Chapter 102: Three Pokemon Eggs

The sounds of a door chiming echoed inside of a shop of what appeared to be a cozy Pokemon Daycare Center Several young Pokemon originating from Kanto could be seen having fun. As we entered, I heard a very familiar voice, which sounded quite older than the last time we had seen each other.

"Welcome! I'll be there in just a minute!", A sound of a woman's voice echoed in our ears. I guess that chime let her know that she had customers arrive.

Coming from the back I could see a woman enter our view with a gentle smile on her face. She could be seen wearing a white apron. She had long silky brown hair that went down well past her back, almost reaching her waist. Two large bangs split off that went down the front of her shoulders. She was currently wearing a short sleeved purple shirt that wrapped around her neck a bit, and simple black plants.

A familiar sight I knew all too well, despite not seeing each other these last few years. I greeted the woman, who was none other than Professor Oak's granddaughter, Daisy, aka my big sister. Daisy is the oldest between Gary and I, there is about a five year difference between us. (A/N: Not sure if I aet the age difference to Daisy as 5 years, but setting it now)

"Yo, Daisy. How has my big sister been doing?"

Hearing me greet Daisy, it took her a good moment to register who I was. Her eyes turned wide eyed.

"Itsuki!?", Daisy exclaimed. She then dropped the things she was holding and rushed over here, and unexpectedly gave me a hug. She then looked up and spoke out to me.

"Is it really you? How in blazes did you make it to my store, you big lug?"

"You received a call from Gym Leader Erika didn't you?", I asked back with a grin.

"From Miss Erika? Now that I think about it, I did. But she only said that three trainers would come in today looking to acquire three Eevee eggs. Miss Erika didn't mention it would be my little brother!"

Seeing Daisy act like this, I smiled. Yet she parted from her hug and started to size me up. A few years had passed since we've seen each other after all.

"Still, you've really grown, huh? Looks like you already started your journey, since you made here to Celadon City. Anyways, I'm glad you were able to visit my store for the first time. Welcome!"

"Thank you, big sister.", I replied (A/N If this was JP, Itsuki would address her as Aneki)

"You really do look like Professor Oak. I know we've called a few times but it's nice to meet you, Daisy.", Serena said, introduced herself.

"Now there's a voice I recognize. You must be Itsuki's girlfriend, Serena.", Daisy said, greeting Serena.

"Yes. Along with Itsuki, we started our journey together."

"So that's how things turned out. I apologize I couldn't be there much during your last big five, Itsuki. My final year of studies was almost done, I tried to keep my distractions to a minimum.", Daisy responded with an apologetic tone.

"Haha, that's alright. We had a lot of fun at my party. You would've had a blast."

Hearing me bring up my fifteenth birthday, Serena smiled and at the same time, Lillie blushed red. Seeing Lillie react like this, Daisy turned toward her.

"And you must be Lillie then. Itsuki's told me a great deal about you as well.", Daisy said, greeting Lillie too.

"It's nice to meet you, Daisy. You really run this Daycare Center here?"

"Sure do! Gramps gave me a loan after my studies were complete to open up shop in Viridian City. Giving it a few years my business ran well enough to pay him off. Being free of this debt, I decided to move to Celadon City. There really are tons of people here who want Daycare Centers to look after their Pokemon.", Daisy explained.

"Haha, no doubt about that. Gramps really gave you some money to use?"

"He did. Gramps did let me know he personally gave you your starter Pokemon."

"You two really do call Professor Oak 'Gramps'...", Lillie retorted.

"Hehe, Itsuki and Gary must've gotten it from me. It's nice to meet you too, Lillie.", Daisy said, welcoming Lillie.

"Thank you. I know we just got here, but you aren't busy right now, are you, Daisy?", Lillie asked.

"Not currently. Why don't you three stay here for a bit? There's more room in the back to sit down.", Daisy proposed.

"We can catch up since we've nothing much planned today besides visiting the main mall to do some shopping. Our scheduled match with the Gym Leader isn't until tomorrow.", Lillie explained.

"Wait, that sounds like all three of you are going to battle her tomorrow. Wasn't it just you doing the gym challenges, Itsuki?", Daisy asked as surprise streaked across her eyes.

Seeing this, I looked at Serena and Lillie. To answer her, we each brought out our badge cases. Upon opening them, all three of us showed that we currently had three badges each.

"Wow, you guys really do have three badges already. If that's the case, do you think I can come watch tomorrow? I'm sure Miss Erika wouldn't mind a guest."

"Of course it's fine, big sister. You just need to be available tomorrow."

"Great. With that out of the way, follow me to the back.", Daisy said.

"Can you prepare us some tea as well, Itsuki?"

"On it.", I said, following daisy into the back. Sure enough, we entered a wider area which was equivalent to a living room. There was even a small kitchen in the back. Further outside was a large playground for Pokemon to have fun. In fact, there could be seen a few Pokemon out back currently too.

