Chapter 101: The Lost Hero (II)

Let's try to get over 500 power stones this week!


What we saw now was Ho-Oh flying in the skies while Lugia was curled up into a ball, buried deep within the sea. Within these two were two big feathers, the Rainbow Wing and the Silver Wing.

Of course there was some text following it, so I began to read it.

"Soaring into the skies, leaving the small town and its townspeople behind, in which they called it, Ecruteak City, Ho-Oh began a search. For people Ho-Oh found worthy to receive its Rainbow Wing. Trainers who receive this Rainbow Wing would have a chance at being granted the title, the Rainbow Hero. The Rainbow Wing would act as a guide, guiding the Trainer to Ho-Oh, granting them a chance to challenge it..."

"As for Lugia, to lament its sorrow for the destruction of the Brass Tower, it would sail the the seas' storms, quelling the winds to allow sea-farers safe travels. Everywhere Lugia went, its cry followed. Trainers who hear this cry are given a chance to be granted the Silver Wing. Those who bear the Silver Wing will earn the right to challenge Lugia, guiding the Trainer to the land that once was..."

The text ended there, which caused me to turn to the twelfth page.

On the twelfth page, it showed faded Trainers raising the Rainbow and Silver Wing into sky, only for them to shine a bright ray of light into different directions. But what surprised us here was that there was a third figure lurking about, within a forest in the background, as if this figure was beginning to stir awake. After that was more text, prompting me to read it.

"The Rainbow Wing and Silver Wing will act as beacons to Trainers who accept the two's wills, bringing them to the two Legendary Pokemon for a battle..."

"...And yet, should Ho-Oh and Lugia ever form a bond with a sole Trainer, the two Wings will shall form a path."

The text ended there, which prompted me to turn to what appeared to be the final page. On the final page showed a green creature of sorts, much smaller than Ho-Oh and Lugia. It could be seen floating above a run down shrine, deep within a great forest. A sole faded Trainer could be seen in front of it, bearing both the Rainbow Wing and Silver Wing. I couldn't help but sigh seeing this Pokemon, as I could immediately recognize who it was.

"Shall the Trainer follow the forged path to its destined end, the Guardian of the Forest, Celebi, will awake from its slumber, and present three trials to the bearer of the Rainbow Wing and Silver Wing..."

"By undergoing Celebi's three trials, the Trainer shall receive the blessing of the Great Forest, becoming the Lost Hero, and being granted a chance to battle Celebi..."

With those final words, the text ended, and so it the pages. That was the final page of this ancient text. It ended off with a Trainer standing off against Celebi, which was one of the mythical Pokemon of the Johto region.

Seeing this be the end, I turned quiet. Without saying anything, I slowly closed the book, and stood up, leaving the three confused. I then turned around, and slowly walked away, leaving the book on the table.

Seeing Celebi first brought confusion to Serena, Lillie and Gladion.. Yet it took them a good minute to register that I had left the Pokemon Center before they realized it. Serena's eyes turned wide as Gladion entered his own thoughts.

"W-Wait, Itsuki!", Serena called out, realizing that I had left.

"Hmm...could it be?", Gladion muttered to himself. As for Lillie, she brought the book to her lap, and held onto it.

As for me, I quietly walked to the side of the Pokemon Center, and leaned back against the wall. Reaching into my item bag, I rummaged around in it, only to feel two soft items. Pulling them out, they were two feathers.

One shimmered in the light of a rainbow, while the other shimmered in moonlight. These were of course the Rainbow Wing and Silver Wing. They were the two same Wings depicted in the last few pages of that ancient text we just read.

"And the sole Trainer facing off the Guardian of the Forest, Celebi, who seemingly passed its three trials...the Lost Hero...", I uttered softly as I gazed upon the two Wings.

With a movement of my arm, I brought them over my head, raising to the same spot where the bright moon was in the sky. The moonlight shined down on the two Wings.

I was half expecting a reaction here, but sure enough, there was no reaction.

The text did call out the right to challenge Ho-Oh and Lugia if one obtained a Wing. Perhaps I am to use them separately? And then there was that quick battle I did with Lugia, even conversing with Lugia...

Lugia did say I was already acknowledged by the two, so perhaps the proper challenge had yet to happen. Does that mean I have to seek Ho-Oh and Lugia?

"Things are getting jumbled together. Why are matters of Johto even happening while I'm journeying through Kanto...", I uttered softly.

Yet while enjoying some moonlight, it helped calm my nerves. Unfortunately that didn't last long as I heard the pitter-patter of feet, one pair quickly heading my way. Serena made her way here.

"Ah...", Serena let out a quiet voice, seeing what I currently had in my hands.

It dawned on her as to what I was probably thinking of. Serena slowly walked up to me, and gave me a hug.

"You're putting yourself in their shoes, aren't you, Itsuki? A tale is just a tale. Even if it repeats itself, we can be ready for it!", Serena said to me with encouragement.

"Trying to cheer me up are you? Perhaps I may be looking looking into this too much..."

"So it really was like this.", A third voice said, only for two more figures to appear after Serena. Gladion and Lillie arrived. "Turns out you had both the Rainbow Wing and Silver Wing...", Gladion said, looking at the two Wings in interest.

"So that means you've already met Ho-Oh and Lugia?", Gladion decided to ask.

