Chapter 79: Chase

Don't forget to drop those power stones. Let's try to get to 500 again!


"Did that Professor just now say there's going to be a rare Pokemon appearing!?", One of the Trainers asked excitedly.

"I'll be the first one to catch it!", Another one said.

"No, it will me who will catch it!", A third Trainer said, denying the second Trainer.

"Whatever. Whoever catches it first will be the true winner. Let us all head down to the harbor!", A fourth Trainer said, quickly leaving the Pokemon Center in a hurry, complete. It took a moment for the others as they blinked at this Trainer, but everyone else erupted into a fervor, and left the Pokemon Center in a rush.

Seeing the Pokemon Center now deserted in a mere couple of minutes, the Chansey who was beside Nurse Joy tilted its head in confusion.

"Chansey?", Chansey asked, tilting its head a bit as it saw the Trainers leave in a hurry.

"Haha, Trainers will always be Trainers, going where excitement takes them. An appearance of a rare Pokemon huh? I wonder who it could be?", Nurse Joy mused to herself. She now had some time to to spare seeing the Pokemon Center now deserted, and no Pokemon that needed healing. As such, she and Chansey turned back to the live feed on the TV, and continued to watch the incoming storm.

As for us, it didn't take long to arrive at Professor Cerise's Lab. We saw lots of Trainers either standing place seeing the incoming thunder storm roll in, or others that headed quickly down to the harbor.

It wasn't just us or the Trainers taking action during this. Mew, who was hanging out on the roof of Vermillion City's Pokemon Center having a nap, got its nap interrupted once the thunder boomed across the city. Surprisingly though, it wasn't angry once it woke up. All Mew did was curiously took toward the sea in silence.

"Mew!", Mew said happily after letting out a giggle. It then floated up into the sky, quickly speeding toward the sea. Everyone was oblivious to Mew as Mew headed toward the sea, because it had the ability to conceal itself from sight to anyone that it didn't to see Mew. So at this very moment, the only one Mew allowed it to see itself was Itsuki, Serena and Lillie.

As for me, I could see Mew fly off toward the sea without a care, and I could only let out a sigh the moment I saw Mew dive into the sea to have some fun underwater.

Still, it took us no time at all at all to arrive at Professor Cerise's Lab. It even had its own Garage that we pulled into. Let alone that, the Lab had huge biosphere that was constantly regulated. It was this same biosphere to where Goh would let all of his caught Pokemon roam free, same for Chloe. As for Ash, if he starts his journey from Professor Oak's lab, his Pokemon would likely get sent there.

There was also the infinite box space feature as well. I do let my own Pokemon hang out in there, but for now, I leave it up to Professor Oak's discretion to when one should come out to play with others.

Quickly getting out of the car, the three of us were guided to the lab's main room, only to see Professor Cerise operating several holographic panels with a look of interest in his eyes. A similar red text Warning panel could also be seen among the panels. Goh and Chloe could be seen next to them, watching the ongoing situation. Chloe's Yamper could also be seen next to them as well, and it was the first one to take action once it notice us arrive.

"Bark, bark, bark!", Yamper yelled out letting out a few barks. This was all it took for them to realize we had arrived.

"Ooh, Itsuki you arrived. Thank you for bringing them here, Ren, Chrysa. Serena, Lillie, please make yourselves at home.", Professor Cerise said, turning toward us with a smile.

"Thank you.", Serena responded with a smile, while Lillie gave a nod back.

"Are you getting similar readings to this?", I decided to ask Professor Cerise, bringing out the device I always use.

Receiving it, Professor Cerise only took a moment or two before he nodded in confirmation.

"Just by reading that incoming storm We're getting the same air flow, temperature and humidity fluctuations. Those clouds are coming in at a very specific altitude too.", Professor Cerise explained.

"Is it a Pokemon?", Goh asked in excitement.

"Not just that. I'm predicting it to be an exceedingly rare Pokemon that will show up at Vermillion Harbor! It looks like it's going to show up in 40 minutes or so."

"What do you think, Itsuki?", Professor Cerise asked me.

"I reached the same conclusion.", I answered him with a nod of my head.

"Then what are we waiting for? I'm sure there are plenty of Trainers heading there already. We need to go to!", Goh said.

"Go? You don't even have a single Pokemon yet. Our journey starts AFTER today you know.", Chloe retorted Goh.

"I don't need a Pokemon if I'm just going there to see it appear! I'm sure there's a bunch of people who want to see it too."

"Goh does make a point, Chloe. I also want to head there as soon as possible.What about you guys?", I asked the group.

"I'm obviously going. I know all the shortcuts there is to the harbor too.", Goh answered in confidence.

"I won't go. I'll stay here with dad and watch here.", Chloe said.

"If that's the case then I'll also stay here with Chloe. You should too, Lillie.", Serena suggested.

"What for?", Lillie tilted her a head bit.

"Well this will be our last chance to talk with Chloe in person for a while. In fact, why don't we make tonight a sleepover?"

"A sleepover...", Chloe started to ponder. As she did, her Yamper looked at her with interest. Seeing that, she walked over to pick Yamper up and hugged it. Yamper's tail started to wag happily.

"Why not? You haven't done this in a while, Chloe.

You're friends with Serena and Lillie right?, Professor Cerise urged her daughter, since she could be indecisive at times.

"Of course. You know what? Let's do it. No boys allowed tonight in my room though.", Chloe answered.

"Bark!", Yamper also barked in agreement.

"Haha, that's fine. I can crash in your room tonight, right Goh?"

"Works with me. Tonight definitely sounds fun but we have to get going so we don't fall behind others!", Goh said with a smile as anticipation appeared in his eyes.

"Since you three will stay here, Goh and I will be heading off then.", I said, waving goodbye.

"Have fun.", Serena smiled back while Lillie and Chloe nodded.

"Oh right, before you two go let me give you the password to the live feed being done here. This way you can connect your device to my device here, Itsuki. If it is indeed a rare Pokemon, I would love to see it recorded up close.", Professor Cerise said, asking me.

"Of course, I too would love to see that happen.", I answered back. Professor Cerise nodded and gave me the password to connect to his device remotely. Sure they have the live feed of the overall harbor but they would need to send in a drone, or a person, which in my case, it would be me to record this appearance up front.

"With that done, let us gooo!", Goh said, quickly leaving through the front building. Chloe could only shake her head in a sigh while I let out another chuckle seeing this. Waving them goodbye again, I left the building and quickly caught up with Goh.

'Also, it's times like these when it's fine to rely on our Pokemon, right?', I thought to myself as I quickly ran up to Goh while we were running down the stairs that lead to the road.

"Hold on for a second, Goh. I think I can do something to save us some more time.", I suggested at him.

"Eh?", Goh responded before he halted his running. "Oh, right. You're a Trainer already now, aren't you, Itsuki?', He asked.

"Bingo. Jack, Amber come on out you two.", I said, tossing two balls up into the air. A Fearow and Ninetales appeared out of it, which caused more excitement to appear in Goh's eyes.

"Jack, go fly on ahead and make sure the paths we are about to take. Amber, are you fine with us riding you for a little bit?", I said to Fearow and Ninetales.

"Fearow!", Fearow said before flapping its wings into the sky, speeding off toward the harbor. That's right, Squirtle wasn't the only Pokemon to recently evolve. In that long stretch to Vermillion City, Spearow successfully evolved into a Fearow. And on top of that, the Spearow line was the type to evolve earlier than other a Flying types

As Fearow flew away, Ninetales looked at Goh for a moment before it snorted.

"H-Hey!", Goh tried to say, but before he could do anything else, he saw Ninetales breath in, and released a Powder Snow, hitting Goh's face straight on. His face then turned into a block of ice.

I wanted to laugh seeing this, but kept the urge inside of me. It wasn't thick ice, so Goh was able to shake it off, but he started to shiver as a result.

"T-That was uncalled for, Itsuki!"", Goh said while chattering his teeth.

"Haha, that just means Amber likes you. She is quite big compared to other Ninetales so it won't be a problem for her if one or two climb on. Let's go.", I retorted back. It's a shame that not many Pokemon games allowed one to ride Pokemon, but this Ninetales was big enough to do so. I got on, and Goh followed, showing that there was plenty of enough space. Goh flinched the moment he got on top of Ninetales, but his eyes turned wide.

"It's...not cold?", Goh said in surprise.

"Of course not. Amber knows how to regulate her body temperature. Now stop gawking. Amber, follow Goh's direction so we can make it to the harbor quickly.", I directed.

"Nine!", Ninetales answered in acknowledgment.

"Right!", Goh also said. "Umm, our first path should be...there!", Goh said, pointing his finger toward one of the back alleys off the main road as he read his own device that he brought out.

We then sped off, letting Ninetales quickly dash through various alleyways. The chase to reach the harbor was on. Roughly thirty minutes remained before the Pokemon would make its appearance.

But unbeknownst to me, a certain rainbow-like colored feather within my item storage started to cause a reaction the closer we got to the harbor...