Chapter 85: Sleepover

"Bark! Bark! Bark!".

Barking noises resounded at the entrance to Professor Cerise's Lab. Yamper could be seen wagging its tail happily near by a figure who could be seen slouched over on the ground. His tongue was currently rolled out of his mouth. It was obvious to see this figure was tired.

"Hah...I'm never riding on your Ninetales again...", The figure said. This person was obviously Goh, who was worn out by the fast travelling I did while we road Ninetales back into Vermillion City. But thanks to that, we made good time, as the sun could now be seen setting.

I must say, today was a blast, which ended up with Goh and I each receiving a Silver Wing from Lugia. And according to Lugia, I must make my way to Ilex Forest when we arrive in Johto, but nothing else was explained. That part still remained a mystery, but there was a very good chance I could end up meeting Celebi then.

"Oh grow up will you? You made it back safe and sound didn't you?", A female voice said close by. A pretty maroon haired girl could be seen next to Goh. A nonchalant look could be seen in her eyes.

But with Goh being Goh, that tiredness was soon replaced by excitement, causing Goh to get up from the ground, and quickly approached Chloe, who was the girl beside him.

"But you know Chloe, I told you we would meet Lugia today! Not only that, Lugia let us ride it and it even gave Itsuki and I a Silver Wing! Look.", Goh said excitedly, bringing out the Silver Wing Lugia gave us.

"Yes, yes. You can report all of this to dad. You must be pretty tired yourself, right, Itsuki?", Chloe asked, turning her head toward me after she picked up Yamper into her arms.

"I still got plenty to spare. Where are the others?", I decided to ask.

"Dad is still busy in the lab room, recording all of the data you two took today. As for what we did, Serena and Lillie can show you.", Chloe said, bringing a smile to her face.

"So you stopped being lazy today and actually did something, Chloe--?", Goh retorted. But he couldn't even finish speaking before a look of anger appeared in Chloe's eyes. Goh felt his back tingle, and he ended up getting chopped in the head.

"Anyways, come inside you two.", Chloe said, ignoring Goh's retort. "For those that don't go inside now, they won't get dinner tonight.", Chloe retorted back.

Hearing that, Goh heard his stomach start to rumble, causing him to dart into the lab, leaving our sight. Seeing this, I couldn't help but laugh again.

"You know, they say the more a couple argues, the closer the bond the two share.", I teased Chloe a bit. This actually earned a blush from her, but she didn't say anything and kept silent, only to head inside after Goh.

"Why don't we head on in too, Amber? I'm curious to see what Serena and Lillie have been up to too.", I said, only to see Ninetales beside me.

"Nine!", Ninetales responded happily, following after me as we headed inside.

A few moments later, I could see a busy Professor Cerise working many holo panels on the main console he had, which stretched all the way to the ceiling. I had no idea how much money he paid to have this built, but it really records a lot of data for him.

"Oooh, Itsuki, you're back. I must say this data you two gathered on Lugia is quite astounding. I don't think we've had any records of anything so up close. I had no idea Lugia's surface skin was so rough and crystal-like. It was very beautiful to see that.", Professor Cerise explained as he greeted me.

"I know, right? I'm curious if you're interested in gathering data on these beauties too?", I asked, which brought Professor Cerise's attention. I went into my things and brought out not only the Silver Wing, but the Rainbow Wing as well.

"These...", Professor Cerise began to say. "This one is the Silver Wing Lugia just gave you two? Not only that, but isn't this the Rainbow Wing!?", Professor Cerise responded excitedly.

"The very same. I had a chance encounter with Ho-Oh when we left Pallet Town. I was wondering what the figure was we saw in the sky back then, but the moment I saw the Rainbow Wing drop in my hand, I knew that majestic bird was Ho-Oh. But by the time I realized, Ho-Oh was already gone.", I explained to Professor Cerise.

"So that's what happened, but to think you'd receive both Wings. I do know you are set to leave tomorrow, but are you sure its fine for me giving them to me for the duration of tonight to record their data?", Professor Cerise asked.

"Of course its fine. We are fellow Professors after all. I will need the two back though once you're done with them.", I said.

"Leave it to me!", Professor Cerise responded in confidence. But it was then we were interrupted by a third voice.

"...Does that mean you're not going to make it to tonight's dinner, dad?", Chloe asked with a hint of sadness.

