Chapter 22 : A New Companion?

A/N: Aht here. here is the next chapter!

Fun fact : Did you guys know Vulpix's evolution is actually spelled as Ninetales? People often mistake naming it Ninetails, as Ninetales has nine tails in its evolved form.

Don't forget to keel dropping those power stones!


I stood there dazed, looking at the pink playful creature, who was looking back at me right over my head. The first thing I wanted to do was tumble backward and yell out in surprise, but decided against it. I didn't want to cause any uncertain movements, so I just stood still.

This figure can't be the very same Pokemon that always likes to have fun, can it? I'm looking at Mew!

I don't even know why Mew suddenly came out of the blue like this!

I mean sure, it did come to the nearby forests around Pallet Town to play around with its Pokemon during the Summer Camp, specifically the one Goh took part in.

And seeing Goh partake in this one, everything lines up.

I guess everything won't always play out like the original will, huh? Well, hopefully Goh will still be able to witness Mew like this, as it was Mew who came his sole inspiration.

During our first two days we covered all Kanto Pokemon. And since Mewtwo hadn't been created yet, only 150 existed right now, excluding the other regions of course.

And now Mew is looking at me curiously. I'd look at the others to see their shocked faces, but I kept my focus on Mew. It didn't take long for it to get off from my head.

Seeing it swerve around a bit, I saw Mew's body glow with a hue, before it phased through me. As it did, I felt a soothing sensation spread inside inside me. It was as if Mew was calming me down.

It then reappeared behind me, tilting its head at the four.

"So cute...", Cynthia's said calmly, as she showed the least surprised expression of the four. The other three snapped out of it.

"Is that a...Pokemon?", Green asked, confused. It was her first time seeing Mew after all.

"I think so? Professor Oak did describe a Pokemon that looks like this. Mew?", Lillie responded, trying to recall Professor Oak's lecture.

Gary became surprised once more after he heard Lillie say that.

"Wait a minute, are you saying this thing is that Mew!?", Gary asked.

Yet an anger mark appeared on my forehead after hearing Gary speak like that. I approached him and slapped the back of his head, which earned another giggle from Mew.

"Mew is not a thing, Gary. Mew is Mew. Isn't that right, Mew?"

"Mew!", Mew acknowledged, floating around in front of us a bit more.

"Right...Sorry about that, big brother. I'm just surprised a Legendary Pokemon made its way here!", Gary responded apologetically.

"Well, according to reports, Mew is said to travel a lot, mostly to places it finds interesting or to play around with. Guess we are in its current path.", I responded looking back at Mew.

Mew then looked at me again, only for it to vanish. A childlike laughter spread out, and it plopped on top of my head again, and looked around the lab, trying to find something.

"Hehe, perhaps Mew has taking a liking to you, Itsuki!", Lillie said with a giggle.

"That may be the case...", Cynthia responded.

"Mew did quickly proceed to ignore us after we crossed eyes so that might be true. Why else would it act so familiar like that with you?", Green asked as she watched Mew play with its tail, almost as if Mew didn't know it was on top of Itsuki's head.

"It is strange though as to why Mew would show up here. I'm also feeling quite peaceful being around Mew. Are any of you feeling like that too?"

Asking that, I saw the three shake their heads.

"I don't feel anything...Am I supposed to?", Gary asked, confused.

"Me neither.", Lillie denied me too.

"Same.", Cynthia also responded.

Weird. If the the of them didn't feel anything with Mew's presence, then why could I? I mean I'm just a normal kid just like everyone else.

Well, mostly normal, considering I was reincarnated here with an ability that makes me become friendly with Pokemon easier. But I wouldn't think it would effect legendary Pokemon as much as it would to normal Pokemon, would it?

I mean, Mew is known to have a good sense of heart, having the ability to judge others as if it can look directly into one's soul.

Perhaps it took a liking to me after learning about who I truly was?

Nah, there's no way that could happen, right?

Shaking that thought away, I decided raise my arm in an attempt to pet Mew. If it did like me, it wouldn't back away. And sure enough once I brought my hand near, Mew became curious of it, and it rubbed its head against it happily. Another soothing sensation spread inside.

