Chapter 66: Calls

As Serena and Lillie left their store with a bag of goodies in their hands, I could be seen back in the Pokemon Center, sitting at one of the PCs.

"Your Pokedex is coming along quite nicely. As expected of my grandson.", Professor Oak said, who could be seen on the call. "You even managed to catch a resurrected fossil Pokemon. Aerodactyl no less."

"I know, right? I was thinking of using this guy in my second gym battle, but we decided to use our water Pokemon."

"I know. It was a pretty spectacular battle.", Professor Oak complemented, which caused me to raise my eyebrows.

"What makes you say that?"

"Hoho, so it looks like you weren't aware of it then. Those three Gym Leaders often like to televise their performances for those who can't make it to their live shows, and well since they had a gym battle afterward, it was streamed live. Probably most of Kanto saw your battle yesterday.", Professor Oak said.


"That battle was amazing, big brother!", a third voice suddenly said as I saw a fast shadow approach behind Professor Oak. Lo and behold, a rather short youth appeared beside him, a black haired person. He was wearing his classic blue vest over a white shirt, and blue shorts. He was wearing a red cap, which looked very similar to his father Red. Comparing my height to his, I was probably a foot taller.

Ash Ketchum.

The main protagonist in all of Pokemon. Well in my past life anyway, haha!

Here, I don't even know what his status is any more. Just a cute, yet annoying younger brother?

He appeared as if he was about to come of age. We only had a few days left of January, and his birthday would come in May, while Green in June. Actually, didn't Gary just finish having his birthday as well? He should be fifteen now.

"Well if it isn't Ash. It's only been about a month since we've left. How you doing buddy?"

"Well, besides Gary bugging me to no end, it's been pretty quiet without you around, big brother. I'm already itching to leave to start my journey"

"You know we can't have that, Ash. Your time isn't until you three leave in June.", Professor Oak added. "Besides, you three still need to choose your starting Pokemon. Itsuki already chose his, I got three Pokemon left for the three of you."

"Oh, that's right! Speaking of first Pokemon, I can't believe your Squirtle already evolved. Your Wartortle looked really strong in that battle.", Ash said as sparkles appeared in his eyes.

"You mean Raphael?", I retorted back.

"Raphael? I swear the names you give your Pokemon are truly weird. I wonder where that comes from...", Professor Oak retorted.

"Haha.", Ash also said, letting out a laugh. "Can you show me the rest of the Pokemon you caught, big brother?", Ash asked.

"Heh, unfortunately that will have to wait, Ash. If I bring out everyone now, it might get a bit crowded. Speaking of which, Professor, you know about the mobile box space right? Are you having any issues retrieving my Pokemon from it to roam around out back?"

"Nope, none at all. It really is a neat system. The mobile box space was created by one of our colleagues. She's called Bebe. She currently lives in Sinnoh.", Professor Oak added.

"Bebe? We will definitely be reaching Sinnoh at some point so I will have to thank her in person once we get there.", I said.

"Hoho, Sinnoh is still quite in an uproar since the end of the year champion battle. It seems Cynthia has her eyes on you.", Professor Oak said.

"She does. We actually had a call with her back in Pewter. We have set our own little challenge, so once we head to Sinnoh, I'm sure it'll turn interesting."

"So that's what happened huh?"

"Eh? Are you going to go to Sinnoh, big brother? But aren't you still in Kanto?"

"That won't happen for a while, Ash. Why don't go go out back? I want to talk to Gramps about something."


"Don't you ruin anything you hear me, Ash?" Professor Oak asked him.

"Of course. I'm turning fifteen in a few months. I'm not a kid anymore.", Ash responded confidently.

And with that, Ash left Professor Oak's side. Hearing the echo sliding doors, we knew Ash had left. Seeing that, a serious air appeared around Professor Oak.

"So what did you want to bring up this time, Itsuki?" Professor Oak asked.

"Well, I know we didn't have a lot time before our journey started, aren't you even a bit curious as to what I did these last ten years I spent in Alola?", I asked him.

"Is there a reason you didn't want to bring this up in our last call?"

"Well, since Serena and Lillie decided to do some shopping themselves, I figured now would be a good time. Plus back in Pewter, we were still trying to get adjusted on our journey. Now that we are in Cerulean, it's settled down a bit."

"So now's the time then? I mean, sure I'm interested in what you did over there. Professor Kukui always praised you for the research you conducted at his lab. It's really intriguing that Pokemon do actually behave differently during battle. Several of these "natures", as you say, have been identified so far."

