Chapter 40 : A Bit Of Fun (II)

After an hour or so of combing the streets, I walked enough to observe a few potential carry out spots for food. I had walked enough to where I arrived near the Viridian Gym to get a look at it.

And sure enough, the Gym took after its anime counterpart. It was in the same style before Ash had his battle at the Gym, which resulting in the building getting completely crumbled apart. I could even see the two Spartan-like guards holding a spear in their hand. Their height was similar to mine.

Though for some reason, the more I looked at the building, a familiar feeling spread within me. Dad did say he became a Gym Leader here for a brief period of time after Red beat him, taking over the Champion's Seat. But that didn't last long and the seat was left for another person to take, who we all came to learn of, Giovanni, who was the current head of Team Rocket. Was Giovanni currently here? If Giovanni was here taking in Gym Battles, had Mewtwo been created yet? I did not know.

Still, I found that feeling strange. It was at this time, unbeknownst to me, a wave of psychic energy burst forth from the Gym, invisible to the naked eye.

"", a strange, disillusioned voice called out. The moment the psychic energy dispersed, the voice ended and the familiar feeling went away. This only lasted for a brief moment.

I could only stare without blinking for a good moment, unsure of what just happened. 'Was that a voice just now?', I uttered to myself. I looked around me, only to see passerbys going about their own ways, and didn't seem distracted by whatever happened just now.

I could only shrug it off and do a U-turn, heading back toward the Pokemon Center. I had already picked up some things at the Poke Mart for our trip into Viridian Forest, so now I just needed to pick up some food for tonight. It seems we'll be taking the day tomorrow for a date. After that we'll probably leave the city.

As I picked out a couple of different restaurants, Mew could be seen having fun above the city, playing around with other bird Pokemon. When I reached the Viridian Gym earlier, Mew saw the psychic energy burst forth, causing it to turn it's attention to that. Mew tilted its head for a moment, and was able to locate me down below right near it. When it saw me leave Viridian Gym, Mew stopped caring, and returned to what it was doing.

Picking up the food, I saw several detectives casually walking the streets on the way back as if they had just finished their duty for the day. Seeing this interested me and Viridian City wasn't well known to have detectives like these, but I could only continue on my path. Perhaps something happened that I wasn't aware of? These guys looked familiar too, reminding me of a certain detective that showed up in the later generations.

Oh well, nothing happened to me on the way back so I just ignored that for now. With food in hand, I saw Nurse Joy was back at her desk, tending to Trainers requesting to heal their Pokemon. It got a bit more lively since I left as it was dead then, perhaps Trainers were starting to return for the night ahead.

I immediately went up to the second floor, heading all the way back and found the door on the left. With my key in hand, a click resounded, and I opened the door.

"Hey you two, I'm back with the food. It's time to dig in--?", I began to say as I closed the door behind me. The moment I did, my eyes turned wide, almost causing the bags of food to fall onto the floor.

I saw Serena and Little laying down on their bellies on the bed watching tv with nothing but panties on. They were pretty much naked.

"Ooh! Itsuki, you're back. The food smells delicious.", Serena replied happily looking at me.

"Welcome back, Itsuki. Did you have fun?", Lillie also welcomed me, having a light blush on her cheeks.

"Aren't you two getting a little bit too relaxed here?"

"C'mon, we were just having a bit of a girls' talk. Did you get the goods?"

"If you mean the bubble soap for tonight, then yes,", I simply answered with my own retort. I then walked to our table and set the bags down, and prepared to unbox our meals. I set the other bags containing soap and whatnot onto the floor.

Serena smiled and got off the bed, which revealed her slender figure. I saw her boobs jiggle a bit. Lillie followed suit and the two sat down at the table, with me sitting down after. Getting everything laid out, I spoke out.

"Are you two really going to eat like that?"

"Of course. We're going to be having a bubble bath party right after, so what's the harm? Also, Lillie wants to tell you something too."

"Oh? What would that be?", I asked, looking at Lillie.

This caused her to fidget a bit before speaking.

"S-Serena, must I?"

"You decided it yourself, didn't you? Why else did we have that talk earlier?"

"I did...Umm, Itsuki, when we start after this, i-is it alright if I lick your thing before we hop into the tub? Just like how Serena did it last time?", Lillie asked with a stutter as her cheeks turned a deeper red.

I didn't blink as I suddenly heard Lillie ask that. But realizing her question, I nodded my head and smiled.

"Of course you can, Lillie. But are you up for it? It can be a bit uncomfortable if you aren't prepared for that."

"Yeah, I want to taste you...", Lillie replied gently with a smile of her own.

"Then let's dig so we can get that party started.", Serena said happily as she clasped her hands.

"Let's.", I replied as Lillie nodded her head.

Time passed before we realized it and we scarfed our meals down. All three of us were pretty hungry since we hadn't eaten anything after packing up this morning. The food on the table vanished quickly into our stomachs.

Feeling satisfied, we spent some more time happily chatting and seeing if anything was on the news. Other than what Officer Jenny reported to us, it seemed there wasn't anything special going on.

We let the food settle down in our stomachs. After that, Serena urged me to strip me of my clothes, which I did. I sat down on the bed and Lillie got down her knees. Serena did the same and Lillie started to rub my member with her hand.

I saw Serena guide her along. She was very clumsy at first trying to lick me with her mouth but I got hard quickly and she got me to shoot my first load, letting a bunch of white liquid splatter all over her face.

Lillie became dazed after that. I had to carry her into the bathroom as Serena wiped her face off. She helped strip her too and we got the bubble bath going.

Once Lillie snapped out of her daze she realized we were in the bathroom already. Knowing that, the two proceeded to wash my back and I was able to rinse of their bodies. In the meantime the bathtub was already foaming a lot of bubbles.

Serena had a surprise for me when the three of us got into the tub. we I was ready to blow another load and turns out Serena and Lillie positioned themselves to where their crotches aligned with my shaft. It was very pleasurable to say the least as they moved their hips up and down. I was able to feel the walls inside their slits. My second load burst forth in no time, bringing us three bliss. I finally got to see Serena and Lillie climax for the first time too.

The last time prior to today, it was only me on the receiving end but now, they had experienced it too. They did make sure not to insert my member yet either.

Overall it went fantastic and we enjoyed playing with the bubbles the rest of the time in the tub. We then got out and got dressed for bed. The night passed before we realized it.

It became January 10th after we spent a couple days in Viridian City. We had our fair share of fun exploring the city and making our goals for the Kanto region. We also had our date day too, and that was a blast.

We now had our next destination in mind as we headed north of the city, preparing to leave.

We were now on our way into Viridian Forest, where lots of bug Pokemon are waiting to be caught!

Me personally? I myself am looking forward to catch a Beedrill, a Scyther, and a Venonat.

Serena is looking to catch a Pinsir and Lillie is looking to catch a Butterfree.

In high spirits and rested bodies, we entered the giant forest.


I will detail how the lemons go but I won't go into too much until Serena's and Lillie's scene with Itsuki. Hence why I labeled these two as short lemons. Nothing too explicit until the deed actually happens later down in my story.

Next stop, Viridian Forest!

Don't forget to drop those power stones!