Chapter 67 : End Of January

Cerulean City, January 27th, Pokemon Center.

I had a successful call with both Professor Oak and Professor Cerise. I was able to catch a glimpse of Chloe as well and I must say she turned out quite pretty. Seems she was trying to get Goh to ask her out, so hopefully the little push I gave her will work. The two are childhood friends, so it would make sense for the two to start dating.

Though the one problem with that, was Goh seems to just be as dense as Ash is whenever it comes to romance matters. Gary wasn't, and he is still together with Green. So I'll just inwardly say good luck, Chloe. You will definitely need it.

As for me, I browsed the web for a bit to purchase cruise tickets for Serena, Lillie and I. After browsing the web for cruise tickets, I successfully bought three first class tickets for a day trip on the SS Anne.

The SS Anne is known to cruise the whole ocean around our world, visiting many different regions. But while docked at the Vermillion Harbor, it does lots of smaller cruises. There are plenty of other cruise ships for shorter travelling as well, like the SS Aqua that travels to and ftom the Kanto snd Johto region.

The most common way to travel between region nowadays is by plane though.

Still, the first class tickets were not cheap. On top of enjoying a romantic cruise, we will be getting a full course meal. Hopefully the two will like it.

Concluding my thoughts, I turned off the PC, thanked Nurse Joy and decided to go out to grab a bite to eat. Another hour or two passed, and I returned with a full belly. Making my way up back into our room, I saw two figures happily chatting away while watching the news.

"Ooh, Itsuki, you're back.", Serena said.

"Welcome back, Itsuki. Were you able to make your calls?", Lillie asked as I entered our room.

Closing the door, I responded.

"I was. Looks like you two are back too. I got a couple of surprises for you guys."

"Hehe, same here.", Serena responded with a giggle.

'So you guys were indeed up to something then. Since we both got something to share, shall we draw straws?", I suggested.

"Nah you can go first. I'm curious of what you did this morning.", Lillie answered.

"Then first thing's first. We got invited to Professor Cerise's lab once we arrive in Vermillion City so we'll spend some time there before challenging the gym there."

Once I said that I saw their eyes lit up.

"That's a name I haven't heard in a while! Don't tell me we get to see Chloe and Goh then?", Serena asked in anticipation.

"Haha, it will be exactly that. We will intrude on their family then. But that isn't all.", I continued to say while chuckling.

"There's this.", I said, revealing the cruise tickets to Serena and Lillie.

"Itsuki, this...", Lillie tried to say, having her eyes glued on them.

"A cruise? Seriously?", Serena uttered.

"Yup. A fancy date. We will be cruising all day after we leave Professor Cerise's lab.", I explained.

"Wow. That really does sound a lot of fun. Are you inviting us out?", Lillie asked.

"Of course I am silly. You two can't say no to this. The tickets are already brought.", I said, grinning.

"Who would turn down a free cruise? This was quite unexpected. I love you, Itsuki. This will definitely be a blast.", Serena said, clapping her hands.

"Yes. it really sounds like fun. Thank you for getting the tickets. I love you too.", Lillie said.

After the two thanked me, Serena leaned in, planting her lips against mine. She backed away, only to let Lillie go next. I felt their tongues squirm inside my mouth for a moment.

After the two kissed me, I was the one who spoke out next.

"I love you two, Serena, Lillie. I feel this will be our first big date as a three person couple, so it's my treat. We've been dating for a couple years, but Lillie just joined in not even a month ago.", I said back.

"Yes. I feel we should dress up for this occasion.", Serena responded with a smile. "You even got first class tickets. On such a big ship, we can't be too casual with this."

"Yeah. We will need to dig through our wardrobe."

"I'll leave that up to you guys, but I'll make sure to dress properly too", I concluded. I then looked at the shopping bags beside them, deciding to ask about it next.

"So, you two definitely did do some shopping. Is this your guys' surprise for me?", I asked Serena and Lillie. Lillie blushed but I saw the two nod. They looked at each other, before Lillie spoke out.

"Should we explain it, Serena? Or just show it?", Lillie asked.

"It'd probably be best to explain it.", Serena answered.

"Explain what?", I asked.

"Well, you know we are holding off on doing the real thing until the three of us are wed, right?", Lillie began to say.

"That's right. I know its still ten to eleven months away, but I'd figure it'd be best if we held back on that.", I said.

"Right? Well we figured you may not want to hold back once we start cuddling more and more a few months down the road. Sucking and licking is perfectly fine, but Lillie and I decided that there is another option. One that will let us feel even more pleasure, but doesn't pose a risk of getting us pregnant while on our journey."

"Yes, we went to a very specific store for that.", Lillie also said.

Another way to feel even more pleasure? I'm interested now. I mean, this field was pretty new to me as well. I know how the act is done and all that, but I did have no experience myself until I started dating Serena and Lillie. And if they went to a very specific store, I could only imagine what they purchased. It probably was one of "those" shops.

My eyes wandered back to the bags they had. Serena and Lillie had one bag each, so I assumed what was inside Lillie's was for her, and what was inside Serena's was for Serena. Seeing my eyes lay back on the bags, the two smiled, and didn't say anything. They only went into their respective bags, and started to pull out encased items of varying sizes.

Sure enough, they were "those" toys. Ones a person wouldn't normally find in a general supermarket or convenience store. Simply put, sex toys. They each had a rotor, a few different sizes of dildos, and to top it off, one shaped like the real thing. For some reason this last one feels very familiar. Don't tell me...did they actually use my shape?

Not only that, they brought out a few pairs of sexy lingerie too, and I must say, if either Serena or Lillie would wear those, it would become pretty exciting.

"So Itsuki, do you know what these are?", Serena decided to ask, bringing forth the special toys. I saw Lillie blush again, but she looked at me expectantly.

"To put it bluntly, they are sex toys, right?", I answered her.

"Oh good, so you know then. I don't need to go into that part then.", Serena said, "Which brings us to our next topic. Our alternate method of pleasure.", Serena started to say.

Lillie nodded and continued to speak.

"Yes. Serena and I decided on this, so that is why we went to that store. Tell us, Itsuki, where do you think we would use these toys?", Lillie asked with a smile as well.

"Well, it's obvious we aren't going to use them in the front, since we are holding off on that. So that only leaves one area. Don't tell me...", I speculated, only to have my eyes turn wide.

Seeing my reaction, the two likely knew my answer. I saw Serena blush a deeper red. She proceeded to get off the bed, only to unhook her outfit. Her red skirt plopped down on the floor beside the bed, which revealed pink panties and a pink bra. Serena then proceeded to unhook her bra, revealing her pretty breasts. After that, she stripped her panties down, revealing a closed slit that glistened with dew.

Not saying anything, Lillie and I saw Serena get on all fours, turning away. Her ass became completely visible to me and it looked super soft and smooth. Once her ass was pointed our way, she reached her hand back, and let a couple of her fingers stretch her butt out a bit, revealing a cute little pink hole closed above her slit.

"Since you know what these toys do, Itsuki, you probably know where we are going with this. Would you be against training our butts until they are ready to accept your thing?", Serena asked embarrassingly.

"...Are you sure? As I recall, doing it behind like that hurts, doesn't it? Is this the method of pleasure you two are wanting to explore?", I asked.

"Yes, having anal sex. We've done our research and went to one of the popular store brands, inquiring an expert on the process. We know this process will take a while, and that's why we said this might not be ready until we have around four badges or so.", Lillie explained.

"So this is what you two were referring to. It seems your minds are ready for this already, so if you two are like that I won't be against it either. I'm curious to try out your butts. Is that why you got different sizes of those toys?"

"Yes. We once we get used to one of them, we will move onto the next, all the way until we use the toy that matches your size. If we can take that, I'm sure we can be ready for you."

"I see. I guess now is to decide the order then. But from the looks of it, you're wanting to try this training out first, Serena?"

"Hehe, why else would I get down like this and show you my ass? It's been decided a while back, but since Lillie will be your first wife and take your virginity first once we are wed, we concluded you should take my anal virginity instead. If the training goes smoothly, Lillie will join in."

"That's right. I want to be a part of this too.", Lillie smiled.

Hearing the explanation, I nodded once more. I stretched out my hands, and felt up Serena's ass, which caused her to release a cute yelp.

"Heh, shall we get started then? Let's see, what toy should we start with first?", I teased them, entering our lovey-dovey time.

Just like that, Serena and Lillie explained their situation to me. I would "train" them as we continue our journey. It wouldn't be too often like daily, but every so often during our cuddling. And since they said their butts would probably be ready by the time we earn our fourth badge, I'm guessing I would get the fun of enjoying anal sex then. I'm already looking forward to it.

Before we realized it, the rest of January passed by in a blink of an eye, and we enjoyed Cerulean City. We made sure to say goodbye to Misty and her sisters. I teased Misty a bit saying that if she has a bike, she should keep it secured. I also let her know if she has interest in starting a journey, it was possible she would join up with a couple of others. Hopefully by that, the original Ash, Brock, and Misty party would still form. Misty would have to wait another four to five months before Ash departs from Pallet Town.

February 1st came, and it was time to depart to Vermillion City!


Power stones please?

Cerulean City is now done and the third gym is inbound. Time to pay a visit to Professor Cerise and his lab.