Two Planets United

In a spacious room with a high ceiling, a man could be seen relaxing in the sun's soft morning glow.

His pale white skin was flawless and his delicate hand gently raised the teacup to his mouth. Breathing in the fragrance he sighed in satisfaction as he took a small sip.

Seeing his satisfied face the slightly chubby man sitting opposite him let out a sigh of relief as sweat trickled down his back, leaving damp spots on his linen shirt.

Yet despite his moment of relief he almost yelped out in surprise as the man's sharp golden eyes locked onto his.

Ryan Jenkins's mind was in a state of turmoil. He could hardly stop his body from shaking like a leaf from the sheer presence exerted by Xia. He felt as if he was a little kid and was asked to negotiate with the leader of the underworld.

How could he possibly have such courage? He was just a politician who was good at reviewing and creating laws and to nobody's surprise, there was no law on how to deal with an alien.

The awkward and silent atmosphere was broken with a knock at the room's grand doors.

"C-come in" Ryan managed to stutter out with all his strength.

The doors opened and a man entered wearing a black suit and white mask that completely covered his face.

Ryan stood up from the sofa quickly to try and escape the pressure and walked over to the man, "Welcome, how may I address the honorable guest?"

"Greetings prime minister, You can just call me Zero" the masked man politely replied.

"Ah, it's sir Zero! Are you perhaps a guest of this honorable sir?" Ryan gestured towards Xia who was sitting with perfect posture and ignoring everyone's gaze.

"That's correct."

He replied bluntly and walked past Ryan, paying him no more attention. He completely ignored the Prime Minister and the British Royal family's gazes and walked swiftly towards Xia before kneeling.

"Overlord Xia, I pay my respects."

Xia was impressed with Zeros' display of loyalty, he had never ordered him to add the Overlord title but he liked the sound of it.

Xia casually nodded and Zero stood up and placed himself behind Xia at a distance despite the fact there was plenty of space on the sofa next to him.

Ryan was really confused and wished to investigate more about this Zero fellow but decided against it and sat back down.

On one side of the room sat Xia with Zero standing behind him, and on the other was Ryan Jenkins. The British Royal family was also seated including King William, his wife, and a few high-ranking government officials.

Their aim in bringing so many important people to the meeting was to intimidate Xia and attempt to gain a favorable position in the negotiations. But instead, they were all breaking out in cold sweats. It was a single man but he looked like mount Olympus to them. His majestic long golden hair and sharp golden eyes gave off a godly aura that was hard to resist.

The Earthlings felt backed against the wall as currently, all the cards are in Xia's hands.

He had captured a human from Earth and had likely already gained vital information on Earth. Yet Earth had only sent a small expedition force into Astra so far and gained negligible information. They still hadn't located the alien's city so they didn't know their level of civilization.

All they knew for certain was that Xia and his daughter were about as powerful as an entire nuclear weapon-equipped nation.

They had already witnessed Xia's ability to teleport through rifts in space, just that one skill alone would be enough to destroy an entire nation from the inside. The ability to move troops, tanks, bombs, weapons, supplies, and more to any location instantly was too large an advantage in war.

Ryan wanted to have the best relationship possible with this man so he humbly bowed his head slightly while asking with a shaking voice.

"Honorable Overlord Xia it's a once-in-a-lifetime honor to be in your presence, on behalf of everyone here and the entire Earth I welcome you with open arms."

Xia didn't even reply and simply nodded while sipping his tea.

Ryan wasn't the prime minister of a nation for nothing. He opened with flattery to lower the opponent's defense and then he quickly followed up with an attack.

"We wish to form diplomatic ties with your planet and we hope to cooperate for mutual benefit."

Ryan and the rest present knew that Xia could kill them all with a wave of his hand and nothing could be done about it. They also knew that if Xia wished to take over England he could do so as easily as he breathed.

Since he hadn't already done it they assumed he was open to peaceful negotiations. Ryan would consider these negotiations a win if only England was lost but the rest of humanity was left alone through some agreement.

Humans are adaptable and if given enough time he is sure they could rise against these aliens.


This single word was like a bombshell in everyone's minds as endless possibilities opened up. Ryan felt like crying. He was so happy.

Even Zero looked slightly confused for a moment but quickly hid it. He wasn't in a position to question his master's plans, he simply had to obey.

"However, I have some demands."

"Yes yes, what does Overlord Xia require of this civil servant?" Ryan responded enthusiastically.

"Hyde Park will become mine and the area will be governed by my government. I plan to use that area as our foothold in this world."

Ryan looked towards King William who was a man in his late 60s. His face seemed to be contemplating the request with great difficulty.

Although the request doesn't seem that extreme on the surface it has a lot of hidden meaning.

By handing over the land near the portal that means they can't set up a military perimeter and manage the inflow of people in and out of the portal. Effectively they were handing over the border control on both sides of the portal to the aliens.

Also since Earth runs on laws instead of just the Royal family's word, if they agree to the request they can't take it back at a later time. If the aliens became hostile they would have guaranteed territory that's secured within the center of London.

"British Citizens will be allowed to pass through the portal and become citizens of my nation," Xia added on after seeing the King's difficult expression.

"What about citizens of other countries?" Ryan asked excitedly.

"Of course they would have to pay for citizenship… and in pounds as well," Xia replied.

'Holy shit, the value of the pound against the dollar will skyrocket if that happens' Everyone in the room collectively thought.

King William was almost convinced but had one last question.

"What about people from your planet? If they come through and they have similar power to yours they will cause many issues for us, please understand."

Xia pulled out a majestic purple card from thin air and presented it to the Earthlings. They all marveled at its appearance but didn't know what it meant.

Seeing their confused expressions Xia explained.

"You can consider this to be a passport, for people entering my world it gives them the ability to learn magic for example. But it has a feature that when people move through the portal to Earth their magic is locked away and their enhanced bodies are reduced."

"Do we have a deal? If so I will invite you over to my capital city in a month to iron out the details with my government on more boring topics like trade agreements."

King William and Ryan Jenkins happily stood up after exchanging eye contact and shook hands with Xia.

Xia gave a slight smirk that gave both the men a bad feeling as if they had been scammed somehow, but they couldn't see anything wrong with the deal so they shook his hand awkwardly.

The parks within London were once hunting grounds for the Royal family and are therefore owned by them so handing over the park was no big deal in King William's eyes for the potential future prosperity of the United Kingdom.

However, if Hype Park's land value was to be calculated it would come out at a staggering £19 billion. With just this Xia's net worth on Earth had reached within the top 100.

However unknown to everyone in the room the wealthiest man on the planet stood calmly behind Xia with a mask on his face. He went by many names and had many titles within the business world.

But his most well-known persona was "Mr. X" the CEO of Xkarn technologies which was valued at £10 trillion.

Yet this powerhouse of the business world was simply a servant to Xia.