Chapter 84: Silver Wing

Lugia had given me insight to how some of the world, or should I say universe, worked here in this world I was brought to by God. It is governed by concepts, which in simple terms, are aspects of existence. Lugia explained that it ruled the seas, and Ho-Oh ruled the skies. Mew governed Origin, while Arceus governed Creation.

What really brought me to my thoughts was Mew. Its concept is Origin, to where everything originates. Why exactly did Mew choose me to be its partner? Did Mew simply just not know, and chose me on a whim? Or did Mew know that I didn't come from this world? That I "Originate" from somewhere else? Even mythical Pokemon like the Guardian Tapus became interested in me, but it was Mew who decided to partner up with me. That was the only reasoning I could think of at this point in time.

Still, Lugia shed some light, and I was grateful to Lugia.

And at this very moment, we could be seen high up in the skies, enjoying the sea breeze being surrounded by a flock of Fearow that showed no aggression. Like this, a couple moments passed in silence.

"Get ready.", Lugia said, announcing that it was going to take its next move. Hearing this, I quickly spoke out to Goh.

"Goh, get ready to hold onto something again. Lugia's going to descend.", I spoke out quickly, which surprised Goh once more.

"Not again--?", Goh tried to say, only to see Lugia let out a graceful roar. It then arched its neck and started to swoop down, giving us barely any time to spare. Thankfully Goh was quick this time as well, and he secured his position, as did I. At the same time Lugia's speed started to speed up, creating a downdraft. I was getting a similar feeling to those sudden drop rides at theme parks. This only lasted for a bit, because we saw Lugia open its mouth.

An orange light didn't converge inside of it this time. This time it was a pure crystal-like blue, just like the sea.

"Brace yourselves.", Lugia said again.

"Goh, make sure to hold on tight.", I said, saying Lugia's words to Goh.

"No way...", Goh, while nodding his head, responded back in surprise, only to see Lugia charge up a Hydro Pump. In an instant, Lugia shot it out, aiming straight toward the sea below us. Goh made sure to hang on tight. In the next moment the powerful Hydro Pump struck the sea, creating a large bang. Water started to fly upward as if it became rain. Not only that, Lugia blasted a huge crater that sunk down even further. Darkness appeared at the end of the giant crater.

Then gravity took form. the waves started to crash against each other, which started to fill this giant crater. But Lugia didn't waste time, and actually started to fly into it. In no time at all, we arrived inside the giant crater. it became rainy while the sun was still bright, causing a beautiful rainbow to form. Goh's eyes started to sparkle seeing how beautiful this scene was.

"Wow...", Goh said, uttering to himself.

That freefalling feeling I had earlier vanished during this time, taking a few seconds to enjoy this scenery. Instead it was replaced by what seemed to be a smooth rollercoaster, except we were still on Lugia's back.

"Let us go.", Lugia said again, seemingly wanting to move onto its next area of interest. As for what it was, Lugia was now straight toward the approaching water. Lugia looked right at it. Lugia looked like it was about to enter it. Seeing this, I tapped Goh, who quickly snapped out of it. In one go, I held my breath. Goh saw me do this and he held his breath as well. Lugia then sped into the water.

Shielding our eyes for a brief moment, I opened them up again Our scenery changed completely. Instead of being open to the sky, we were now fully submerged underwater, but that didn't seem to hinder Lugia at all. Tons of different Kanto water Pokemon roamed underwater. Tentacool, Tentacruel. Golden. Seaking. Horsea. Seadra, you name it. Goh nor I could obviously speak right now, but once Goh opened his eyes, a big smile appeared on his face. If we opened our mouths right now, we would swallow up seawater, haha!

As we sped along underwater, a school of Golden and Seaking swam by Goh, allowing him to get a close up them. My device was waterproof, so it was able to do recordings even in water. Goh went ahead and got busy again, and as he did another couple Horsea and Seadra approached my side with interest. I felt one of the Seadra's scales, and surprisingly, they felt smooth and not rough. Playing with them for a few seconds, I waved them goodbye, and they swam down deeper into the ocean. Goh also waved goodbye to the ones he played with.

"How much longer are you able to hold on?", Lugia asked. It knew humans couldn't stay underwater for long, unlike it could.

"I can go on for a bit longer. I personally trained my lung capacity for deep diving, but Goh probably hasn't. It is probably best to head back up soon.", I inwardly said to Lugia. As I did, I turned back to Goh, who started to strain his face. It was clear Goh was starting to lack some air.

"Got it. It may have been short, but I was able to show you beneath the seas. Did you enjoy it?', Lugia asked again, preparing to ascend again.

"Yes. Very much so. It's almost like a different world here.", I answered back, smiling.

"Not only that, but a dangerous one. Humans may excel on land but going beneath the seas is entirely different.", Lugia explained a bit.

After Lugia said that, Lugia let out a roar underwater. It was muffled, but it still caused the nearby Pokemon to scurry away. We then saw Lugia twist its body, as if it was going to start up another tornado. Rapidly twisting, Lugia swam upward, creating a huge splash the moment we resurfaced.

Goh finally took a breath of air once he saw we were now above the sea again. At the same time he looked excited.

"That was amazing, Itsuki! There were so many water Pokemon down there.", Goh said in excitement.

"That's just a drop in the ocean if you are serious about going on your adventure. You said you are departing with Chloe tomorrow, right?' I asked Goh.

