Chapter 19 : Project Mewtwo Is A Go

A/N : Aht here. Here is the next chapter!

Looks like you guys want the last bit sped up some more so I tried to for this chapter. And this chapter will be the last of the povs.

I did update Vol 1 title as well, as we are currently in mc's childhood arc, where a lot of the focus isn't just him., but those who get to meet mc early on, before his journey starts.

Vol 2 I'm planning to start around the Ch25-30 mark. By this point mc will be 15 years old and his journey will begin, so about 6-10 chapters away.

By the way, hopefully you guys have been paying attention to the last few pov chapters, as the girls who appear here will be on the voting list that I will do at a later time (:

Voting list will mostly comprise of: Green, Chloe, May, Dawn, Cynthia, Gloria, and Lillie.

(Remember this is not the actual poll, so don't vote here)

Don't forget to keep dropping those stones, let's get to that 500!


Galar Region, Wedgehurst Town, Professor Magnolia's Lab.

A retreating car could be seen driving back towards Postwick Town while a girl appearing to be five or six years old with a single bag besides her could be seen standing in front Professor Magnolia's lab. She currently had sparkles in her eyes as this was her first time visiting such a place.

She currently wore a red one piece skirt with a small sweater worn over it. She wore a green beret-like hat with a white ball of fur poking out on top. She had brown hair and eyes.

This girl went by the name Gloria, who was an aspiring Trainer like many others, despite being so young. She would eventually become to be Marnie's best friend, another local resident of the Galar region.

She currently saw a packed Professor Magnolia and as Professor Magnolia saw a letter in the child's hand she knew Gloria was a participant of Oak's Summer Camp.

Professor Magnolia saw Gloria was already packed and ready to go, which pleased her. After a brief introduction, the two went on their way to the airport, catching their flight to Kanto...

Orre Region, Pokemon HQ Lab

Orre was one of the more secluded regions, and it was not known to many. Most of its inhabitants did not venture off too much either. Moreover they had good reason not to, as Orre was one of the more criminally active regions. Only a few cities in all of Orre were safe havens. The town containing the Pokemon HQ Lab was one such safe haven.

But its not like they were without airports either. If one wanted to travel to other regions, they could. One such individual was B who came from the Orre region to travel around Unova, before making his way to Kanto.

And it seemed two more individuals were packing their things. One of them was the leading Professor, Professor Krane. The other was a young boy of five or six years old, who currently had a letter beside him. The boy's family and him were well acquainted with Professor Krane, and they live together in the lab. It was actually quite a spacious lab.

This boy went by the name Michael.

After packing their things, Professor Krane brought Michael to the nearest airport, set to depart for Kanto. This would be Professor Krane's first time meeting other leading Professors in person, and it will be a first for Michael to see what other regions were like compared to his own, as Orre was mostly compromised of a vast desert surrounded by an active volcano.

Yet as their plane left, the two couldn't help but worry, as Professor Krane started to receive reports of Pokemon appearing around Orre who had their hearts closed and would attack anyone on sight...

Alola Region, Professor Kukui's Lab.

Professor Kukui's Lab was probably the smallest out of the leading Professors of each region. But that was largely because Professor Kukui treated his lab as his actual home. It was built on one of Melemele Island's many beaches, outside of Hau'oli city, your average beachside resort.

Professor Kukui could be seen on the second floor, packing up his last suitcase needed for a flight back to Kanto. This time he would be staying with the other incoming Professors.

Another moment passed before he closed his final suitcase.

"That should be the last one.", Professor Kukui said, letting out a sigh.

However, as he finished packing, a look of worry appeared in his eyes.

"Still, Professor Oak really threw me in for a loop there. The child he picked isn't exactly the easiest to get in contact with. President Lusamine's daughter...", Professor Kukui said.

"No matter how many tries I tried to set up a meeting with the Aether Foundation, they kept denying me. Am I going to have to fly solo here?", Professor Kukui asked himself, scratching his head.

"There's no need for that.", A firm voice suddenly said, breaking his thoughts.

"Eh?", Professor Kukui asked, not expecting a second voice to reach him, as he was in his home right now.

Turning around, Professor Kukui suddenly saw two figures standing at his doorstep, with the door wide open.

One belonged to a middle aged woman with blonde hair. Her hair was probably one of the longest in the entire Pokemon series, and it was styled in such a way that probably defied modern day physics. She wore a white dress and pants, with a blue diamond embedded over her chest.

She was of course, the active president of the Aether Foundation, President Lusamine.

And standing next to her was a girl around five to six, holding a letter in her hand. She was the spitting image of Lusamine, it was her daughter. Lillie. Except she wore a light blue dress instead.

Professor Kukui just stood there staring at his doorstep, dazed.

"Now I really am seeing things. There's no way President Lusamine would waltz right into my lab, haha!"

"Are you sure about that?", Lusamine retorted.

"...", Professor Kukui tried to say something, but found no words. Lusamine and Lillie were really standing at his door!

"So it's not a dream after all...I didn't think the Aether Foundation president would personally pay a visit to my lab. By all means, welcome.", Professor Kukui responded with a polite tone.

"At least you know how to act properly.", Lusamine responded. After that she saw Professor Kukui step down the second floor and greeted the two. Yet Lusamine spoke out next,

"We're mostly here for one thing Professor Kukui, knowing that you are in frequent contact with Professor Oak. Normally I wouldn't have bothered coming here, but thanks to the letter Lillie received, I'm here to confirm one thing. Is it true Oak's family is raising a genius kid named Itsuki?", Lusamine calmly asked.