"I did. Though the meeting with Ho-Oh wasn't a personal one. I simply crossed paths with it but just that alone, Ho-Oh seemed given me recognition and gave me its Rainbow Wing. However, as for Lugia, it appeared over the Vermillion Harbor while we were in Vermillion City. I had a personal interaction with Lugia with one of my friends, and it gave me its recognition. Yet from the looks of it, I may need to have a proper battle with both to proceed with this path...", I explained to Gladion, who nodded his head.

"Are you, Itsuki?", Lillie, who stayed quiet during this, decided to ask.

"You mean, tread down this path to battle Ho-Oh and Lugia?", I asked back, to which, Lillie nodded her head.

"Yes. The two must have given you their blessings for a reason, right? I have not seen anyone recently getting recognized by both of the Legendary Pokemon.", Lillie asked.

"I am not sure...While it does sound like an exhilarating journey to battle two Legendary Pokemon, the thing I am fearing is what actually comes after. The third battle if you will.", I explained.

"The battle with the Guardian of the Forest, Celebi...You'll have to undergo its three trials too.", Gladion answered.

"Yes.", I replied, only to look back up into the moon. I then paused for a moment, before speaking out again.

"You see, while Celebi may be more commonly known as the Guardian of the Forest, Celebi has another name it goes by. One that is probably more feared by Trainers should they come to know of it."

"That...", Serena tried to say, thinking of what I meant by that. Yet I decided to give the answer before anyone could reply.

"Celebi, the Time Traveler Pokemon.", I answered.

"...!", Serena responded, letting her eyes turn wide.

"The Time Traveler Pokemon, Celebi...Are you implying that you may travel through time once the three trials begin?", Gladion asked.

"It is a very good possibility. I do not know what these trials will be, but if I partake in them and should this happen, you three should know what will happen to me, right?"

"We won't be able to see you...", Serena uttered to herself, which caused Lillie to shake a bit.

"While the book did cover a lot, it didn't cover the entire thing, so there still may be things we don't know. The thought of travelling through time is pretty scary, I don't know if we would be able to handle you not being here, Itsuki...", Lillie said in a worried voice.

"That is true. If I meet with Ho-Oh and Lugia again, they may be able to provide more insight as I tread along this path. While it did show a sole Trainer going up against Celebi, it did not straight out say the trials would deny companions. So who knows, Celebi may allow our full party go along with it.", I said, giving a smile to Lillie.

"So there's a chance we may be able to do the trials with you?", Serena eyes also lit up.

"Very interesting to how this turned out. But from the way you sounded just now, Itsuki, you are willing to go on this path to battle these Legendary Pokemon.", Gladion responded.

"For now, yes. A lot is still uncertain, but the majority of it likely won't happen until we arrive in the Johto region, as that is the home of all three."

"Then that means we need to explore the rest of Kanto to our hearts content first! We also have our fourth gym battle coming up in two days time.", Serena said happily, clapping her hands together.

"Yes. We are well prepared for the gym battle. Brother do you think you can stay to watch us?"

As Lillie asked that, we saw Gladion shake his head.

"Unfortunately no, I will be departing shortly. I already notified Hobbes to start up the helicopter. But Itsuki did give me a recommendation.", Gladion explained.

"A recommendation? A recommendation for what?", Lillie asked in curiosity.

"As a Professor to a Trainer.", Gladion answered. It took a good moment, but surprise appeared in Lillie's eyes.

"Brother, you don't mean..."

Seeing him decide his path, Gladion gave a smile to Lillie and spoke out.

"Yes. With my investigations currently over now and Alola being in a stable state, I now have free time to start my own journey. I was thinking of starting it in Alola, but Itsuki here gave me a recommendation.", Gladion answered, giving us a surprise.

"So you're going to become a Trainer like us1", Lillie replied happily. "Does that mean you're going to start in Kanto?"

"That's the plan. Even I forget Itsuki is a Professor sometimes. Have you ever thought of building a lab somewhere yet?", Gladion asked me.

"Not at the moment. Which is why I will have you fly to Gramps' spot. You can hand him the recommendation I gave."

"Got it. With that, I'll see you guys around.", Gladion said, only to depart. As he left, he waved hand goodbye.

"So Brother is going to start his own journey...", Lillie uttered happily, seeing Gladion vanish from sight after getting into their helicopter.

"You must be happy, Lillie.", Serena also responded with a smile.

"Yes. I'm happy for him to make that decision. Thank you, Itsuki.", Lillie said, thanking me.

"Heh, I only gave Gladion a slight push. The rest of it will be up to him. And getting that off my chest, I'm feeling better now too, so why don't go enjoy the rest of today in the Pokemon Center? We can do our shopping tomorrow and visit my big sister's shop.", I said.

"Yes!", Lillie answered happily while Serena nodded her head.

After settling down, the rest of Saturday went by in a blink of an eye. It was good to talk about the Lost Hero with the girls and Gladion, and who knows, maybe I will be able to do the trials with them.

I guess I can say, only time will tell, haha!

Bad puns aside, Sunday came and it was now time to do our shopping and visit Daisy's daycare center. She'll be in for a surprise. The Gym Leader Erika did say Daisy had Eevee eggs so hopefully we'll be able to get our hands on some.


I already have the three trials laid out. While Vol 3 will cover the Johto region in its entirety,

these three trials will be the bulk of it. Each one will take place in a major event in the Pokemon timeline.

Look forward to it (: