Chapter 96: Meeting Giovanni!

The best part of meeting with a high standing figure within Team Rocket is the access they get.

In the games, it required the player to hunt down the card key to unlock the many security gates within Rocket's hideout. But seeing James here with an executive-level access card, we could literally skip the whole thing, haha! And color me impressed, these three had a lot more authority around here than I had originally anticipated. They were not their failure counterparts that was shown in the anime. Jessie, James, and Meowth knew how to properly run things down here in this base, and it seem James had the most authority.

But according to James, he wasn't the actual man in charge here, so he was probably second in command. The top dog here was Archer. It looks like everyone reported to him if it needed to be reached to the top. In fact out of the four known executives, Archer might be the most dangerous of the four. From what I could remember, he can keep a calm head and act logically.

As I thought that, while still in the elevator, Meowth took an interest in Silvally.

"Are you sure you don't want to give this guy to the boss? Let alone us, even he probably hasn't seen this Pokemon before.", Meowth spoke with interest.

Hearing that, Gladion turned his head toward Meowth but didn't say anything. As for Silvally it let out a snort before it did a quick sweep of its tailfin, lashing out at Meowth inexpertly. Meowth got hit hard and was sent flying, hitting the elevator's wall. Thwap!

"Meowth, Team Rocket doesn't steal Pokemon just randomly. All of our operations carry out specific targets. As much as I have an interest in this Silvally as you do, we won't steal Pokemon from our potential business partners.", James said.

"If you say so.", Meowth responded back, slowly getting up. "You said this guy belongs to just a senior member of the Aether Foundation? What Pokemon do you own then?"

"If I brought her out, you'd probably freeze to death,", I said, taunting Meowth. Hearing that, an annoyed mark appeared on his forehead.

"Are you looking for a fight?", Meowth asked.

"Do something, will you, James?", Jessie also asked.

"It's not my problem that you took an interest in seeing what Pokemon he has. By the way, what did you say your name was again?", James decided to ask.

"Itsuki. Although you've likely said your names as well, what should I call you guys?"

"Itsuki, huh? I'm pretty sure we've heard that name before.", Jessie said, letting out a remark.

As for Meowth, he also went into his own thoughts before he made a fist with one of his hands, and placed it into his palm, as if he had come to a realization.

"Wait, aren't ya that Professor whose been gaining attention in Kanto? From the looks of it you're on a journey now aren't ya?" Meowth asked

"You could say that.", I responded with a grin.

"A Pokemon Professor...And to think you would be two-faced like this...Wait, now I remember. You are definitely that Professor that's been gaining attention here in Kanto. You're in it with the League as well, aren't you?", James asked.

"Looks like Team Rocket has been digging around a bit, but yes I've done business with them before. Why?", I decided to ask.

"Well, what you will see soon is kept from the public for a good reason, but our Boss has already launched an offensive. And the League already responded. With you coming here, does this mean you've chosen our side?", James asked.

"Depends if your Boss accepts our business proposal or not.", I said. While this was a lie, it was a half-truth. We are here to acquire the Snag Machine, and if this can be done without bloodshed, I'd much prefer that method. Lusamine enabled my admin access again, so that gives me a lot more funds to use for such a transaction.

"Heh, it will be up to the Boss and Archer to decide. As for who we are...", James started to say. "Jessie?", He asked as he smiled at Jessie. Jessie knew what was going to happen next and smiled back at him.

"James?", Jessie asked. After she did, Gladion and I suddenly saw the elevator lights dim. After it did, we were blinded by a spotlight that shown on Jessie and James.

'Oh god, they're going to do it, aren't they?', I let out an inwardly sigh, making me want to facepalm my self.

Sure enough, despite them being more serious, the two started their motto. Even Meowth recovered quickly and joined in.

"Prepare for trouble!", Jessie started.

"Make it double!", James continued.

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all peoples within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

To extend the reach to the stars above."

"Jessie!", Jessie said, introducing herself.

"James!", James also said, introducing himself, bringing a red rose into his hand.

"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

Reaching the end, Meowth did a flip, and arrived between two.

"Meowth, that's right!"

Finishing their motto, the elevator lights returned to normal and we heard a ding, causing the elevator to stop moving. After that, the elevator door opened, and we successfully arrived on one of the lower floors of the Team Rocket base. As the door opened, a couple of grunts saw Jessie and James in their weird pose, gave them a quick glance, and returned to their patrol.

"Right...So it's Jessie and James?", I simply spoke out, letting out an inwardly sigh after hearing these two. This motto was always ridiculous but hearing it up front, I don't know how these guys can keep calm during it.

"Yes. Welcome to Team Rocket.", James said, welcoming us.

We then stepped out into a rather bland corridor. This floor seemed to house nothing but a single room. After James guided us down the long corridor, we eventually took a turn, only to see a singular figure. Looks like James had enough access to bring us all the way down, skipping over the labs, the likely 'prisons' where they keep their captured Pokemon to test on, and the administrative floors on the earlier levels.

Seeing several figures arrive, this figure immediately turned their head and looked at us.

"So its you three, did the latest goods finish transporting?", The figure asked.

"Without any issue. They are currently on their way to the cages. Is the next experiment ready to begin?", James asked, giving the cyan colored short haired man a salute.

"It is. It looks like you aren't alone either. This...", the cyan haired man said, shifting his gaze to us, As he did, he approached. Jessie and James parted ways, allowing him to walk right to us.

"I haven't seen these uniforms before. Why did James bring you guys here?"

"Hello. You must be the top dog James reports to. We're with the Aether Foundation. It was James' decision to bring us here to meet with you guys.", I said, explaining the situation, giving him a brief greeting. If I recall, wasn't guy's name, Archer?

Seeing me introduce ourselves as the Aether Foundation, we saw this man turn quiet.

"The Aether Foundation...Now that I think about it, don't you guys operate out of the Alola region? How did a super corporation like you guys wind up all the way in Kanto, within Team Rocket no less?"

"Let's just say my boss has many connection, and lots of money waiting to be spent.", I answered with a grin. Hearing this, the man also revealed a grin.

"Well, seeing what you guys do, it is a good choice to come to Team Rocket. We will sweep up this region before long, and realize our Boss's dream.", the man said.

"You can call me Archer. Behind here is the Boss's private room. And seeing you make your way here, I'm guessing you have a good idea at what we've been doing."

"We do. We are willing to enter business negotiations. I wonder if your Boss is willing to listen?"

"Well, typically one of the Executives like me would handle most administrative tasks to set up a deal, but after learning that you come from such a background, it is best not to take any risks with this. I'm sure the Boss will be thrilled knowing that the Aether Foundation is looking to provide us support. With your funds, we can definitely soar to higher skies!", Archer declared. Hearing that I let out another sigh.

'Good luck thinking that, Archer. You won't be receiving a single cent from us.', I inwardly retorted.

After Archer said that, he he spoke out again, and this time he actually gave us a warning, which drew our attention.

"But I will warn you guys. The Boss is currently in cooperation with another group. The contact we are currently with will likely be the one to stay in touch with you guys, and even I am not to underestimate him."

"So there is a third party?"

"Indeed, but perhaps this excitement made me speak too much. James, you three are to return to your next task. Thank you for bringing them to me.", Archer said, giving his next order James.

"Of course.", James responded, while Jessie gave Archer a salute. The three then left and soon the sound of an elevator echoed the corridor. Even the patrol from earlier has left, so it was just me, Gladion, Silvally and Archer now.

"I will also give one more warning. You will be in the presence of the Boss, so be careful of choosing your words."

"Yes,", I simply responded, nodding my head. Gladion did as well and stayed silent.

After Archer said that, he put his hand behind his back, and went to the door. Archer gave the door two knocks, and sure enough, we heard a rather deep firm voice speak out.

"Enter.", The firm voice said.

"Yes Boss.", Archer said, only to pull the door open. He then looked at us and stayed at his current position. As he did I felt a cold chill go down my spine, not from one direction but from actually two.

But I didn't back down from this feeling, and I stepped into the room, which could be said to be one of the hideaways of Team Rocket's Leader. As we stepped into the office, I had a quick glance to the left, only to see an item on display, locked away behind a glass box on a pedestal. in fact there were two of these items.

Looking forward again, I arrived to a large wooden table and a black leather chair. In the back stood a large monitor, and seated in this fancy chair was none other than a black suited man with a short crew-cut style hair, which was black. A turtleneck leather shirt could be seen underneath his black suit. There was a large red R stitched on the left of the suit.

Of course this man was indeed the current leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni!

Not only that, there was another man standing beside him, appearing much taller. Is outfit was dressed very weird as well, very out of the norm. Of course who else could this be but Miror B?

We were now face to face with both the Leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni and one of Team Cipher's Admins, Miror B!

Well, we were able to make it this far. Let's see if this place ends up getting set up in flames by the end of our mission. Maybe steal some of their funds as well, courtesy of Lusamine.


Power stones please?