Chapter 21 : A Trickster

A/N : Aht here. Here is the next chapter!

Fire Stone use : Ninetales or Arcanine?

Also Itsuki x Serena won't happen till a long while. This event is just so Itsuki meets Serena early on, instead of meeting Serena for first time once his journey is underway.

Don't forget to keep dropping those stones!


Today marked January 14th. Professor Oak's Summer Camp had begun. Professor Oak tasked me to turn the first floor of the lab into a mini classroom. Everyone would sit on the ground while they watched on with interest listening to Professor Oak's lecture.

Our main topic was of course the first one hundred and fifty one first generation Pokemon. Kanto was where it all started. Plus Professor Oak was the leading Professor of the Kanto region. It was only natural we went this route.

Now that I think about it, I never went into detail of what the leading Professors studied as their main profession, did I?

Professor Oak loves to see how Pokemon interact with humans. Whether it be out of kindness, or malice, or just pure curiosity, he would often find himself in the ranch to see lots of different types of Pokemon. To see if he could form a bond with them. He would resort to different types of methods to see what their reactions would be, and so on.

He was an expert in such situations. He had the strength of being an ex-champion too so I never had to worry over him. If something went awry, his Pokemon would often settle things down with the others.

As for me though, I've mostly been observing Pokemon's behaviors. What they are like in their natural Habitats. I've also taken a key note from the Pokedex.

Pokemon Natures actually don't exist in this world, or at least they haven't been discovered. I was wondering why natures didn't show up in the Pokedex entries that I've seen so far. I was wondering if the Pokedex was not up to date, but it turned out to be the latter.

That could be one way to start my own research later on, should I continue pursuing that route besides my goal as a Pokemon Trainer. Observing how Pokemon behave and where their nature truly lies. And to see if said behavior effects how a Pokemon behaves in battle, like if a Pokemon was behaving adamantly, they would deal slightly more damage with physical moves and such.

And a good Professor to work with for that was none other than grandpa.

As for the Johto Professor, the leading one was Professor Elm. He was the one to discover that Pokemon could breed, resulting in the existence of Pokemon Eggs. His field in Pokemon Evolution was top notch too. On top of that, he also dives into unusual Pokemon Abilities.

For Hoenn, it was Professor Birch. His field was actually very similar to Professor Oak's as he also studied behavior. But the key difference between him and Oak was that Birch liked to study behaviors of wild Pokemon in their natural habitat. He would often find himself out in the wild, where Professor Oak would conduct research at the ranch.

I could very well conduct Natures research with Professor Birch too.

For Sinnoh, it was Professor Rowan. His was more simple, as he focused on Pokemon Evolution, or more specifically, how the same Pokemon could evolve into different branches, as well as evolution items.

For Unova, it was Professor Juniper. There were many female professors but it was rare for one to be a leading professor. And for her, she was a history nerd. She often found herself in libraries, trying to figure out how Pokemon came to be, their origins.

For Kalos, it was one of the most exciting regions, as it brought in one of the best mechanics known to the Pokemon world. Mega evolution! A unique evolution path that allows one to break its own barrier and rise up even further, obtaining a new evolved form in the process. And Professor Sycamore was the leading professor in this field. Though as I mentioned last time it appeared Mega Evolution hadn't been made public yet, but Professor Sycamore was currently drafting up a formal statement to do so. It will probably be made public in next few years.

Alola I didn't need to repeat myself, especially having learned a Z-Move of my own. Professor Kukui was to thank for that. Plus he's starting to see me as a child that he never had, an Uncle I never knew I had. He did accept Ash into his family when Ash stayed in Alola, so perhaps this was a similar feeling? Either way, Professor Kukui is always a blast to be around.

And last but not least, Galar. Galar also had a rare leading female professor, one who just about as old as Professor Oak was. She was Professor Magnolia, an expert in Galar's specialized mechanic, Dynamax. Dynamaxing was unique to that of Galar and it has yet to be discovered anywhere else.

I wasn't much of a fan of Dynamaxing myself, but it was still a pleasure to get introduced to her. It was like this for all of the Professors. One by one before the the first day of camp started, I was able to meet with them.

And before I realized it, it became noon of the first day. We started to prepare our lunches. We split up the first two days to where the first half of the Kanto Pokemon would be covered, and we'd go over second half tomorrow. We would then go into the ranch to observe some picked out Pokemon by the Professor and I after eating lunch.

