Chapter 65: Adult Stores Do Exist In Fantasy Worlds

Power stones please?

Vermillion City is next!


After an exhilarating gym battle with the three sisters, a wave of exhaustion swept us up pretty quickly, and we clocked out for the night early. I woke up to a sleeping Lillie and Serena, cuddling against me.

I quietly sneaked past them while still in bed, and picked up my badge case which was sitting on the table next to us. Lille's and Serena's were next to mine. Opening mine up, I see two of the eight slots now filled. One in the shape of a boulder, and another one, a droplet of water. These were the Boulder and Cascade badges, earned from Pewter and Cerulean Gym respectively. A smile appeared on my face seeing the progress we've made so far.

Two badges in one month. Even though they were the first two badges out of eight if one did the proper route of Kanto, this was already a good feat if I do say so myself. The end of January was fast approaching. We would have from February to probably November to gather the rest of the badges.

At the very least I would want to get at least four out of eight badges before June so we can wrap our journey around to Pallet Town so we can see of Gary and the others.

"Still reveling in our glory from yesterday?", Lillie suddenly said in a soft voice. Leaning a bit, I saw Lillie waking up beside me.

"Good morning, Lillie. I can't help but be amazed we each have two badges already.", I said, still looking at the Boulder and Cascade badges.

"Right? We are making good progress already. In fact, why don't we try to get all eight before we return home in June? Like that, we can enjoy Kanto the latter half of the year and train for the Kanto League.", Lillie responded as she pressed her breasts against my chest. A soft pleasure spread inside.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.", Serena chipped in, waking up beside me as well.

"Good morning, Serena. I guess we'll see how we do from here. The third badge will probably be our real hurdle. As I recall the Gym Leader in Vermillion City is no joke. He uses electric types, and I think we have neutral coverage against him."

"Electric types huh? Wasn't this Gym Leader a former militarist? He should be really strict with his Pokemon right?", Lillie asked in wonder.

"I believe so. We grew up in an age where we now co-exist with Pokemon. But back then several hundred years ago, it wasn't so pretty. We humans would enter constant war with Pokemon, we couldn't see things in the same light."

"I couldn't even begin to imagine such a thing in this time and age. We now have regulated battles and such, so we can get our fair share of fighting.", Serena said while thinking aloud.

"Yeah,", Lillie also nodded.

'It's probably best not to inform the two of more evil organizations like Team Rocket and Team Plasma exist. I myself am part of the Aether Foundation, but we run a proper business model and we don't actively attack others. In the anime, out of the known organizations, the Aether Foundation isn't actual evil at all, barring that one scientist.', I entered my own thought.

'Still, Lillie probably knows about the position I'm in, but I guess that's how much Lusamine has revealed to her so far, if any. Thankfully nothing has happened to us so far. I wonder, should I return to Viridian City to investigate that feeling I felt? Mew felt it too...', I continued to think.

"Itsuki?", Serena asked, seeing me no longer reply. Hearing that, I shook those thoughts away.

"It's nothing. Shall we go get ready for the day?", I asked Serena and Lillie.

Serena smiled and nodded her head. I then saw her lock arms with Lillie. Lillie turned to look at Serena.

"Yes, let's! Though unfortunately for you mister today is a girls' shopping day. So that means no boys allowed. Be ready for a surprise okay?"

"Are we really going to go through with this?"

"What, you brought it up didn't you? Getting cold feet now?", Serena teased Lillie.

"I am not.", Lillie calmly shook her head.

"Good.", Serena replied. She then leaned in, giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Heh, I don't know what you two are planning, but I'm even more intrigued now. Since I can't accompany you two today, can I get a little taste now? We went to bed early, but...", I began to say only to look downward. My member could be seen erect, likely thanks to morning wood.

"Hehe, this guy is lively this morning huh?", Serena answered back, looking down at it. Lillie blushed seeing it but didn't say anything.

"Why don't you choose one of us this time?", Lillie suggested.

"Choosing...", I began to say, contemplating for a bit.

After making my decision, we all headed into the shower to get ready.

