Chapter 39 : A Bit Of Fun

You guys know the drill. September is my busiest work month of the year. Expecting to put in a lot of OT in remaining two weeks. (For anyone actually interested in my job, I process federal revenue, hence why the busiest month of the year is September for me, its fiscal year close for US government)

Will work on chapters when I can. Should return to normal in October (:

In the meantime, power stones please?


After Cynthia ended the call, she laid back in her chair, and revealed a gentle smile.

"So Itsuki developed a tan over the years huh? And he's quite tall now too. Maybe even taller than me. Looks like Lillie ended up following him after all. Such a lucky guy to be traveling along with those two beauties.", Cynthia started to say.

"So if Itsuki beats me, will I be the third then?" I am rather confident in my looks too.", Cynthia continued. She then removed her arm, letting her breasts jiggle a bit.

"Now that I think about it, Serena and Lillie are ladies now.", Cynthia said, looking down at her own body. She then cusped her breasts with her hands. "I think I got them beat in breast size from what I could see in the video call just now. I doubt they'll grow much more, and mine are getting big enough as it is. I wonder, does Itsuki like big boobs?", Cynthia questioned herself with a grin.

Meanwhile, back at Viridian City, Serena could be seen grinning at me.

"See? Told you Cynthia likes you. You need to get her before someone else does.", Serena grinned at me, saying that.

"Haha, it is true her intention is clear. But I still need to uphold my end. I cannot underestimate her."

"You said you will will travel the regions in order in that call with Cynthia. And did I hear that correctly, when you said 'We'?", Lillie asked, wondering.

"Oops, looks like that was a slip of the tongue, but I don't mind telling you now. As you know, I have plans to travel every single region that we can get to. And after Kanto, it won't just be me. I want to bring you two along wherever I go.", I said, smiling. As we were still seated, I reached out my hand and ruffled Lillie's hair.

"Itsuki...", Lillie started to say, smiling back at me. She then let me caress her cheek with my hand, placing . As for Serena smiled as well and giggled.

"Hehe, that's natural, isn't it? It's a big world out there and lots to explore. I would have brought you along even if you said no."

"Then you gotta make sure you don't fall behind me."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Perhaps. Let's see if you can earn your first badge. You still need to catch your first Pokemon too, unless you think you'll enter your Froakie or Sapphire."

"Hmm, I'm not too sure. Sapphire probably, but do Leagues allow outside Pokemon or just ones found in their specific region?"

"I do believe the Leagues don't restrict Pokemon from other regions, since many have migrated over the years to other regions. Just like me and Snowy.", Lillie said, enjoying my hand still.

'There was that one Trainer who used Pokemon from the Hoenn region back when Ash partook in the Silver Conference, wasn't there? He was clueless about what those Pokemon did, but we won't be. Well, by time Ash starts his journey he'll still be ignorant of the other regions, heh. Hope he studied that in School.', I retorted to myself.

"Well still need to explore Viridian City to our hearts content. We've no more calls now.", Serena replied happily.

However at the time Serena said that, we suddenly heard a loud grumbling sound. Serena's cheeks blushed seeing it came from her. Her stomach to be exact. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Heh, we did spend quite a bit of time settling in and chatting on the phone. We did arrive here on empty stomachs so it's time we eat."

"I couldn't agree more,", Lillie said, agreeing with me.

"Y-Yeah, it's about time we eat. But about that..."

"Is there another matter?", I asked her. For some reason I started to smell a sweet aroma coming off of her. Did Serena actually wear perfume that I wasn't aware of?

"Not exactly...", Serena, as her cheeks turned a darker red. We saw Serena bob her head up, only to look past us. She looked around at the first floor, and saw it was deserted now. Nurse Joy seemed to have vacated the front too, as it showed the back room was currently lit up.

She then lowered her head and leaned. From the outside, it looked as if it was just Lillie and I. Serena then released a hot breath and suddenly placed her hand on my crotch, rubbing it around a bit. This caused me to look down and as I did she spoke out.

"Ever since you said you wanted to explore the world with us, I've been feeling hot. I want to feel you up, like now.", Serena said teasingly.

"Heh, what about our meal?", I replied with a retort, enjoying the sensation.

"I know how you feel too, Serena. It made me happy you said that, Itsuki. Maybe I want to do some feeling too...but we really ought to eat.", Lillie said. It was her turn to let out a stomach growl. Serena calmed down a bit and let out a laugh.

"We can save our date for tomorrow when we have the full day to use.", Serena said, retracting her hand. She snuck in a kick kiss on my lips before she hastily stood up.

"Why don't we order some carry out? I did see our room does have a bath with enough space for us three. I know, we can turn it into a bubble bath tonight!", Serena suggested.

"I like that. Can we leave the food to you, Itsuki? You can pick up some soap for tonight and anything else for our trip into Viridian Forest too. I'm not sure how long we will be in there but probably a few days at least, especially if we want to explore the inner region where those Scyther and Pinsir are.", Lillie said. She also stood back up.

