Chapter 38 : Cynthia

Enjoy a POV from Cynthia.

I don't use POV separators like other authors do, I find those disruptive for emersion.

1 of 2 lemons. This one is more fluff. 2nd one next chapter will have a bit of action.

Date will be next chapter followed by 2nd short lemon scene.

Viridian Forest after!

Don't forget to drop those power stones!

In the games, 1 Pokedollar is equivalent to one yen, which is one cent in USD. However, for this fanfic, it will be treated as 1 Pokedollar = $1 USD.


Unova Region, Undella Town, Beachside Resort, January 8th, Night Time.

Undella Town within the Unova region could be said to be one of the richest towns of that region. It was home to many fancy resorts that overlooked Undella Bay and the sea. Any one of these villas could range from five to ten million Pokedollars and upward. Most of people who owned these kept these villas as a second home, and they would come here to relax. One such villa sported a red tile roof and beige walls. It was the front most house among the several villas that could be seen. A long steep staircase could be seen at the front of the house, which extended down to the long sandy beach below.

Undella town was situated at the east most side of the region too. A huge glacier mountain separated it from other parts of the region, which made it one of the last stops to enjoy some time for relaxation before Unova Trainers would scale up Victory Road and challenge the league.

However, with that said, most of the facilities here are rather expensive, as it is a beach town. Most Trainers would just ignore them, directly heading toward its beaches for some fun.

And the red tile villa was the first villa in line to overlook this huge resort area.

This villa was recently bought by a famous Trainer who has been all over the news recently, as one of the youngest Champion to date in Sinnoh. She became Champion at age 18.

This was none other than Cynthia's villa.

A lone figure could currently be seen standing in her room with s couple outfits laid over her bed. Inside was rather fancy too with her villa, spanning three floors. The main bedroom was of course her room. A huge flat screen could be seen toward the middle next to a king size bed. A bed stand next to her bed and a wooden desk off behind her, which housed a monitor and a phone. On the other wide was a huge window that connected to a balcony that overlooked the sea.

The figure herself could be seen rather tall, reaching about 6'1, but Itsuki still had the height advantage over her, being 6'5. As for Serena, she was currently at 5'7 while Lillie was the shortest at 5'5. So whenever Lillie cuddled with Itsuki, there was a clear difference in height.

This figure was of course Cynthia. Her standard outfit that she always wears could be seen on the left, while a simple black two piece bikini could be seen on the right.

As for herself, Cynthia could be seen standing next to the bed, looking at her bikini as if she was currently stuck on deciding something. With her eyes glued to two different options, she would often find herself taking a while to decide. But that was part of her charm.

Cynthia could also be seen stark naked right now, wearing only nothing but a pair of black panties. Her breasts were in full view. Her size was a bit bigger than Serena's were actually, about one to two sizes bigger. And they were quite supple.

Over these ten years she had spent after that Summer Camp, she made several friends in different regions along her own journey, with the end result of her becoming the Sinnoh Champion. She was now good friends with a rising star in Unova, one of the current elite four who went by the name Caitlin. She would often find herself playing with Caitlin along this beach.

But for this vacation she was currently on, she decided to go by herself. Part of the reason was that she liked to partake in a secret activity she hadn't shown anyone as of yet. And that was to go night swimming, sometimes even without out a bathing suit. That was why she was currently naked, to decide on whether tonight she would go out swimming with or without a bikini.

"Still, it's good to take breaks like these. It's been pretty challenging since I became Champion, It's like working a full time job. I can only be off so much in a year...", Cynthia started to say.

"Either way, I've come a long way so if I don't take time to enjoy moments like this, that won't be fun now will it? Grandma was able to push me into such a direction and thanks to Itsuki and the others, I was able to break free of my antisocial personality. It's been a couple years since we've last chatted, but according to that call I got from Professor Oak, it looks like Itsuki finally started his journey.", Cynthia continued to say.

"Fufu, I wonder how long it will take him to reach my level? It took me two years to become Champion. I've only been in this seat for little over a year now and I was able to defend the Valley Conference during my first year. It's over so I've been on vacation. Undella Town is such a nice spot to relax~", Cynthia laughed to herself as she covered her breasts with her arm.

"And in that latest Conference, I issued him my own challenge. Really it was thanks to him, Grandma and the others that I could break out of that shell. The press is going crazy trying to find out who he is right now, but my guess is he probably won't enter the Sinnoh till another two to three years. My heart can wait however long Itsuki needs, but I have a feeling he's probably noticed that by now, fufu. I wonder how Serena and Lillie are doing as well? From what Professor Oak said, it looks like those two are accompanying him too.", Cynthia said, letting out another laugh.

"I do wish I was could explore Kanto with them but only having a few days to work with, coming to Unova to relax at my villa is the best thing I can do for now. I wonder if I should bring them here some time just like I do with Caitlin?", Cynthia asked herself.

Cynthia shook that thought away for now, and looked down at her bikini on the bed.

"It's only approaching 10pm, so some may still be out and about. I think I should put it on today. I'll go swim tomorrow night without one at a later time than this."

