Chapter 64: Triple Battle (II)

On the far side, Daisy, Violet, and Lily stood, and had their three Pokemon to battle out in the large sea-like pool ahead of them.

They were a Seaking, a Shellder, and a Psyduck.

On our side, I stood between Serena and Lillie. Serena had called out her shiny Frogadier. Lillie called out her shiny Popplio, while I had called out my Wartortle. Serene and mine evolved from Brock's gym battle back in Pewter City. It was a shame Lillie didn't want to use her Popplio in the last gym battle, otherwise it would have likely evolved as well. To say the least though, this was a pretty powerful lineup compared to theirs, but they've been Gym Leaders for who knows how long. Such experience shouldn't be underestimated.

After the three sisters said we could take the first move, us three looked at each others' eyes for a moment, before saying our first move.

"Frogadier, use Smokescreen. Cover the entire pool in smoke.", Serena said.

"Froga!", Frogadier said.

After the first move was used, Frogadier clapped its hand, behaving like a ninja would. Balls of black smoke came out of its mouth, and a dense black smoke started to drift across the large pool.

"Raph, dive into the pool.", I said next.

"Popplio, follow after Wartortle, dive in too.", Lillie said after me.

As we said that, Wartortle and Popplio dove into the pool, submerging themselves in water.

"So the first moves have been made. Like, stay above the water and use Light Screen, Psyduck."

Hearing Lily receive her move, a mystical energy flew forth from Psyduck as it waved its hands. A colorful barrier appeared around Seaking, Shellder, and Psyduck before it vanished.

"Seaking, dive into the water.", Daisy yelled out.

"Shellder, you follow after Seaking.", Violet also said.

'So two of their are also going into the water. Hopefully Lillie and Serena know about how Light Screen works. We either need to break their barrier with a move like Brick Break, or outlast it, focusing more on physical moves.

As I thought that, Daisy and Violet revealed their moves as Psyduck stood back.

"Seaking, once you get closer, pull the water toward you. Use Whirlpool.", Daisy said.

"Seaking!", Seaking said.

Being a large fish as it was, it started to reveal blue energy around it. As Seaking got halfway between it, Wartortle and Popplio, Seaking's speed started to increase several fold. We saw Seaking start entering a circle, rapidly spinning around itself. As it did, the flow of the water from both directions started to get sucked toward this newly formed Whirlpool. Seeing this large Whirlpool form, the crowd started to roar. It also started to suck in some of the Smokescreen from up above the water.

But thankfully as Serena's Frogadier continually released it, there was quite a bit of it. Psyduck still had a hard time seeing. Violet also smiled seeing this Whirlpool, and she gave her move next. Turns out she was going to enter a combination attack.

"Shellder, ride Seaking's tail and launch your Icicle Spear. Like, aim right at the Whirlpool in font of you!", Violet declared.

"Shellder.", Shellder said.

Despite being much smaller than Seaking, it was able to swiftly speed along underwater, swimming quickly. As Shellder did, dense ice energy began to form in front of it. Several icicle spears started forming, and as it swam closer and closer to Seaking. Once Shellder deemed it was close enough, it continuously launched its Icicle Spears, using the current of the newly formed Whirlpool, which headed right at it. In the games, Icicle Spear would last two to five turns, but well, since turns don't exist here, Shellder seem to create many many more compared to what would normally get launched then.

Enough to where the incoming Whirlpool turned deadly. Imagine a tornado forming above ground with hail generating around it, heading your way. Well, similar concept, except this one is a Whirlpool underwater. We could see Seaking continuously suck water in around it, and as the force increased, well if one struck those Icicle Spears head on, it would definitely cause damage.

Every so often this Whirlpool would splash water outside of the pool as well, hitting the watching crowd. The crowd would ignore this and cheer on, seeing the battle rage. I look at Lillie again, who nodded back at me.

"Raph, ride the current and use your shell to rotate. Use Aqua Jet!", I said my next move.

"Popplio, join Wartortle and use your Aqua Jet too. Rotate your body around Wartortle once the jet stream starts.", Lillie said her move as well.

Seeing what I was going for, Lillie complemented it with her Popplio. Wartortle and Popplio responded, letting large streams of water form in large rotations in front of their bodies. Using part of the incoming icy Whirlpool, Wartortle began to rotate its shell. Popplio joined in and the two joined hands.

Seeing the two join together, Serena revealed her next move as well.

"Frogadier, use Double Team and hide yourself in the waves and the smoke. Be careful when approaching Psyduck.", Serena said, revealing her next move.

Frogadier started to split its body apart, creating multiple shadowy-like clones and started to run on the waves, vanishing from sight. Psyduck became confused, wondering where its real target vanished into.

"Psy?", Psyduck said, titling its head in confusion.

"Psyduck, use the Whirlpool and surf around it and blast this smoke away. Use Surf!", Lily called out her move.

"Psyduck.", Psyduck said.

After it did, Psyduck unleashed a powerful burst of water energy beneath its feet. It started to actually surf along the water, creating waves behind it as it sped toward the Whirlpool. So it seemed Lily was using it to her advantage as well. Well, it made sense as this Whirlpool was the focus of this. The crowd was roaring as we saw Wartortle and Popplio speed along one side of the Whirlpool. They even joined together, creating one huge aqua stream around it. As it rotated faster and faster, we could see the two getting closer to Seaking, who was still in its center, spinning like crazy.

"Shellder, stop using Icicle Spear and close in. Make sure you use the current to hit them with a full body Liquidation!", Violet revealed her next move.


On the opposite side, Shellder stopped launching its icicle spears, only for a huge amount of water energy to burst forth around its body. In a way it was very similar to Giga Impact, except it dealt less power, but it could be used in situations like underwater. It dealt a heavy body blow bringing the force of water with it. And with Shellder riding the current along with ours, it was only a moment of time till an impact happened.

After these couple of moments of anticipation, Lillie actually called her next move, which made me choose my next target as well.

"Popplio, point another Aqua Jet toward your fins, use the propulsion to head right into the heart of the Whirlpool!", Lillie yelled out. So she was going after Seaking eh? Then I will go after Shellder.

"Raph, once you lock onto Shellder, finish it off with Aqua Tail!", I announced my move.

Wartortle honed in, and aimed right toward Shellder using the rest of the Whirlpool current. Violet acted quickly and used her next move as well.

"Shellder, brace for impact. Use Withdraw.", Violet said. Withdraw lets one withdraw oneself back into a shell if a Pokemon had it, and Shellder did. It was funny seeing a closed Shellder ride along the Whirlpool. In the next moment, Wartortle's tailfin glowed blue. In the next moment, Wartortle arrived on the left side of the Whirlpool, right in Shellder's closed face. Bang!

Using this impact, Wartortle struck hard against Shellder's body. Thanks to the Whirlpool, Shellder quickly exited the current, getting blasted up and all the way out of the water.

"Oh no!", Violet exclaimed in worry, but it was too late. Shellder got launched to the side of the wall, causing another bang. Bang! This momentarily drew everyone's attention.


Once Shellder fell to the ground, faint circles appeared in its eyes.

Seeing this, Misty made her first announcement.

"Shellder is unable to battle. The Gym Leaders have two Pokemon left!", Misty declared, which earned another roar from the crowd.

Though they weren't distracted for long, as Lillie gave no room to spare, seeing Popplio appear right at the base of the Whirlpool. Seaking was still spinning so Daisy said her next move.

"Seaking, ride down and like, use Horn Attack. Blast her Popplio back into the ice.", Daisy said.

Seaking's horn started to glow, rapidly swimming downward, right at Popplio. Lillie only smiled seeing this.

"Popplio, ride the Whirlpool. Launch Seaking into the air with Waterfall!", Lillie declared.

It was too late for Daisy to act for anything else. We just saw a massive gush of water rush around Popplio's, fins, launching itself at a fast pace. Bang!

Another bang resounded, and Seaking got blasted right into the Waterfall inside of the Whirlpool. Losing its energy, the Whirlpool began to dissipate, but the two still rode the current all the way up. They launched themselves into the air.

Seaking still struggled to gather its bearings but Lillie acted quickly enough.

"Popplio, disrupt Seaking and this, use Hyper Voice!"

Since receiving Popplio, we found that this shiny Popplio actually had its hidden ability, Liquid Voice, which was pretty amazing. It can turn any sound based attack, much like Hyper Voice, into a same type bonus, which meant those attacks were now water type attacks. Popplio let energy rush forth from inside, and it caused a loud screech, disrupting not only Seaking, but some of the crowd had to plug their ears as Popplio's voice became pretty loud at this time. The energy was white to begin with, but it quickly turned into a pretty blue.

Hyper Voice struck Seaking dead on, getting blasted toward Daisy who had to catch Seaking into her arms. Daisy felt her arms sting from the impact, but she was able to stay her ground.

"Like, are you okay, Seaking?" Daisy asked with worry as well.

"Seaking...", Seaking responded weakly. It didn't take long for faint circles to appear in its eyes.

Despite fainting, this caused Daisy to smile. The Whirlpool finally ended, and only Psyduck remained, trying to surf the waves and hit Frodagier. However Frodagier proved too fast for Psyduck and any time Psyduck hit some of its clones, Frodagier would create more.

"Seaking is unable to battle. The Gym Leaders have only one Pokemon remaining!", Misty declared. Another round of cheers burst forth from the crowd.

"Take a nice long rest, Seaking. It's totally up to you now. Lily.", Daisy said to her sister as she recalled Seaking.

"Like, I don't have much of a choice now do I? I don't see myself getting out of this.", Lily complained a bit, seeing her Psyduck not hit Frodagier even once.

"Why don't we end it for you then?", I suggested with a grin.

"Eh?", Lily asked back, confused. It didn't take her long to see my Wartortle pop out back to the surface, watching Psyduck trying to hit Frodagier. After that, Lillie's Popplio also plopped back down into the water.

Before everyone realized it, Wartortle, Popplio and Frodagier formed a triangle formation around Psyduck, successfully trapping it. Only then did Lily realize what I meant by that comment just now.

"Oh no...", Lily responded, but it was too late.

"Raph, blast Psyduck head on with Water Gun. Let's end it.", I issued my move to Wartortle.

"Popplio, use your Water Gun too. Make sure Psyduck doesn't escape.", Lillie said hers to Popplio.

"Frodagier, join them with your Water Gun too. Leave behind no hesitation!", Serena revealed her move as well to Frodagier.

The three responded to our moves and three blasts of water gushed forth from three different directions. Psyduck started to spin around, getting twisted on its on surfing waves, unable to decide which direction to flee from. In the end another large bang resounded, and Psyduck got blasted by three Water Guns. It didn't fly out of the air, only a large slash of water burst forth from the center of the pool.

Once it vanished, Psyduck could be seen floating back up to the center of the pool. Faint circles appeared in its eyes as the battle field returned to normal. Seeing her sisters' last Pokemon faint, Misty became stunned for a moment seeing that, but she still announced the result of the gym battle.

"Daisy's, Violet's and Lily's Pokemon are unable to battle. This Triple Battle goes to the victors, Itsuki, Lillie and Serena!", Misty declared, earning one more cheer from the crowd. Misty's platform actually moved toward us, and she seemed to grab a hold of something. Once she got close, our two platforms connected.

"That was a spectacular battle. You three are really in sync. These three Cascade Badges are well-deserved.", Misty said, presenting three Cascade Badges to us.

We gratefully received them, and after chatting with her and her sisters for a while, we calmed down the crowd and were able to leave the Gym afterward. All three of us put our second badge away in our badge case with a happy smile, and the day ended before we knew it, feeling triumphant for another victory against Gym Leaders.

Like this the next morning came, but it seemed this day, Serena and Lillie had separate plans. Some shopping I wasn't allowed to partake in. Well, I wanted to get into contact with Professor Oak again, showing our newfound victory, but I am curious what those two wanted to buy.


A longer chapter for you guys today~

Hopefully I didn't go too overboard with the battle.

Based on Serena's and Lillie's last chat, you guys can probably guess what store they are about to go into, note it will be a light lemon.

Power stones please?