Chapter 95: Encounter

"I really do hate this hat.", I said, letting out a complaint. Several moments have passed since our briefing call ended back at the Pokemon Center. We could currently be seen in one of Celadon City's back alleys that was devoid of people. As I said that, I put on the Aether Foundation hat. It was very similar to that of a beret that golfers use, but it was pure white. It had two golden buttons on it.

As for what style of clothes the Aether Foundation wore, it was either a one piece white bodysuit similar to that of track runners wear with white gloves and white shoes. As for the other, it was a one piece robe that opened outward at the neckline, just like a a cape. Mine was styled similarly to this, except it was able to split apart down the middle, letting me wear a tan shirt underneath it. On top of that, I had my lab coat, and with it a three pronged Aether Badge sown on it.

I wasn't alone either. There was one other figure beside me, wearing the outfit similar to what I was wearing. Except his face was now hidden by a white helmet and a golden visor that covered his eyes. On his robe was stitched with a two pronged Aether Badge, signaling that this outfit belonged to a senior member.

"If you hate it, then don't wear it.", The man next to me said with a retort.

"Silvally.", Silvally responded, as if it was agreeing with him.

"But I gotta look the part, ya know? I had no idea I would be putting this on again during our journey in Kanto.", I responded back.

"It was your choice to accept Mother's proposition back then. But now, since you work for her, you have to listen to her. Are you sure you wanted things to be this way?", Gladion asked.

Hearing Gladion say that, I turned quiet, only to look up into the sky. and stared at the beautiful moon with a clear night sky.

"...If I could turn back time to live these past ten years again and see what would happen if I had said 'No' to Lusamine then, would things have played out different? Most definitely. But would have I done so? Definitely not. Lillie, as well as Serena, are too precious to me now. And all those friends i made back at Alola, including you Gladion, I wouldn't change that. I enjoy this life right now.", I smiled back at him.

"You're happy with being friends with even someone like me?", Gladion asked.

"What, you aren't?", I retorted at Gladion.

"Well...It's just I'm not used to the word 'Friend'. I've always been protective of Lillie, so my connections were very selective. This changed when you came along, and I am grateful for that. But I besides you and my family and my Pokemon, I don't think I have anyone I could truly call 'Friend', yet."

"Haha, we should change that then.", I replied with a laugh.

"What do you mean?"

"From the short conversations we've had till now, since your business with the Ultra Wormholes are done for now, you said you are going to start your own journey, didn't you?", I asked.

"I did express interest in doing so. Why?'

"That's your answer. I've already met several people once I started my journey here in Kanto, and we plan to visit many more regions afterward. Perhaps you may find someone you can call you your friend during your travels. Just like Silvally here.", I answered, looking at Silvally.

"Silvally!", Silvally cried out happily, only to nudge its head against Gladion's arms.

"You think so too, Silvally?", Gladion asked.

"Silv.", Silvally answered.

"But I wouldn't even know where to begin...i already travelled enough in Alola. Hobbes said it was up to me to decide where I should venture to next.", Gladion explained.

"Hmm, if that is the case, why don't I give you a little push? Join the Kanto League with us. you don't have to travel together with us but we could end up seeing you at the championships. I'm sure Lillie would like that.", I decided to say.

"Journey to Kanto...I'll think about it.", Gladion nodded. He then spoke out next, which drew my interest.

"By the way, I myself have been doing some digging around with what you have reported. Especially after you mentioned that you let that Professor Cerise study those Rainbow and Silver Wings. Once this mission is over, I would be glad to report with what I found. There's not a lot of texts available that cover both."

"So you were able to find something about them. I too haven't found much regarding them either, just some legends. Let's meet up tomorrow to talk about it.", I decided.

"Of course. All ready?", Gladion asked.

"Yes. Let's go.", I answered.

After saying that, we continued to walk down a couple of the back alleys until we came across an opening. Enclosed what seemed to be the back entrance to Celadon City's Game Corner.

Not only that we could see a few figures standing in front of it. On top of that we could see a couple of black metal cages with several figures inside of each one.

Besides that, one figure appearing to be a woman and one that appeared to be a man could be seen before the cages. A small cat-like Pokemon could be seen at their feet. The woman had long pink hair and was wearing a black Team Rocket uniform. The man beside her also had a black Team Rocket uniform on, except his had golden lining on his uniform.

Seeing this, I signaled Gladion and Silvally to stop in the current corner we were in to hide in its shadow.

"To think we would catch Team Rocket in a middle of an operation, moreover...these two...", I uttered softly.

"You know these two members?"

"Not personally."

'Jessie, James, and Meowth...makes sense to come across these three here, considering this is one of Team Rocket's main bases. Even their leader, Giovanni has his own room here, but he mostly operates out of the Viridian Gym, until the events of the first Mewtwo Movie take place anyway...', I spoke inwardly.

'Moreover, these guys seem different from their incompetent anime counterparts. For them to successfully do an operation is one thing, but capturing this many Pokemon, I fear they may be stronger here.', I continued to say.

"So, 'Boss', I say waltzing right in now as you said earlier, this is probably a bad idea.", Gladion retorted.

"You think? Also did you just call me Boss?", I retorted back.

"You said it yourself, didn't you? If you're playing your part as the admin here, then I'm just a lowly senior member.", Gladion answered as he pointed to his Aether Badge.

"Haha, I guess that's true. For now, let's wait until they finish transporting those captured Pokemon. As much as I want to set them free, we aren't here to cause a scene. Not until we retrieve the asset. Do you have a Fire Memory for Silvally ready?", I asked.

"I do. Any type you need I have the corresponding Memory. Don't tell me you're actually going to set this place ablaze?"

"Depends. If we can halt the production of Shadow Pokemon here, even if its just by a bit, it will be worth it. We don't want these to start spreading any more in Kanto. It's already causing Lance and the Elite Four to fight on the frontlines. And where Michael and Wes is from, the situation is likely a lot worse over there."

"With you saying that, these Pokemon that were capturing are most likely going to undergo that experiment...Even I think closing the hearts of Pokemons' hearts is cruel."

"Of course it is. Do be careful cause we may encounter some on the way down.", I answered.

"Roger.", Gladion said, nodding his head. We then saw the cages enter the door, which actually revealed a singular elevator. As they did, James spoke out to one of the grunts as the person stepped inside the elevator.

"This batch will be the latest. Make sure you deliver these to Archer pronto. The experiments have been successful, I'm looking forward to more being converted.", James said to the grunt.

"Understood. What will you do?"

"We will stay here. It looks like we have some uninvited guests.", James replied with a smile. After he did, the grunt nodded and was followed by the couple of other grunts into the elevator. It then closed, only leaving Jessie, James and Meowth behind.

Hearing that, both Gladion and I froze.

"Looks like we were found out.", Gladion shrugged his shoulders.

"You guys can come out. I sense no hostility, so I can only guess you have business with Team Rocket.", James said. As he did, he looked right toward the back alley we were currently hiding in.

"So there really were people shadowing us?", Meowth said, looking surprised.

"Don't tell me we are going to have more recruits join us?", Jessie asked.

"As if. Do you really think we would join up with you guys?', I retorted back, finally letting out my voice, which immediately drew the three's attention. As I did, Gladion, Silvally and I stepped out from the shadow, revealing ourselves.

Once we came into view, they quickly took notice of our uniforms that we were wearing.

"This...The heck is with these uniforms?", Jessie asked.

"You guys clearly belong to someone.", Meowth also said. "And the one with lab coat, he looks very familiar."

"State your business. We are currently on a tight schedule.", James decided to ask.

"Then I'll cut the greetings. It is true we belong to another organization. We come from the Aether Foundation.", I decided to say, starting my role.

"The Aether Foundation...", Meowth began to say, as if it started to recall something.

"You know these guys, Meowth?", James asked.

A moment passed before Meowth's eyes turned wide in surprised.

"Aren't you guys that super corporation currently working out of the Alola region!? Why the heck did you come to Team Rocket of all places?", Meowth yelled out in shock.

"Such a corporation exists?", Jessie also asked with interest. "I haven't had much interest in Alola but perhaps we should start investigating what other regions have to offer.", Jessie continued to say.

"Yes. We mostly dive in technology on the outside. We came to discuss business.", I answered.

Seeing things go smoothly so far, I inwardly nodded. After saying that, James nodded his head.

"Very well. Boss Giovanni will be very pleased to hear such a large corporation like the Aether Foundation is willing to extend its hand out to us.", James said, extending his hand out for a handshake. Gladion looked at me weirdly but stayed quiet. The three did take an interest in Silvally too since it was likely a Pokemon they have never seen before.

Seeing his hand reach out, I reached out my own, and shook it.

"Things might be hectic down below, but we will take you to the person overlooking this base, Archer. We will then see if your proposal is good enough for Archer to deliver it to our Boss, Giovanni.", James explained.

"Understood.", I responded.

After the first run of the elevator came back up, it was our turn to get in. As we did, we all turned quiet.

I must say, this elevator ride down was probably one of the most awkward encounters I've had thus far.


Power stones please?