"Works for me. I'll see you two in a bit."

"I'm already looking forward to tonight. Have to make use of the baths when we come across them! Better save your energy later, Itsuki~", Serena said in a teasing tone again.

We both had a pair of room keys Nurse Joy gave us earlier so thankfully I could go out without needing to worry about getting back in. Serena dragged Lillie upstairs and vanished from sight. I proceeded to stand up and after tidying up the area, I exited the Pokemon Center.

It was now around 4pm now, and me going out like this will help me digest my thoughts. I started to walk the streets. The Poke Mart wasn't too far away either. It was a rather densely packed city and I could still see several people out and about.

My legs started to walk before I realized it. I did stand out a bit but I soon vanished, looking at various restaurants along the way to the Poke Mart.

Meanwhile, as I was on the lookout for a good carry out, back at the Pokemon Center, Serena and Lillie unlocked the door to the room and closed it. It was a pretty simple layout with a single bed a table in the middle with a tv across from it. Off to the side was the entrance into the bathroom which had a toilet and a bathtub. It was big enough to fit three people, but overall the room was pretty compact. Not every Pokemon Center had rooms available for rest, but the one in Viridian City did.

That didn't seem to bother the two though. After closing the door, Serena immediately went to go plop down on the bed face first, burying herself in the pillow. This confused Lillie.

"I can't believe I just said that, geez...", Serena said, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Haha, but those were your feelings, weren't they? Have you calmed down a bit now?, Lillie asked, placing her things down on the table, and proceeded to sat down on the bed.

"Yes. But I meant what I said. I wanna do some naughty things with you two tonight.", Serena said, raising her head, revealing lightly blushed cheeks.

"N-Naughty things...Won't we be intruding here?", Lillie also blushed as she said that.

"We just need to be careful. Besides, you're wanting to as well, right?"

"I did say that. Is that why you wanted for us to have a bubble bath tonight too?"

"That's right. We'll have some fun then. I know, why don't we give him a surprise when Itsuki returns with our food?"

"A surprise? Like what?"

"Off we go!", Serena said with a giggle. She quickly approached Lillie, only to grab onto her white sweater. With a single go, Serena lifted Lillie's arms up as she raised her sweater, and removed it. Lillie's white skin was revealed and her breasts bounced a bit, but was held by her bra.

"S-Serena...", Lillie tried to interject.

"This is just the start Lillie. So you're wearing a green bra today eh? It suits you. We'll surprise Itsuki by being in nothing but our panties. We'll eat our food like that then immediately start the tub after."

"Will that excite him...?", Lillie asked.

"It definitely will. He will walk in seeing his two girlfriends waiting for him wearing just panties. It will be quick to set the mood, hehe."

"You're really looking forward to this aren't you? Though I'm anticipating the same."

"See? Then let's continue. I'll have you take off my clothes next."

"Okay.", Lillie nodded.

Serena then wrapped her arms around, and quickly undid her bra, revealing two small mounds. Serena then lowered hands, and found the zipper to Lillie's white skirt and lowered the zipper. With a plop, Lillie was just about naked, leaving only her green panties.

"You really do look nice in green.", Serena compliment. "Your skin appears so frail too but it's really pretty."

"Thank you. But with white skin like this it just shows I've been a bit too sheltered. I'm sure with us being out and about that will change, just like how Itsuki developed a tan. And besides you're skin is super healthy. You're pretty too Serena."

"Aww, you're cute you know that? Itsuki lucked out getting a girlfriend like you."

"Hehe, well it really is thanks to Mother I could enjoy those ten years with him. I've kind of been stuck to him since. He didn't hesitate to keep in contact with you either. He can be quite persistent."

"Well, and it worked. See where we are now. Come, help me take mine off too."

"Okay!", Lillie happily replied.

Lillie proceeded to move her hands, helping untie the two black strings that tied around Serena's neck. The moment it did, Serena's black blouse came undone, and her boobs jiggled. She wore a red bra which Lillie unhooked next. Lillie could tell Serena's boobs were a bit bigger, but she ignored that and continued to pull down Serena's red skirt. Serena remained naked except in her panties which were also red.

"Yes, just like this. Hopefully Itsuki won't be much longer. I do have a question though, we do have a few options available, but what would you like to do to Itsuki? You used your breasts on his thing last time so we should try something different."

"What I would like to do to him? I'm not sure...", Lillie pondered as the two entered more girl talk. They also made themselves comfortable on the bed.

"Why don't you try sucking it in like I did? That way you'll really get a good taste of his milk."

"I-I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Just using my breasts alone left me dazed...", Lillie said with a shy tone.

As they entered their girl talk, time flew by before they knew it and another hour passed, making it 5pm. They had turned on the tv as well, changing it to the news to see if anything was on. After that hour passed Serena and Lillie heard a knock on their door before the sound of a key was heard, and the door opened.

"Hey you two, I'm back with the food. Let's dig in--?"


Bath and date next, then it's time to check out Viridian Forest!