"Yes. We reached a decision to set off and explore Kanto together, just like you three are doing. Professor Cerise already has our starting Pokemon waiting for us to choose from.", Goh answered.

"Then we may see each other at the league, haha.", I replied back with a laugh. Goh was never a serious battler in the anime, but with the amount of Pokemon he caught then, if he trained them well, he would be a force to be reckoned with should he try doing Gym challenges and such.

"I'm very much looking forward to it. Still, I wonder, will Lugia take us someplace else now?", Goh asked with interest.

"It's almost time. Let us find you guys a spot to get off at. You want to be close to that port we encountered each other, yes?"

"If that would be possible, thank you, Lugia.", I inwardly said.

"It is no matter. Plus I wish to give you two something as well once we land.", Lugia further said, which caught my interest. If anything I think I could already guess at what it could be. But for Lugia to give it to Goh as well, perhaps Lugia deemed Goh worthy to have a chance to battle with it in the future?

"Looks like its almost over. Prepare for landing, Goh.", I explained to him.

"Y-Yes.", Goh said, nodding his head.

After he did, with one last graceful roar, Lugia started to speed toward the mainland of Kanto again. This time Lugia brought us outside of Vermillion City. It was a big field of flowers. Several different grass type Pokemon could be seen. Lugia took this time to land, which brought us into the center of the flower field. As Lugia did, several grass Pokemon looked at us from afar in curiosity.

Seeing it was time to get off, Goh reluctantly proceeded to do so, and I followed.

"Thank you for allowing us to ride you, Lugia. Albeit short, you were able to let us see more of the world.", I said, thanking Lugia. I then walked up to it and reached out my hand to place it on its neck. It felt warm. After doing so, Lugia let out another graceful roar in response.

We then saw Lugia start flapping its wings again, only to slowly lift off from the ground. After lifting a few feet into the air, I heard Lugia's voice echo in my mind once again.

"It is no problem. But before I go, please let me present this to you two.", Lugia said.

Lugia then flapped its wings hard, which caused the flowers nearby to rustle. After doing that, Goh and I shielded our eyes a bit, but perhaps it was due to the glare of the sun that it took us a good moment to react. We eventually saw two feathers drop down from Lugia. I walked up to the left one to catch it while Goh snapped out of it, and walked up to the right feather.

Once we both caught them, Goh's eyes turned wide.

"Itsuki, this...", Goh tried to say while looking at this feather. We were able to get a closer look at it.

It was pure silver. It split off at its tip, which acted as both of Lugia's wings. This was indeed, the Silver Wing Lugia is able to grant to Trainers. Perhaps Lugia found it in Goh that Goh will be able to challenge Lugia in the future? I could only speculate for now. Lugia actually spoke out once more which caught me by surprise.

"This is the counterpart to my rival, the Silver Wing."

"Is it alright for me to receive such a thing? This is basically your blessing, isn't it, Lugia?", I asked Lugia.

"Yes. Ho-Oh gave you its blessing, as did I. There are reasons for everything. Once you arrive in Johto, present the two wings to the shrine in Ilex Forest. Only then will the Guardian of the Forest deem you are worthy.", Lugia explained a bit further, which caused me to blink my eyes.

"Bring the the Silver Wing and Rainbow Wing to Ilex Forest? And by presenting them to the Guardian of the Forest, it will deem that I am worthy? Worthy of what?", I asked aloud in surprise, which caused confusion to appear in Goh's eyes.

"You will find that out on your own. With this I bid you two farewell.", Lugia said, not giving an answer. We then saw Lugia flap its wings, only to soar back up into the skies. Lugia flew quickly, making its way back to the nearby sea, and dove into it, disappearing from sight.

"Itsuki, what do you mean the Silver Wing and Rainbow Wing? I was beginning to doubt myself, but you acted as if you were able to converse with Lugia during our time on it.", Goh asked in confusion.

"That's 'cause I was conversing with Lugia.", I answered back, still confused by what Lugia meant in that last part. The Guardian of the Forest, I could only think of one Pokemon for that if its the Johto region. The other mythical Pokemon, Celebi. Looks like I have even more an incentive to go to Johto now after our journey is done in Kanto.

And despite me answering that simply, shock appeared in his eyes.

"Ehhhhh? You were actually talking with Lugia!?", Goh yelled back in surprise.

"Of course I was you dolt. Many psychic Pokemon have the ability to converse through telepathy. Did you forget that?", I retorted back at him.

"I know...but this is Lugia we're talking about man! It won't talk to just anyone."

"Haha, that is true. But for now, Keep that Silver Wing safe, for it is Lugia's blessing. It may deem you are worthy enough to challenge it in the future."

"I know, even now I'm finding it hard to believe a Silver Wing is in my hands.", Goh nodded.

"You managed to record this whole event right? I'm sure Professor Cerise is getting plenty of data to use by this.", I asked Goh.

"Of course I did!", Goh responded in confidence.

"Good. We ought to head back now. Lugia brought us to outside Vermillion City, I'm sure we can make it back before sundown. We have a sleepover to attend to tonight after all.", I said.

"That's right. You can crash in my room tonight.", Goh nodded back.

"Up for another ride on Amber?", I grinned back at Goh, who shivered a bit hearing that.

"Not again...", Goh said letting out a groan, but he couldn't refuse. I called out Ninetales.

Getting ready, I heard Goh scream all the way as we dashed through the flower field, making our way back to Vermillion City.


Don't forget to drop those power stones!

This chapter is a slight teaser of what's to come in Johto so look forward to it~