"Yeah. That was a blast to research. Each Pokemon is unique, no matter what people say.", I explained back to him. In the meantime,, I went into my bag, grabbing the badge I was ever so familiar.

"Tell me Gramps, what do you think of this?", I asked Professor Oak, showing him the Aether Foundation badge.

"This...", Professor Oak began to say, only to stick his face to the screen, observing the Aether Foundation admin badge.

"So it really was like that?"

"You could tell?"

"Experience my boy. I've lived a lot longer than you. I may still be a researcher today, but it might not be long till I retire. I didn't realize you climbed that high up at the Aether Foundation. I guess you can say you've secured a pretty good spot, considering its president is allowing you to marry her daughter, hoho."

"It definitely has its perks, but there's always an underside to it. President Lusamine showed me things a normal person wouldn't encounter. You're similar with the Kanto League, aren't you?'

"Sure am. Are you looking to not reveal this to the others then?"

"For now, no. Lillie might already know some since it was both of us in Alola, but maybe in the future. I want to enjoy the pace we're currently at."

"Then I'll refrain from speaking about it too. Like you mentioned, I too have stuff I don't tell others. And don't worry, I won't bring up your position with the League.."

"Thank you, Gramps. It's mostly for added security anyways."

"One definitely can't be too careful nowadays. By the way, since you got two badges now, is Vermillion City your next target?"

"Yup! We will be departing for Vermillion the start of February. My personal goal is to get four badges before we come back in June, but Lillie thinks we can try to shoot for all eight before then. If that does happen, that will give us a lot of time to explore more and train."

"I see. Only six badges remain. Good luck. I'm looking forward to what other Pokemon you may encounter with.", Professor Oak concluded. We then heard a ding go off beside him. "Ooh! The pizza is ready. I'll catch you later, Itsuki."

"Haha, take care, Gramps."

With that the call ended, and I slouched back into my chair, feeling invigorated. It was nice to chat about that with Professor Oak. As long as no one comes into our bubble, we'll leave them alone, but there will hell to pay if that ever bursts.

Let's see....I still got one other call to make, don't I? Let's see if Professor Cerise is around.

Vermillion City Outskirts, Cerise Laboratory.

What appeared far from a modern lab stood on the outskirts of Vermillion City, overlooking the Sunset City, Vermillion City. Vermillion City was a large harbor city know for its sailing ships, as it was right next to the ocean. As such, each night it would show a beautiful ocean-view sunset.

However, compared to the Harbor, the lab here actually seemed kind of out of place, as it was equivalent to that of a French castle. And inside of it stood a massive clear dome, which was Cerise Park, home to many Pokemon from all around the world. Like Professor Oak's ranch out back, this housed several habitats to where Pokemon could roam freely, if a Trainer wanted to let their Pokemon roam.

Inside of the castle-like interior stood a tall room with pretty high tech equipment. Even the center in back had a gridded platform, only to reveal a blue hologram of sorts. This wasn't currently turned on, so the hologram was static.

To the left side was what appeared to be the most recognizable pieces of equipment, which mostly belonged to Professor Cerise's research laptops and desktops. To the opposite side was a small living area with a diagonal couch in the corner. A middle aged man could be seen wearing a lab coat, sitting down, reading a book.

He had short maroon hair and wore a plain pair of jeans with a light blue dress shirt. He was wearing some glasses as well. This was Professor Cerise, Chloe's father and one of the main figures from Pokemon Journeys. Don't mistake Professor Cerise with Goh though, as he wasn't Goh's father. Goh actually had his own parents in Vermillion City. You could say Goh and Chloe are childhood friends.

The sound of a squeaking door echoed his ears, which drew his attention. A young maroon haired girl walked into the main room of his lab. She was wearing her standard striped shirt and yellow overalls, with her hair tied into a long single ponytail.

"Papa, it's lunchtime. Are you going to make it?", the maroon haired girl said.

"Ooh, Chloe, you came at a good time. We don't have much right now so I can join you guys."

"Good! We can eat lunch before that stupid Goh gets here.", Chloe said with a light pout.

Hearing that, Professor Cerise closed his book and raised his eyebrows at his daughter, Chloe.

"Did you get in a fight with Goh again?", Professor Cerise.

"Well, I wouldn't call it a fight. It's just that jerk is too dense. He hasn't noticed any of the advances I've been giving him recently. Will he even make it as an adult?", Chloe answered.

"Haha, that's just like Goh though. Despite that, you still like him don't you?"

