
"But why my lord?" Zero asked with deep confusion in his voice.

"Hm?" Xia glanced back with a slight smirk on his face.

"This world is very weak compared to the great undead empire, you could rule this world by force easily! So why? Why only ask for a small plot of land instead of the entire country?"

Zero was extremely confused. Nightwalkers had almost Orc-like intelligence and would wage war just for fun. They were destruction incarnate. Yet this Nightwalker in human skin not only had good diplomatic skills but he even went with a non-violent route of negotiations.

Xia stopped walking under the shade of a tree and turned to face Zero.

"Let me ask you a question instead." Xia's golden eyes threatened to pierce Zeros soul and he unconsciously shivered.

"Is the King of England the most powerful man in this country?"


"Oh really? Can he kill a person and get away with it?"

"No… he has to abide by the law like everyone else. He would go to prison."

Xia had a sly smile plastered on his face.

"How many people have you killed? How many laws have you broken?"

"Too many to count," Zero replied with happiness. Despite being a little more tolerable of the living than most undead, he still despised them and had fun slowly killing and torturing them.

"Did you ever get caught?" Xia quickly responded.

Zero hesitated before replying "Yes a few times, I was even put in prison for a day once as I was suspected of murder"

"Oh? How come you are still free then?"

"I paid my way out…ah!"

"Seems like you understand now. Could the King, a public figure pay his way out of murder as you did? No, he couldn't. Political power is more of a burden. What really controls the world is money."

"Also I would have died instantly." Xia said with a deadpan expression but a slight shiver could be seen running down his spine.

"What? How?" Zero was confused once more.

"Sigh… Zero let me ask you a question. This planet is filled with living beings right?"


"So how come the undead empire never destroyed this planet?"

"Ummm I have no clue, now that I think about it…"

"Tell me Zero, what do you know about the vampire race?"

"Well um they are rare and weak creatures."

"Weak? How come?"

"Well vampires gain strength through age. Every 10 years their strength doubles. Although this sounds great they are extremely weak for around the first 80 years of their life. Considering their diet relies on fresh blood from living beings, the fact they are so weak means 99% of them die before ever reaching adulthood. Even a normal human could beat up a vampire until they are 80 years old."

"But if they double in strength every 10 years then can't vampires become almost godlike after only a few hundred years?"

"Yes, this is why they are hunted down across the galaxy so they can never reach that level."

"All except one…"

"What do you mean my lord?"

"Below the Royal Palace I detected the presence of a vampire…"

[Name: Eve]

[Age: 4.5 billion years]

[Race: Ancient Noble Vampire Queen]

[Titles: The First, Gods chosen, Defender of the world, Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth, Saint Mary, Founder of the church, Ruler, Monarch, Unrivaled, Galaxys Guardian]

[Stats: ???]

[Skills: ???]

[Note: Target is currently in a very weakened state and has lost around 99.9% of their strength. However despite the targets weakened state, system estimates chances of victory are 5%]

Xia laughed nervously. He had originally planned to take the whole of England as his territory but just as he was about to threaten them the system warned him of this vampire's presence.

He then quickly realised after using [Appraisal] that half the royal family consisted of Vampires of varying ages.

No wonder this family stayed in power for so long. It was actually just the same few vampires switching out on a rotation. They could easily alter their appearance with magic.

Just like how Xia can use his race skills without the system, everyone else can also use magic without the system's help. The system just acted like a calculator and would manage the complex formulas behind spells meaning even an idiot could cast spells.

The only requirement was mana. Most planets with living beings on it produced mana, it's just that the humans on Earth never worked out how to harness the invisible mana as humans have a terrible affinity to use magic compared to races like Dragons.

From Xia's information he assumes that the reason this planet was never overtaken by the undead empire was due to this vampire's presence.

Maybe the reason the undead empire has recently begun their attack on this part of the galaxy was due to the vampire's weakened state?

This experience had definitely humbled Xia. On his planet he is a living god who rules the entire world but here he has no authority. At least not yet. Either he has to gain enough strength and kill the vampire while she's still in a weakened state or run the fuck away with Earth's technology back to his planet.

"Hahahah" Xia clutched his head and let out some laughter

Zero seemed a little scared and backed away to give his new master some space as the aura around him changed so suddenly.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" "ME RUN?" An unthinkable level of pride unleashed from the deepest part of his sealed soul.

"When has a Nightwalker ever run? Don't make me laugh"

Xia swept back his golden hair with his hand and laughed to the sky.

"It's all mine."