Chapter 18 : Serena

A/N : Aht here. Here is the next chapter!

Dedicating one chapter to Serena cause you guys know, she's going to be the main girl here.

Next chapter after this one will be the last of the different povs for a long while. And maybe a short Team Rocket pov. After that Summer Camp will begin.

It won't be too long, I'm mostly planning to have mc encounter Mew with Goh, and rescue Serena. Lusamine may or may not drop by for a visit too, going more into mc's background a bit (with Lillie in tow. This is a time where Lusamine is still happy and bright as her husband has yet to venture into an Ultra Wormhole and lose his memories)

I'm planning a 5 year time skip between now and then, still debating on having mc travel to Alola during that time. Pokemon School will start after, but that won't be long either. I won't bore you guys with school cause I know you guys prob do a lot of that already xD

Let me know if you liked the different povs so far too!

Don't forget to drop those power stones and leave comments below!


Kalos Region, Vaniville Town.

Starting town of the Kalos region, where one would typically start their journey. However the Pokemon Lab run by the Kalos region Professor, Professor Sycamore, did not have his lab based out of Vaniville Town, nor any of its surrounding towns. Professor Sycamore's lab was located in the heart of Kalos, in Lumiose City.

As such, whenever a new trainer would start their journey outside of Lumiose City, Professor Sycamore would often find himself hiring delivery assistants, or sending out his own assistants to the surrounding cities to have one receive their starter Pokemon.

But at the present moment, Professor Sycamore was currently absent from his lab.

He could currently be seen in Vaniville Town, standing in front of a beige and lime colored two story house with orange tiles on its roof.

A large doggy-like house could be seen off to the side. A Rhyhorn could be seen resting in front of it, enjoying some sun bathing.

Seeing this, Professor Sycamore nodded as he stepped out of his car, after turning the engine off. A couple suitcases could be seen in the back, clearly he was ready for a trip of sorts.

"A house with a resting Rhyhorn...This is indeed the place Grace mentioned. So that professional Pokemon Rider lives here with her daughter, eh?", Professor Sycamore said to himself.

He then proceeded to the house's gate, and it easily opened, as if it was waiting for him to enter. Professor Sycamore observed Rhyhorn for a moment, before nodding his head.

"A well trained Rhyhorn indeed. It's no wonder Grace is able to win those rider competitions so easily. Hello there."

"Rhyhorn!", Rhyhorn yelled out, waking up from its nap. Professor Sycamore patted Rhyhorn's head which Rhyhorn enjoyed. Professor Sycamore then walked up to the front door, and found the doorbell.

"Still, Grace should know I should be coming today since we last spoke to each other over the phone. Her daughter is quite lucky to have received Professor Oak's invitation to his Summer Camp. As I recall, Grace said her daughter was called, Serena, right?", Professor Sycamore talked to himself again, before pressing it.

A buzzing sound echoed inside the house before he heard a rather quick voice respond to him.

"Yes, yes, I'll be there in a minute! I'm just finishing preparing breakfast!"

"Hmm, now that I think about it, it's still pretty early in the morning isn't it?", Professor Sycamore retorted.

Another moment passed in silence before he heard the door open. Grace appeared wearing a kitchen apron and a ladle in one of her hands. Though once she appeared, she became dazed seeing Professor Sycamore at her doorstep.

"Haha, good morning Miss Grace. I do believe I told you over the phone that I would be paying you a visit today, yes?", Professor Sycamore spoke out with a laugh.

"Ohhh...was that today? I'm sorry, Professor Sycamore. It completely went past my mind, haha!", Grace replied with an apologetic laugh.

"That's quite okay, you've seem pretty busy as of late, so it can be easy to forget things. I'm very familiar with that feeling since I'm a Pokemon Professor. That's why I came a few hours early. The scheduled flight to Kanto isn't until a few hours later.".

"I see. I really am sorry about that. My next competition is up soon and I need all the training I can get. Why don't you join us for breakfast as an apology? Your drive from Lumiose City must have been long.".

"It wasn't much of a drive to be honest, but is that alright with you?"

"Of course it is! It would be a honor to treat Kalos's Pokemon Professor to a home cooked meal. Except there is one slight problem."

"Oh? What would that be?"

"It looks like that darned daughter of mine is snoozing like no tomorrow, haha! Probably got all excited and fell asleep late knowing today would be the day she would depart for Professor Oak's Summer Camp. She's been really looking forward to it."

"Hahaha, I know that feeling well. Your daughter is ready though right? We'll be gone for one to two weeks."

"She better be! Now come on in, don't be a stranger at the door. Welcome to our home, Professor Sycamore."

"Thank you, pardon the intrusion."