Professor Kukui froze up after hearing Lusamine mention Itsuki's name, who was the same child he was starting to see him as his own. Every time since his first meeting with Itsuki, he would often find himself spending time with him. He didn't say anything and just stared at her.

Yet just from his reaction alone, Lusamine was able to discern his answer. She started to turn around, with Lillie in hand.

"That's all I need to know. Thank you, Professor Kukui. Looks like you get to go to Professor Oak's Summer Camp after all, Lillie."

Hearing Lusamine say that, Lillie's eyes sparkled.

"Really!? Thank you, Mother!", Lillie replied happily.

Yet just as the two exited the lab, Professor Kukui quickly snapped out of his and yelled out, knowing that Lusamine had figured him out with just a glance.

"W-Wait just a moment, President Lusamine! what are you going to do with Itsuki!?", Kukui yelled out with worry.

"That's classified. It's not like that I didn't know you were trying to snoop around the Foundation, Professor. But seeing as we share the same destination, you'll come to know of it soon. You're heading to Kanto too, aren't you?"

"...", Professor Kukui stayed silent, absorbing Lusamine's words.

Seeing Professor Kukui not respond, Lusamine looked down at Lillie who was currently smiling.

"Let us go, Lillie."


Just as quick as they came, the two departed for the helicopter that was kicking up wind outside the lab. The two got on, and left, leaving behind a stunned Kukui.

"Of course they would come in a helicopter. They are the Aether Foundation...", Professor Kukui retorted.

Yet he quickly shook that thought away and rushed at his computer.

"That's not the point! I need to notify Professor Oak immediately that the president herself is on her way there personally! Itsuki, just who exactly are you?", Curious, all Professor Kukui could do was let out a sigh.

Not only was Lillie now on her way to Kanto, it appeared that Lusamine was joining her.

On top of that, after Kukui made a rushed call to Professor Oak who became surprised after learning what Kukui relayed to him, Kukui found himself pacing to the nearest airport, almost forgetting about his packed luggage along the way.

And with that, all fifteen participants of the Summer Camp were now in action, slowly making their way to Kanto.

However, even though the remaining Summer Camp participants have started to make their move, they weren't the only ones to do so...

Kanto, Viridian City Gym, Back Office.

Inside the Viridian City Gym was a rather secluded back office. No one could get inside it without the required access. And only one such man had that access, the newly appointed Gym Leader, who went by the name Giovanni.

Giovanni could currently be seen sitting on a fancy rotating black leather chair, currently petting his Persian. A file with several documents could be seen in his spare hand.

He then tossed it onto the glass table, toward to two figures who could be seen kneeling before him.

"Jessy, James, here is your next mission. I'm putting my faith in you two for recently rising up in becoming a senior Rocket."

""Boss."", The two replied to him with a salute.

James then stood up, grabbing the file. It soon revealed a picture of a weird tall man wearing a red and white afro, with a focus on the silver-line case he was currently carrying.

"This man is your next point of contact. As you two have recently learned, we have entered a partnership with an organization known as Cipher."

"Cipher...They originate from that region called Orre, right?", James asked.

"So you've heard. They can be quite a nasty bunch, even more so compared to our Team Rocket. It was a stroke of luck for us two to enter a contract. We give them supplies they need while they respond in kind. And this man here is carrying our first shipment. Failure is not an option. We must receive that case at all costs."

"Yes, Boss. We won't let you down."

"Good. The man goes by the name Miror B. He is one of Cipher's admins. Do not anger the man, or else you'll find yourself in a pool of your own blood. Go to the designated contact area specified in the file, retrieve the case, and immediately report back here. Do I make myself clear?"

"Ha!", both Jessy and James saluted with a firm tone.

The two then left his office, with file in hand. It became quiet once again.

Giovanni then turned his chair the other way, and rubbed Persian a bit more, which earned a purr from him. There was a secretary off to the side, appearing a bit worried.

"Was it alright to place such a mission of upmost importance to those two Rocket members? They were just recently promoted to Senior level...", the secretary asked.

"It will be. They've been earning top scores ever since they finished the Rocket Academy. They know how to use their heads. With this, we will finally be able to start utilizing Shadow Pokemon, as the Cipher call them. Pokemon who exceed their strength by closing their hearts. Sounds like a perfect fit for Team Rocket. Hahaha!", Giovanni revealed a rare laugh. He always appeared a stern man.

At this time, the screen in front of him suddenly lit up, revealing a few scientists with an excited expression.

"Boss Giovanni!", One of them yelled out in excitement. "Phase three is finally complete!"

Hearing that, Giovanni smiled.

"Excellent. I hear by authorize you that Project Mewtwo is a go. I expect great things from you guys in the coming years."

"Yes, Boss!", the scientist replied excitedly .The screen then cut its image, becoming black once more. He then turned toward his secretary and spoke out.

"Matori, go prepare some wine. I feel a celebratory mood is coming."

"Perrrr.", Persian replied with a happy purr.

"Of course.", Matori replied with a grin.

And with that, it appeared Team Rocket was going through their motions too.

Perhaps Itsuki will get a chance to encounter Mewtwo in the future should Project Mewtwo be successful?

Moreover, there was not a single Masked Man to be spotted.


Last of povs. Returning back to Itsuki's pov next chapter onward!