Finally deciding, Cynthia dropped her arm, which revealed her breasts once more. As she bent over, her butt extended out a bit. However, just as she went to grab her bikini, she heard a loud ringing behind her, coming from her pc.

Ring Ring Ring.

The noise didn't startle her, but it did surprise Cynthia.

"Oh? Not many people have my number...I wonder who would be calling? It's late as it is, so I doubt it's Caitlin. Could it be...?", Cynthia said, only for the ringing to continue.

Turning around, she placed her bikini on the desk and looked at the id of the caller. She smiled, only to see it was Itsuki who was calling her.

Cynthia then realized she was still naked. Looking down at herself, she grinned.

"Looks like it is Itsuki. It should still be the afternoon in Kanto so calling around this time makes sense. It's been a couple years since our last call. I should probably get dressed for this, but didn't he just become an adult? If Serena is with him now, I'm sure something probably happened. If he is aware of my heart too, It wouldn't hurt to show off a bit now, would it?", Cynthia replied a grin.

Making sure her breasts were covered, using her mouse, she accepted the call as she sat down in her chair. A clicking sound echoed in her room.

Immediately after, a video appeared on her screen. Cynthia saw Itsuki, Serena and Lillie. Though the moment the three saw Cynthia naked sitting cross-legged in her chair, she saw Itsuki's eyes turn wide.

"Oh my.", Serena replied, with a grin herself.

"Awawa," Lillie replied with a fumble. Her cheeks turned red seeing Cynthia's breasts in open view, despite being covered with her arm. She immediately reached out her hand to cover my eyes.

"I-It seems we picked a wrong time to call you, Cynthia. It looks like you are currently changing so shall we call you back in a few?", I said while Lillie covered my eyes with her hand.

"Fufu, nonsense. I saw it was you calling so I felt like teasing you a bit. I've been waiting, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. It won't be long till we cross paths, Cynthia. My current agenda is to travel the regions in order, so Sinnoh will be our fourth stop. I hope you don't mind waiting till then."

"I don't. But you'll still have to climb your way up, let alone beat me. But if you do, I'm all yours."

"That's what you announced previously, right? Are you fine with being with someone like me?"

"You helped me a lot more than you realize, Itsuki. It's only natural I would come to love you. And Lillie, Serena it sure has been a while. You two are getting cuter each passing day. Also, Lillie you can let go of your hands. It's okay for Itsuki to look."

"Hehe.", Serena replied with a giggle.

"Umm, are you sure, Cynthia?"

"Yes. It'll only be for a little while anyway."

Lillie nodded but her blush remained. She removed her hands and my sight returned. I saw Cynthia's beautiful figure with my own eyes this time.

"Still, you really are beautiful, Cynthia. By the way, where exactly are you? This doesn't look like Sinnoh. It's nighttime there already?"

"Thank you, Itsuki. And so you could tell, huh? I'm currently on vacation after successfully defending my title for my first year as Champion. I'm at Undella town at my villa in Unova. I was about to go take a night dip before you guys gave me a call."

"Is that so? That actually sounds pretty fun. Glad you can take your break.", I responded happily.

"That does sound like fun! And did you say you have a villa now!?", Serena replied with sparkles in her eyes.

"I do. I really should invite you here sometime. I bring Caitlin over on occasion but that's mostly during the day. I go to her villa too sometimes."


"Yeah. She's part of the Unova Elite Four. Once you go to Unova you'll likely challenge her at some point."

"I see. It'll be a while till we reach that point though."

"You're now underway in Kanto aren't you?"

"We are. We just arrived in Viridian City. Our first stop from here is getting the Boulder Badge. Serena and Lillie will also be partaking in this League too."

"You two are too?", Cynthia asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Yup! I'm already looking to doing my first battle.", Serena replied.

"Yes. After some thinking, I'll be partaking in it."

"I see. I wish you three the best of luck then. I may come visit Kanto once the Indigo Conference draws near."

"Haha, sounds good. Thank you, Cynthia."

"I ought to be going. Do you three need anything before I go swim?"

"Actually there's one thing.", Serena suddenly asked.

"Oh? What would that be?"

"Well, I'm not sure how much you know already. You know I've been dating Itsuki for a couple years, I take it. Not too long ago, in fact just a couple nights ago, Itsuki, Lillie and I became a three person couple. So Itsuki is seeing Lillie now too~," Serena replied happily.

I nodded my head to confirm her words.

"So that actually did end up happening. You three deserve it. Just don't get too crazy during your journey, fufu."

"You'll be with us soon enough and we'll be one big family, Cynthia.", Serena replied happily as well.

"Well, Itsuki needs to beat me first in battle."

"I will. Just you wait."

"I'll be waiting.", Cynthia said in a serious tone, suddenly changing her demeanor.

Lillie remained silent with a blush on her face, but a look of determination appeared in her eyes, as did mine and Serena's.

And with a click, the video call ended, and the screen turned off. Cynthia was no longer on screen.