"I do, but I don't know if Goh will ever realize the feelings I have for him. Just thinking about it makes me want to pull my hair out."

"Well, don't give up. Do you want me to set up a setting for you?"

Once Professor Cerise said that, Chloe looked at him expectantly.

"Would you do that, papa--?", Chloe tried to ask back.

However at this time, they heard the classic ringing sound, coming from one of their PCs off to the left.

Ring ring ring.

"--Oh my, guess we'll save this topic for later. Are you expecting any calls today?"

"No, I wasn't. Let's see who it's coming from."

"I want to see too.", Chloe also said.

Once the two arrived at their PCs, they saw the caller ID on the screen. It was coming from Itsuki.

"Itsuki?", Professor Cerise asked. "Now there's someone I haven't spoken too in a long while.

"Hmm, why does that name sound familiar?", Chloe said, tilting her head.

"Haha, have you forgotten him already? He's been getting notice as of late. He recently became a Professor, just like I did those years back."

"Is that so?", Chloe responded.

After she said that, Cerise navigated his PC, and accepted the call. A rather tall, tan, brown short haired figure appeared on the other end of the call.

"So it really is you, Itsuki. It sure has been a while. Well, I guess I should address you as Professor Itsuki now, haha!", Professor Cerise greeted with a laugh.

"It's nice to see you again too, Professor Cerise. Is that you too, Chloe?"

"Wait, don't tell me that Itsuki is really you?", Chloe asked doubtfully.

"I definitely do look quite different from back then. I studied abroad in Alola for several years before returning back to Kanto. Also were you guys able to catch our gym battle yesterday? Apparently it was streamed live.", I said.

"Of course. It was surprising seeing you guys on screen. I can't believe you guys have started your journey already.

"So that really was you battling those gym leaders. It was a great battle.", Chloe also complemented.

"Thank you. Well as you can see, Serena and Lillie are currently out, but I guess you guys can guess our current location.", I said back.

"Cerulean City, is it?", Professor Cerise answered. "So that means you're on your way here next.", he concluded.

Hearing that, Chloe's eyes lit up.

"Wait, you guys are seriously on your way here? Like now?", Chloe asked in a flutter.

"Hahaha, not now now. It will still be a few days. I was wondering if we could drop by for a visit. It would be our first time coming to your lab, Professor Cerise.", I asked him.

"Of course. We would be glad to have you guys. When should we expect your arrival?"

"It should be around the first week of February, give or take. We can make another call once we know how close we are."

"I will look forward to you guys coming. We had a lot of fun back then. Better than being around that jerk.", Chloe said indifferently.

"Did something happen?", I asked.

"Haha, Goh is just paying Chloe no attention at all. You're dating those two girls as well, aren't you Itsuki.", Professor Cerise asked.

"I am.", I smiled back at the two.

"So lucky. I doubt Goh even knows what I feel.", Chloe complained again.

"Haha, shall I give you a word of advise then, Chloe?", I said while letting out a chuckle.

"Normally I'd say no, but after hearing you say you're dating those two now, I'm all ears.", Chloe answered back expectantly.

"Well, just keep at it. And make sure Goh never ever meets up with Ash. Ever. If he does that, you'll lose out on your chances that you still have now.", I explained to Chloe.

"Now why on earth would I do that?", Chloe said, tilting her head in confusion.

"That'll be up to you to decide.", I concluded. The call ended and my image vanished from the screen, leaving behind a confused Chloe. She turned toward her father.

"Papa, why would I make it so Goh shouldn't meet up with Ash? Aren't they best friends?", Chloe asked.

"Haha, well I guess you're still a young girl after all. I can see where Itsuki is coming from. He's right, you should keep pushing at it. Otherwise, Goh may start spending more time with Ash than with you, especially once Ash starts his journey this year."

Hearing that, a light bulb finally clicked off in Chloe's head.

"Ahh! So that's what Itsuki meant by that. Now I'm starting to get a bit worried."

"Don't fret, Chloe. Let's go talk about this with your mother over lunch. If all else fails, we can have an arranged marriage between you too."

"Ugh, I really don't want it to come to that. I'll keep trying.", Chloe said. Chloe and Professor Cerise left the lab room, heading toward their kitchen, where food awaited them.

As for me, I was even more looking forward to arriving in Vermillion City.

Now then, let's see what cruise ship is best at to buy some tickets for the Vermillion Harbor?


Another longer chapter!

Happy turkey day!

Please keep dropping those power stones!

A lemon might be incoming. I will see how long the scene will be if its to be its own chapter or not~