This pattern repeated itself into the second day, and just like that the first two days passed.

Though by the end of the second day, unbeknownst to us, deep in the forests surrounding the ranch, flocks of bird Pokemon suddenly flew out from the trees, as if they were disturbed by something.

All of a sudden, a childlike laughter spread among the forest tops as a swift shadow came out into the air above, revealing itself. Its whole body was made of pink. It was reminiscent of a cat but with a large snout. It even had a long and thin tail. It appeared the laughter same from this figure.

Seeing that it was above the treetops now, it tilted its head out of curiosity as the whole surrounding became visible to it. Getting its bearings, it started to swerve around, trying to find something it would take interest in next. The figure then turned around, only to spot the ranch on top of a large hill in the distance.

Curious seeing this building from afar, it swerved around a bit more.

"Mew!", the figure yelled out, as if it decided on something. It then became a shadow once more, speeding toward the ranch...

Meanwhile, back inside the lab, a few figures could be seen around the tv area, lazing about. The 2nd day had come to a close. As part of a four day Summer Camp, it would be lame if we just returned home or let our participants sleep at a nearby hotel to sleep, so we pitched up tents in the closed fence area.

It wouldn't be Summer Camp if we didn't actually camp out in the open air straight, right?

We were still kids too, so we could pick and choose who we wanted to stay with.

Only me, Gary, Green, Cynthia, and Lillie could be seen still in the lab.

As for Ash, he really hit it off with Goh. He retreated with him along with Chloe to a tent. Ethan and Michael kicked it off too, along with Tracey. Those three took the second tent, becoming a boys' only tent.

May and Dawn became friends quite fast. Gloria also was happy to get to know the two so those three took the third tent. They even managed to persuade Serena, who enjoyed hanging around us a bit more. Seeing Serena's troubled face as she was pulled by May to their tent was quite funny.

There was only one tent left for us five. But it was the biggest tent out of the four so we didn't have to worry about space.

Only me, Gary, Green, Cynthia and Lillie were still in lab.

"Professor Oak really does know a lot about Pokemon! I learned a lot in just these two days. Don't you think so too, Cynthia?", Lillie asked happily.

"Yes...", Cynthia simply replied, nodding her head.

Seeing this I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Haha, you're pretty simple with your words, aren't you, Cynthia?", I asked her.

"I'm's just I don't know how to talk to people I don't know well...", Cynthia replied in embarrassment.

"But we're your friends now aren't we? I enjoy spending time with you. You too Lillie!", Green replied happily.

"That's right. And big brother is here so if anything happens don't hesitate to speak up okay, Cynthia?", Gary also replied.

"Alright. I will try.", Cynthia nodded once more.

"Gib.", Gible also responded to Cynthia's words, who received a head pat from her.

Yet at this time, we saw Vulpix's ears suddenly twitch.

"Vulpix!", Vulpix yelled out, turning her head to a certain direction, to that of one of the nearby windows.

"Is something wrong, Vulpix?", I asked her. I then saw her jump toward the closest window. She acted as if she had seen something, but by the time I approached the window, we only saw the tents outside.

"Are you wanting to go outside where the others are?"

"Vul.", Vulpix replied, denying me.

But before I could say anything else, I heard Lillie let out a gasp of surprise.

"Ahh! Itsuki there's something at the other the window next to you!", Lillie yelled out in surprise.

This also caused the other four to stand up, only to see a swift shadow disappear outside the left window. Yet the moment I looked left, there was nothing there.

I then looked back at them, only appearing confused.

"What are you guys talking about? I didn't see anything just now."

Without me realizing, that same shadow appeared behind me inside the lab. This caused three of the four to turn wide eyed while Cynthia raised her finger, and pointed at the empty space behind me. Why am I getting a feeling of deja vu all of a sudden?

"There's something behind me, isn't there?", I asked the four, only to see them nod there head in silence.

I quickly snapped my neck around again only to see a faint shadow swerve upward out of sight. It was then we all heard a childlike laughter, which caused me to freeze up. That voice sounded very familiar.

But before I could do anything, I felt something plop onto the top of my head, and it turned its body forward, directly looking down at me.

"Mew!", the creature yelled out, letting its tail swerve around. This caused the other four to become stunned.

It was at this time I realized that Kanto's mythical Pokemon, Mew, was now sitting on the top of my head looking at me with eyes full of curiosity!


Would it be bad if I have mc accidentally catch Mew? xD