Seeing the kitchen, I got my item bag out and started to prepare some tea for us four. A sweet aroma soon wafted around the room.

A few minutes later, we all got around a table and I placed the cups down. After drinking the tea I prepared, our nerves relaxed a great deal. Even I slouched back in my chair.

"You really do make good tea, Itsuki.", Daisy said with a praise, enjoying hers. She then had another look at Lillie. "It always made me wonder why Itsuki was getting so good at making it during the few times I was able to visit..."

Hearing that, Lillie turned toward me.

"Daisy did say that you told a lot about me, Itsuki. You didn't tell her what you did at our house during your abroad?"

"I...may have left out a good point or two.", I retorted.

"Wait, are you saying Itsuki stayed at your house when he was in Alola, Lillie?"

"Partly. Most of the time we bunked at Professor Kukui's place. We would take one or two days out of the week to stay at my house.", Lillie explained.

"Is that so...This is sounding like you've looked after Lillie then during your stay in Alola."

"I did. Learning that was part of my accommodation if I were to progress my Professor studies there."

As I said that, a light blush appeared on Lillie's cheeks again, and she nodded in confirmation.

Seeing this, Daisy put her hand on her chin, seeing Lillie react this way.

"And you two look a lot closer than just to be a caretaker, Itsuki. Did something happen while I was not here?", Daisy asked.

"I don't mind telling you, Daisy. It was pretty recent after all. We entered a relationship, so I'm dating Itsuki along with Serena.", Lillie answered.

Hearing that, Daisy's eyes turned wide once more.

"Lucky guy. So this was the case after all. You three were all in agreement to enter this type of relationship?", Daisy asked again.

After Daisy asked us, all three of us nodded.

"Yes. Both Lillie and I love Itsuki, so instead of fighting, we entered this route instead. I must say it's been working quite well.", Serena answered with a smile. "It makes journeying together a lot more fun too!"

"It really does. It's only been a couple of months compared to Serena's couple of years, but it has been enjoyable experiencing this.", Lillie also said with a smile.

"Good. As long as you guys are happy about having a relationship like this, then as Itsuki's big sister, I approve of it.", Daisy said, giving a thumbs up.

Seeing that Daisy is welcoming this, I let out an inward sigh of relief. Mom and Professor Oak know this as well, and it is accepted in this world, which is great. Not everyone has a relationship like this, but for those who want it, it can be done.

"Now then, returning to why you guys came here. You three are customers. According to Miss Erika you three are looking to acquire three Eevee eggs?", Daisy asked. Some time had passed as we relaxed, so she decided to ask if we were sure about it.

"Yes. We've caught some Pokemon already, and reaching the mid-way point in our journey, we figured obtaining Eevee could help us round out the typing we may lack for the remaining gym battles we got in Kanto.", I explained the situation.

"Eevee does have multiple evolutions, so its a good choice to choose from to see what you are lacking. Type effectiveness can carry a long way. You guys came to the right spot too, since Celadon City is known for having Eevee, whether it be in wild areas nearby or through breeding.", Daisy explained from her side.

"So does that mean you do have Eevee eggs available?", I asked.

"We do. Quite a few in fact. I'll have to charge you for them though.", Daisy answered.

Hearing that, Serena's and Lillie's eyes lit up as well.

"That's fine. Just because we are family, we won't rob you of your business, big sister. Let me know the price for the three and I'll pay it at the front."

"Great. Let me go retrieve them so we can complete this transaction."

After sharing some tea and snacks with Daisy, most of the morning blew by in a blink of an eye. We were able to catch up with each other over what had happened these last few years. I also let her know that Gary, Ash and Green will be starting their journey in three months or so. I hope by that point we'll have to return either by with eight badges already or that we'd be heading to Cinnabar Island for our seventh badge.

It didn't take long for Daisy to come out with three Pokemon eggs and three incubator capsules. I was curious to see how the process was for Pokemon Breeding, but Daisy said it was a trade secret among caretakers. So unless I followed in her footsteps, it'd probably be better off not knowing.

With eggs in hand we returned to the Pokemon Center. She gave us three Eevee eggs that were about to catch as a bonus too, she said it'd take no longer than a week or two to hatch them.

Knowing this, we'd hatch them likely on our bike ride to Fuschia city or walk to Lavender Town. Haven't decided which way to go yet, catching some ghost Pokemon did catch our interest.

We decided to spend the rest of the day as a date, mainly shopping at the multi floor Celadon City mall. After getting all of our shopping needs done for our next stretch of the journey, we are out at a nice restaurant.

Sunday came and gone before we knew it.

Monday would be our last day in Celadon City, but it might be our most important day of our visit here.

It was time to challenge Gym Leader Erika!


Power stones please?

Anyone excited for Pokemon Presents this Sunday?