Hearing this, we saw Chloe walk back to where we were, but with a surprise. She was actually wearing a cooking apron.

"Of course I'll make it sweetie. I don't want your mom bashing me again, haha!", Professor Cerise said, letting out a laugh. "Besides, I'm already quite hungry as it is.".

"Then that's great. 'Cause dinner will be ready in a few minutes actually.", A fourth voice said, reaching our ears. The lab was in the main room, and all the way to the right was the kitchen area, which was right near by the bedrooms. This figure was none other than Serena. She was currently wearing her normal outfit, but also had a white apron on. She could be seen with a soup ladle in her hand.

"Yes. Dinner is almost ready.", A fifth voice said. This time Lillie came out, also wearing an apron. This was what surprised me.

"Serena. Even Lillie in a kitchen apron? Did you help out with dinner?, I asked, surprised.

"We did. We can achieve things you are not aware of, Itsuki. But it was mostly Chloe leading while Serena and I followed."

"Don't be like that, you two were of great help to me tonight. We made a feast for everyone. Don't be picky with your food.", Chloe said, letting us know dinner was near as well.

We also invited Ren and Chrysa, and they accepted. With all of us together, we dug in, enjoying a nice meal together. The sun had long set, and we stuffed our bellies. We made sure not to forget to feed our Pokemon either.

After having dinner, Professor Cerise and his two assistants actually went back to work, bringing the Silver Wing and Rainbow Wing with them. I kind of felt sorry, as I probably just caused them to pull an all-nighter, but seeing them in the anime, it seems Professor Cerise was used to pulling all-nighters.

As for us, we bid goodnight to Serena, Lillie and Chloe as the three headed for Chloe's room. Goh did say he did have his own room here, but this was still Professor Cerise's home. That meant this place was Chloe's place. Goh wasn't actually real siblings with Chloe. Goh had his own family and his own siblings. This was a big misconception for those who hadn't gotten into Journeys much. True childhood friends.

Even still, he acted as if he still had his own room here. And once we entered his room, it was very styled to his liking. Mostly filled with Pokemon-related goods. As expected of an avid Pokemon fan.

"I hope you'll find this room to your liking for the night, Itsuki. I say its my own room, but its still their guestroom.", Goh said while scratching his head apologetically.

"Haha, that's fine. I'll go take the couch bed.", I said with a laugh.

"Are you sure?", Goh asked.

"Yeah. I also strip my clothes when I sleep, but what I have now will make do.", I continued to say, which caused Goh to tilt his head.

"You...sleep with no clothes on?", Goh asked. "Doesn't that make you cold during the night?"

"One would think so, but not if you have your girlfriend cuddling next to you.", I replied with a grin. As I did Goh and I made ourselves comfortable in the guestroom. I also took this time to pull out the couch bed and set it up for the night. We already spent a couple hours at dinner and it was quite well into the night now. I took off some clothes to where I was only wearing a night shirt and boxers, while Goh did the same. We then made our way to our respective beds.

"You're already that far with your two girlfriends?", Goh asked in surprise, laying down on his bed, while I sat down on mine near the pillows.

"Haha, from the outside it might appear that way. But if I'm speaking honestly, we haven't gone as far as you and Chloe did."

"Eh? Not as far as Chloe and I? What would you be referring to for that?"

"Do I really need to spell it out for you?" I retorted Goh.

Hearing that Goh went silent, and a light blush appeared on his cheeks.

"You do know what I'm referring to then. You really had sex with Chloe?", I asked, teasing Goh a bit.

"Y-You don't need to spell it out like that, Itsuki! But I won't deny you. We did do it after we became a couple. It was only one time though for now, since we are going to be our journey tomorrow.", Goh responded, but didn't deny me.

"Even now I still feel it's like a dream. It felt amazing, but it was Chloe taking the lead most of the time during it...", Goh uttered softly.

"Haha, I can see that happening.", I responded with another chuckle.

"But were you serious, you haven't done it yet, Itsuki?", Goh asked with interest.

"I haven't. Our situation is a bit more special. Mostly involving Lillie. It isn't well known yet, and not in the public eye, but Lillie and I are already engaged.", I explained a bit, which caused Goh's eyes to turn wide.

"Ehhh? You and Lillie are already engaged?", Goh asked in surprise, turning his head toward me.

"Yup, but it isn't actually official yet. Courtesy of her mother. According to her, as long as we make it and participate in the League, she'll officiate it. I still want to propose to Lillie, and also Serena in my own way though."

"Amazing, is that why you started your journey? Not everyone can make it to the Leagues, they're the best of the best, regardless of what region you're in."

"Part of it. The other part is me simply wanting to see what the world has to offer. And being a Trainer is one of the best ways for that."

"To see what the world has to offer...that's a pretty big dream.", Goh said in anticipation.

"It is. You have your own dream too, don't you?', I decided to ask.

"I do. I shortly realized it all the way back when we had that summer camp at Professor Oak's lab. You may not believe it but Chloe and I encountered one of the rarest Pokemon out there at the time, Mew.", Goh said, explaining his experience at the summer camp we had about ten years ago.

"Is that so?", I simply asked. Hearing this, Goh became confused, as if I wasn't surprised at all.

"Why are you acting like this? I'm talking about Mew here!", Goh retorted. "The same Pokemon that is said to be progenitor of them all! Or could it don't believe me?", Goh asked. This caused me to let out another laugh.

"Hahaha, it's not that I don't believe you, Goh. It's the opposite in fact. I wonder if I should show you?"

"Show? Show me what?", Goh asked with interest.

"Hmm...Maybe I will. It is getting late. Why don't you come back here for the night, buddy?", I said, raising my voice a bit

Hearing this confused Goh even more. But unbeknownst to him, Mew, who had long finished playing in the sea and together with Lugia, returned to where we currently were staying at. Mew seemed very interested in Professor Cerise's lab, especially the artificial biosphere they created out back.

But once Mew heard my voice, it turned its head around, only to locate a certain room of the main building. Mew let out a giggle, before it vanished from sight, using Teleport.

In the next moment, Goh couldn't believe his eyes. Goh saw a small pink creature appear within my arms.

"Mew!", Mew said happily, appearing in our room.

"Looks like you were around after all. Did you have fun today?", I asked Mew.

"Mew.", Mew answered as if it said yes. Mew then looked across the room, only to see a wide-eyed Goh.

"", Goh tried to say, but unable to find any words.

"What you are seeing is real, Goh. It wasn't actually long after you encountered Mew that I formed a bond with it. Ever since, Mew has been enjoying its time with us.", I explained a bit.

"Wow...wait, what do you mean 'With us'? You aren't the only one?', Goh asked.

"Nah. Lillie and Serena know of Mew's existence. Not only them, but there is Cynthia too. You remember that quiet girl with the Gible, right?", I said.

"Why wouldn't I remember Cynthia? It's truly hard to believe such a person from back then is today's current Champion in Sinnoh.".

"Right? Well I thought about it, and decided to show Mew to you too. Besides, it seems Mew has taken a liking to you. Isn't that right?", I asked, looking down at Mew.

"Mew!", Mew responded happily. It then used Teleport, escaping from my arms. Goh then suddenly saw Mew appear on his bed, which startled him a bit. But then, Goh was able to get a good look at Mew. Mew tilted its head for a bit, before letting out a giggle. Mew started to swerve around Goh, which brought a smile to his face.

"It really is Mew...huh?", Goh started to say. He then started to feel his eyes get watery, only for a few tears to drop down the side of his face. He started crying.

"Tears?", Goh said in disbelief.

"Maybe you really wanted to see Mew again?", I asked. Seeing this warmed my heart.

"Mew?", Mew said, tilting its head a bit as it looked at Goh in interest.

"That might be true...thank you, for showing me Mew again.", Goh said, wiping his tears away.

"Mew!", Mew responded happily, hearing its name. It then used Teleport once more, and it reappeared back into my arms.

"Haha, no problem. But knowing that Mew is caught by me, will you still chase after your dream?", I decided to ask.

"Of course I will. I still want to catch as many Pokemon as I can, working my way up to Mew. But knowing Mew is caught by you now, my endgame might change.", Goh said excitedly.

"Oh? What would that be?" I asked.

"That would be to challenge you to a battle using Mew of course!", Goh said with a smile.

"Heh, what if I happen to become Champion before then?", I asked with a chuckle.

"Then that will make it all the more exciting!", Goh retorted.

After saying that, Goh and I decided to spend the remainder of the night, talking about our dreams and before we realized it the next day came. By the time we regrouped with the girls, we became stunned, but I almost forgot what day today was.


A longer chapter for today!

Want to see the girls' side or skip?

Don't forget to drop those power stones!