After the two went into her home, there was no sign of her daughter anywhere on the first floor. Grace then saw her Fletchling at the window still, watching the outside.

Seeing her daughter not here, Grace spoke out to Fletchling.

"Fletchling, be a dear and go wake up Serena, okay?", Grace asked.

"Fletch!", Fletchling responded, bobbing its head.

Seeing this, Professor Sycamore sat onto the dining table table and watched on with interest.

Fletchling then took flight, and flew right up to the 2nd floor and vanished.

"So what's supposed to happen now?", He asked.

"Just watch and listen. Serena will be up in no time.", Grace said with a proud tone.

That's right, this house belonged to none other than Serena, the leading girl of the Kalos region. It would be at this Summer Camp that Serena would become Ash's childhood friend. Serena was the main girl Itsuki was interested in forming a bond with, and partaking in this Summer Camp was a key factor to making that happen.

And at this present moment, Serena could be seen sleeping peacefully on her right side with a Joltik and Bulbasaur pillow next to her. Most of her body was covered by her blanket. The sunlight peered into the room, showing that it was morning, but Serena

Fletchling saw the door was cracked open slightly, and made their way in by squeezing through it.

It took flight again, passing over the Pokeball-style circular table. It then landed on Serena and looked at her while tilting their head.

Without prior notice, Fletchling suddenly lifted their head back, and initiated a Peck. All of a sudden, Serena felt something sharp strike against her head.

"Ahhhhhh!", Serena yelled out, jolting her body up. She then tumbled over onto the side of the bed, revealing her pink pajamas and a bow ribbon tied around her head. Her feet stood up in the air as she tumbled out of the bed, letting her Bulbasaur pillow toss into the air and landed behind her.

Serena's scream was loud enough to where even Rhyhorn outside became startled hearing her. (A/N If you guys want to watch this scene, just watch the beginning of XY EP01)

Meanwhile, back down on the first floor, after hearing a loud crash from the second floor, Grace smiled and looked at Professor Sycamore. She then started to set the table.

"See? Works like a charm every time.", Grace said smiling, seeing her daughter had woken up now.

"Is that right?"

Not even a couple moments passed before a groggy Serena started walking down the steps into the first floor, rubbing her eyes. She then let out a groan, and complained at the Fletchling who was flying behind her.

"Ugh...How many times do I have to tell you Fletchling that I don't like you waking me up like that?", Serena said, arriving at the first floor.

"Well, good morning, Sleepyhead. Did you enjoy your sleep?"

"Yawn...good morning, Mama." Serena said with a yawn, stretching her arms.

"Fletchling!", Fletchling replied, flying over to Grace.

"Good work Fletchling. I put your meal off to the side, so feel free to enjoy it. Serena, breakfast is almost ready. We have a guest too this morning so go wash up."

"A guest...?", Serena replied, confused.

After she got a clear sight of the first floor, she saw Grace, and Professor Sycamore.

"Ahh! I almost forgot!", Serena became flustered in shock.

"Today's and important day for you, since this will be your first time leaving Kalos. It's a shame I can't go with you so that's why Professor Sycamore is here to take you in my stead."

"It's as Grace said. It's good that you're awake, Serena. It's nice to meet you too. You can call me Professor Sycamore, since it's my first time being here."

"H-Hello, Professor...", Serena replied with a soft tone, still waking up.

Serena then realized Professor Sycamore was actually there in her house, and froze up. She saw her hair was very much unkempt, a typical bedhead. Her pajamas were also somewhat messy, as a result from tossing around due Fletchling's Peck a moment ago.

"Ahhh!", Serena yelled out once more, finally realizing the situation she was in. She hightailed it out of there and went right back up to the washroom to get cleaned up.

Seeing Serena act a bit clumsy like this, Grace laughed as she set food down.

"Haha, that Serena. She can always be a bit of an airhead like that. I hope you don't mind waiting a bit longer."

"Not at all. We still got some time before our flight. Are you okay leaving your daughter in my care?"

"Of course. You're the leading Professor here in Kanto. Sounds like you all are meeting up with that Professor Oak huh?"

"I can't reveal too much but we are indeed. There will be plenty of other children the other Professors are bringing, or coming together with their parents for this Summer Camp. Serena will fit in just fine."

"Then that is good. Serena's been looking forward to meeting more friends and seeing a lot of Pokemon."

Professor Sycamore nodded his head.

And just like that, after some time passed, Serena started her trip toward Kanto along with Professor Sycamore. She had an apologetic face most of the time but during their flight, she was able to get acquainted with him. She was very much looking forward to the event taking place soon as much as the Professor did.


Serena is cute (: