Chapter 80: Lugia!

Don't forget to drop those power stones! Let's try to get over 500 again!


Twenty minutes later, Vermillion Harbor.

"Wow, we really did cut time. Good job, Goh.", I said, complimenting Goh.

At this moment, we could see a bunch of docks, with the salty scent of the sea wafting in our noses. There were various sizes of boats ranging from small fishing boats to big cruisers parked along the many docks, as they were told to retreat back into it.

The skies were now super dark, and something that appeared to be a tornado, made of storm clouds, could currently be seen forming, yet was behaving like a hurricane, as there was a clear eye within the storm formation.

Streaks of lightning would crack and dance around it.

"Thank you...hah...", Goh responded, currently slouching over. It was clear he was out of breath. Probably from all the screaming he did along the way, as Ninetales was rather a fast runner. Goh had a hard time hanging on, but as a result we were able to make it down to the harbor before the Pokemon showed up.

"Haha, tuckered out, already? We still got ten minutes or so till the main event.", I teased back at Goh.

"This is nothing.", Goh replied, taking in a few deep breaths before he regained his composure. After he did, Goh got off Ninetales, and I followed.

"Thank you for the ride, Amber. You too, Jack for keeping eye on the streets.", I said, thanking the two.

"Fearow!", Fearow said, stretching its wings wide. I then brought out its ball and recalled Fearow.

I still let Ninetales be here beside us. She curiously looked around, spotting several other Trainers with their Pokemon.

Sure enough, we weren't alone. groups of excited Trainers could be seen either waiting for something to appear, or waiting to battle. Among the Trainers, there were Pokemon like: Magnemite, Mankey, Slowpoke, and Psyduck.

The giant black cloud formation took this remaining ten minutes to descend over the port, actually coming very close to the sea level. It stopped right above one of the largest cruise ships in this port, which was ironically the same cruise ship I was going to go on tomorrow with Serena and Lillie for a fancy date. The SS Anne.

Lightning crackled within the eye a few times, before the black clouds converged within, slowly forming a sphere. Descending several feet more, this black cloud sphere acted as if it became a cocoon, and hardened. Light spots started to appear all around us, and it then cracked, tearing the sphere open. We were blinded by this flash of light for a brief moment, but we saw one figure emerge from it.

It let out a deep roar, flapping its wings to shake away the remainder of the clouds where the sphere once was. In its place was a large creature, similar to that of a mix between a dragon and a bird. It is primarily blue and white in color, with its wings taking the shape mire of that of hand palms than actual wings. It had a long neck with several black and blue spike-like protrusions which when down its back, acting like feathers as well.

Seeing the Pokemon make its appearance, the Trainers at the port got excited.

"There it is!", One of them said.

"No doubt about it. It is Lugia!", The second Trainer yelled in excitement.

That's that, the Pokemon that let out a large roar, announcing its appearance was Lugia, one of the many Legendary Pokemon! Similar to its counterpart Ho-Oh, Lugia originated from Johto. It is known as the Guardian of the Sea, and it is said Lugia can appear when storm starts.

Lugia travels all over the seas, often isolating itself due to the insane amount of energy it has inside of it, making Lugia a very powerful Pokemon. Every so often Lugia would emerge, and it seemed it took a liking to this storm. It showed very abnormal readings so that was probably why it came.

"It was well worth the wait.", A third Trainer said among several here.

Goh and I didn't even get to act yet before we saw that group of Trainers bring out their Pokemon. One was a Wartortle, just like the one I have. The second Pokemon was a Jolteon, while the third was surprisingly a Gengar!

Lugia wasn't even given a break before the three Trainers issued moves, expressing their interest in battling Lugia.

"Wartortle, use Ice Beam!", The first Trainer yelled.

"Jolteon, use Thunder!", The second Trainer said.

"Gengar, Night Shade, pronto.", The third Trainer said.

Hey now, those are some pretty strong moves those guys just said. As those three launched their attacks, Goh just stood there watching. Ice Beam, Thunder and Night Shade all shot out at Lugia in the sky. The attacks managed to connect, but perhaps the three didn't train their Pokemon too much, because their attacks fizzled out once they struck Lugia's belly.

Barely any damage was done to Lugia.

This attracted Lugia's attention. With one big swoop of its large wings, it launched a powerful Gust, blasting a powerful wind blast. This blast blasted the three Pokemon right into their Trainers, and sent everyone flying away in one move.

Welp, those guys didn't last long. I really should take the time to lecture the guy who has that Gengar as Gengar is one of the most powerful Pokemon in Kanto, but there's a time and place for everything.

Seeing no Trainer in front of it, Lugia soared the sky a bit, doing a couple loops, before flying down to another part of the port. Goh and I were closer to the end of the port, and Lugia arrived more toward the middle.

Lugia now stood off against five more Trainers, all of which I had no clue who they were.

Oh right, we were awestruck by Lugia's appearance, but I should make sure to connect to Professor Cerise's device. I immediately did so, and back at the lab, Professor Cerise saw a close up screen of Lugia appear on his main device. This brought excitement to him and he quickly brought over Ren and Chrysa. Serena, Lillie and Chloe were also close by and decided to watch to.

As for us, we saw the next batch of Trainers get their Pokemon ready.

"All right. Let us all fight Lugia together!", One of the five Trainers said.

"Yeah. This will be a raid battle!"

""Yeah!!"", The others said in anticipation.

Now there's a term I hadn't heard much of yet. Raid battles...are mostly performed in Galar, aren't they? It lets a group of Trainers fight against a powerful Pokemon together. If that's the case, it makes sense. Let's see how this group of five do.

Five Pokeballs were tossed up into the air, which brought out five Pokemon.

From the left was a Sudowoodo. Sableye was next while a Bisharp was in the middle. From the right was a Corviknight, which was a Steel and Flying type from Galar. And lastly the fifth Pokemon was a freaking Garchomp!

I didn't even had time to think what was going to happen. The first Trainer to yell out was actually drew my attention. It was Trainer who caught the Sableye.

"Let's fire things up before Lugia can make its first move. Sableye, it's time to Mega Evolve!", This Trainer said, touching what appeared to be a Mega Ring on his wrist.

His Mega Ring began to glow brightly, letting its energy flow over to Sableye. Sableye was engulfed, causing it to go through another evolution right after the battle took its start!


These are random trainers, but I gave one a Mega Evolution. May or may not decide to bring this one trainer back in future =3=.