Within the echo of the shower's running water, faint slurping and moaning could be heard from Serena.

Once we left the shower, Serena appeared rosy but cheerful. We said our goodbyes, and I saw Serena cling onto Lillie happily as Lillie waved her hand. The two left the Pokemon Center, heading off in a certain direction in Cerulean City.

As for me, I was going to stay here and maybe head out to grab a bite to eat later. I wanted to make a couple calls. One to Professor Oak. As for the other, since we are off to Vermillion City next, it would be nice to check in with Professor Cerise again and check out his lab once we get there. It's likely Chloe and Goh are still there too.

I also wanted to surprise Serena and Lillie with some tickets to enjoy the SS Anne cruise. It seems they will have a surprise for me as well, so I wonder what they got?

Meanwhile, as I headed toward the PCs in the Pokemon Center....

Serena and Lillie could be seen marveling the sights of Cerulean City. After leaving the main streets, they came across a rather secluded area, finding themselves in front of a small purple building. There was a glass display off to the left, showing some rather revealing lingerie. It had a tinted lens so one couldn't peak on the inside, likely for a good reason.

The two looked up and read a sign which said: Lover's Retreat. Seeing this name, Serena nodded.

"Looks like we made it. It actually wasn't too hard to find." Serena replied.

"I know. The directions were pretty straightforward. So this "Lover's Retreat is really one of those "shops", isn't it?", Lillie asked back.

"Sure is from looks of it. This was one of the highest rated places I could find online. Luckily they had a branch out here in Cerulean.", Serena answered Lillie.

After she said that, the Two decided to approach the entrance, only to actually see a guard dressed in a tux standing next to the door.

"Wow, they weren't kidding when they said this store has hired security.", Serena said with a surprised voice.

Yet undisturbed by her voice, the guard saw the two approach him.

"IDs,", the guard simply asked.

Hearing him ask for their IDs, Serena and Lillie presented theirs. Seeing the two reveal themselves as trainers, the guard became a bit surprised, but still let them in. After all, one must be of a certain age to enter a store like this.

Once they came inside, it was almost as if they entered a high end jewelry store once they got past the revealing lingerie. Except once they got past that, everything was mostly encased in glass. Lillie's cheeks started to turn a bit red seeing the various amount of new items that were still foreign to her.

Though her thoughts were soon disrupted by the sound of a middle aged woman, who happened to be the store clerk.

"Well aren't you two pretty little things? Welcome to my store."

"Are you the owner?", Serena asked the middle aged woman.

"You could say that. I can clearly see you two are quite new to this "area". Got anything of interest you're particularly looking for?", the owner asked.

"Oh good! Well to be honest it is true it would be our first time buying these items. Can we explain our situation?", Serena asked.

"Of course. I'm always here to satisfy new customers.", the owner said back with a smile. Serena nodded seeing that.

"So it's like this....", Serena began to say, describing their current situation with Itsuki. After Serena spoke for a bit, the owner nodded her head a few times.

"I think I get the gist of it. Your boyfriend must be quite lucky to be dating the both of you."

"Yes. We really love him.", Lillie finally spoke out. "But for the time being we can't do the real thing, so Serena and I started to explore other options."

"Well, you two came to the right place. You said you two had interest in trying out anal sex yeah?", the owner asked bluntly.

Serena and Lillie blushed a bit but responded in confirmation.

"Yes. We did some research on our own and discovered it can really hurt if not prepared properly. So we found out your store brand and figured it would be best to ask someone about it."

"You're definitely right about that, I'm glad you two came to seek someone like me out. I can present you a few items to get yourselves accustomed to the act, but for the last one, I may need specific measurements."

"Measurements?", Lillie asked.

"Well, the end goal is to accept your boyfriend in there, right? To put it simply the last item will need his measurements.", the owner explained.

"If that's the case I can help you with that!", Serena responded happily.

And just like that, Serena and Lillie ventured into a sex store for the first time, chatting away with the store owner. After some time passed, a blushing Lillie and a smiling Serena exited the store, holding a bag of goodies waiting for them to try out.