personal gain and has no plan to give me enough power to rival it. Even if I got to a level 10 admin somehow it could always just cut me off from the system and remove my spells.

When I was trapped in the antimatter shield I felt my natural abilities manifest. The spells I use through the system are just cheap knockoffs of the real thing. Although when I'm cut off from the system I can't use a lot of the spells, my destructive spells like [Finger of Doom] are hundreds of times more powerful when utilizing antimatter instead of normal mana.


For now, I will continue to work alongside the system until I build up enough strength to fight for myself. If I leave the system right now the portal between Earth and Astra will be broken and I will have to pick which planet to be stranded on for example. I rely on the System too much at the moment.

What if I made my own system? Would that be possible… Perhaps with Earth's technology, it might be possible in the future?

While having these thoughts Xia and Zero were having a mock battle, Xia fought with all his might to make it look as realistic as possible. Zero also fought but reduced his regeneration capabilities to give Xia the edge in the fight. While Zero had trapped Xia in his antimatter he had sneakily separated part of himself and ran away already.

Since Earth isn't under the Systems' direct control, its only link is through Xia or the other humans who had now joined the System like Scarlett and her team.

After 5 minutes of intense destruction Xia finally 'defeated' Zero. Xia returned to his human form and removed his shields that had been protecting all the buildings and people nearby.

Although the idea of protecting these people disgusted him due to his undead instincts, he did it anyway as these people would soon become part of his new empire. The living may be disgusting but because of his human soul, he has some respect for these humans.

95% of the undead are mindless and only seek destruction and killing. Races that are considered actual citizens have some level of intelligence. Nightwalkers are the strongest undead in terms of battle capabilities, but they usually only have the intellect of a human child. But due to their combat power, they are considered nobles within the empire.

Thanks to the system and this human soul, Xia would be considered the most intelligent undead in the universe. Once he gains back control over his previous undead and antimatter skills and combines it with his intelligence he will easily have the qualifications to rule an immortal empire.

But not now.

He's too weak and alone.

Although he could fight multiple Nightwalkers by himself, versus the entire undead army of a galactic empire that spans over half the multiverse is too much. Would the undead empire even go out of their way to kill him? Probably not, but nothing is for certain.

A few minutes later a being of pure energy appears before me. It looks humanoid as it scans the surroundings. It then blasts the remaining sludge left behind by Zero and searches the area to make sure none of it escaped the battle.

I secretly hope that Zero managed to escape far enough, he is the first fellow undead I have met and he also seems to be an outcast like me. Considering he had been living amongst the living for the past 20 years he can properly help me manage these inferior creatures.

The 'Enforcer' sent by the system does a detailed search of the area but seems to find no other traces of Zero and leaves without even saying goodbye.

After the Enforcer left I used my sealed brain to telepathically communicate with Zero.

"Zero, are you fine?"

"Ah my Lord! I am fine, after absorbing your mana I can make 8 more puppets!"

"Puppets? How many do you have currently?"

"Only one… they use mana as a power source so I couldn't power them up myself with my antimatter."

"Okay, could you meet me outside Buckingham Palace tomorrow?"

"I personally cannot attend as the System will detect my main body, but I can send my 'Number one' puppet and control it remotely instead."

"Great, see you then."


Well, that's the last of my stockpiled chapters. I actually haven't written a chapter for almost a month now. Although I don't plan to fully drop this novel I can't say when I plan to return. If you have enjoyed the story so far, now would be a great time to write a review! I read them all <3 Stay safe out there guys and till next time...