"Mew!", Mew yelled out happily, and started to play around with my arm. Just like in the movie, I let my arm become a blade of a rotor, letting Mew bounce back up onto it via her psychic power.

"So adorable!", Lillie said happily once more.

"It really is behaving like a kid, almost as if it is just playing around like we do...Is that normal for legendary Pokemon?", Gary asked, confused.

Cynthia just continued to observe Mew with interest.

Yet before I could answer, it seemed Vulpix took notice of how Mew was having fun, and wanted to join in.

"Vulpix!", Vulpix yelled out.

It was at this time Mew finally took notice it wasn't the only Pokemon in the room. It took notice of Gible who was next to Cynthia, and Vulpix who was approaching it.

"Mew?", Mew stopped on my arm, looking at Vulpix.

"Vul. Vulpix!", Vulpix spoke out to Mew. Mew then suddenly vanished from my arm, and reappeared in front Vulpix.

"Mew. Mew!", Mew responded to Vulpix, who tilted its head at her. The two seemed to have struck up a conversation.

It didn't take long for Vulpix to like Mew, and Mew started to play around, letting Vulpix chase Mew's tail.

Gible joined in, and the three became friends fast.

Just like that the rest of the second day of Summer Camp came to a close.

I would have thought Mew would have long left by now, but for some reason it decided to stick around, and even accompanied us five into the tent. It was big enough to let Mew freely swerve around. Mew got in undetected by everyone else of course.

We need to get ready for bed for the field exploration of day three tomorrow, but Mew is still wanting to play around.

I'm curious as to why it's personally staying around here. Does it actually like being around me? It is said that Mew that come out to play around the Pokemon World often find themselves being attached to those of pure hearts, especially those with pure hearts that are seeking out Mew. I wasn't really seeking out Mew, but it still made it to me on its own. I could confirm it was for me, as Mew quickly skipped over Gary, Green, Lillie, and Cynthia earlier.

To test it out, I'll see if Mew responds to me first.

"Say Mew, would you mind coming over here for a second?", I asked.

"Big brother?", Gary interjected, but was immediately shushed by Green.

Hearing this, Mew turned over to me, and tilted its head for a moment.

"Mew?", Mew asked, pondering. It then flew over right in front of me. I extended my arm out, and it happily accepted landing on it.

Seeing this, I inwardly grinned.

"Is there a specific reason why you haven't returned to your forest yet, Mew?", I asked.

"Mew?", Mew replied. It then turned quiet. Mew suddenly vanished from the tent which surprised the five, only to reappear above, high in the sky and away from view. Mew looked toward the forest it came from.

There was a Nidoking inside of it that Mew discovered, looking to have a bit of fun with it, but it spotted the ranch not long after and found Itsuki. The rest of the forest didn't leave that much of an impressions to Mew.

Mew then looked back down at the tent once more.

"Mew!", Mew yelled out, as if it decided on something, and vanished again.

Meanwhile back inside the tent, I let out a sigh seeing Mew not return.

"Guess Mew decided to head on out, huh?" I asked.

"Maybe you gave it enough time to have some fun here. It's probably on its way--!?", Green tried to ask.

Yet a couple moments later, a pink creature reappeared at their disbelief. It was none other than Mew.

"Mew!", Mew yelled out happily. It then swerved on over to me, nuzzling its head against my arm.

I smiled seeing Mew again.

"So I take it you like being here, Mew?", I asked.

"Mew, Mew!", Mew yelled out happily once more. I could see that it was obviously happy being around me. I then decided to ask Mew the important question.

"Since that is the case, Mew, I plan to go on a very, very long journey once I come of age. Would you be willing to become of my partners like Vulpix here when the time comes?, I asked, seeing if it is willing to become my Pokemon.

Of course most of the time I would let Mew roam free without worry. But knowing that I would have a Mew, it would definitely help out if I ever found myself in dire straights.


Mew will be seen as a travel companion most of the time, going in and out, and not used in battles unless its like the league/champion and in life or death battles if they happen, as per you guys (: