Chapter 110: After The Fun And A Call

I wouldn't really call this a bonus lemon chapter, just an extra chapter of how Itsuki and Serena dealt with the day after they had s*x.

Journey will resume next chapter!

Power stones please to start the beginning of the week?


The three of us fell fast asleep after experiencing a new world. Serena and I had graduated from being virgins, taking our virginities together last night, while Lillie joined in on the fun.

Lillie had yet to graduate, but she shown keen interest on the matter during the fun last night. Since it went so well with Serena, Lillie will soon probably start seeking me to train her butt with those toys they bought.

The new morning dawned, letting sunlight shine into our room. I felt refreshed. I know we ended up super sticky before we slept, but Serena and Lillie were daring, and licked me clean. Lillie was even more adventurous, and licked Serena's butt clean before we slept. And now, we all were cuddling in each other's embrace, with peaceful snores echoing in my ears. I was the first one to wake up.

With Serena being the main star last night, I was wondering how she would end up feeling the day after, whether she would sleep in, but it looks like that question just got answered. As I lifted my body up to stretch, I saw Serena's eyes flutter, only to slowly open.

"Good morning sleepyhead.", I leaned in, planting a quick kiss on Serena's forehead.

"Right back at you, darling~", Serena responded with a smile, which caused me to stop moving.


"Well, with all that we did last night, I feel it's appropriate to call you that now, Itsuki. Or do you not like it?", Serena asked.

"Haha, it sure has a weird feeling being called darling, but if you want to you can. I'm not against it.", I responded with a laugh.

"Hehe, I just wanted to see how you would react to it. I'll still call you Itsuki...?", Serena retorted back.

Yet at this time, we actually heard a low grumbling noise coming from one of our stomachs. I looked over, to see Serena's growling a bit.

"Looks like someone is ready for breakfast.", I said.

"...", Serena replied back, who was starting to feel strange.

Seeing Serena not respond, I turned serious and looked at her, especially since she did not blush at that retort just now.

"Is something wrong?", I asked with a bit of worry.

At this time, Serena felt a pang strike inside her butt, causing Serena to sit up in one go. Serena ignored me and got right out of the bed.

"Oh mother of Arceus!", Serena said, letting out a rare curse. I suddenly saw Serena use her hands to hold her butt in place, and started to make a mad dash toward the bathroom, quickly shutting the door

"...", I almost forgot how we experienced that new world last night. I guess something like this was bound to happen as a result.

"Is everything alright?", Lillie's voice suddenly said, also containing worry in her voice. I looked over, and saw Lillie now awake and was now sitting up like me.

"I think so...?", I replied, unsure.

We were then interrupted by continuous tooting and farting noises coming from the bathroom, only to end in a sigh of relief from Serena. Yet as these noises continued, it started to bounce off the walls, creating an echo. A blush appeared on Serena's face as she did her deed, and yelled out to us behind the closed door, realizing how loud this was.

"Ah! Don't you two dare listen to this!", Serena yelled out with a complaint.

"Haha, a bit too late for that!", I yelled back with a retort.

Serena didn't say anything more. A couple moments passed in awkward silence before she finished, ending in more sighs of relief.

Serena flushed the toilet once she was done, causing me to sigh on relief too. Yet it appeared another problem soon arose after her deed was done.

"Uh-oh...", Serena replied again behind the door.

"What is it now?", I asked in worry.

"I think my legs gave out on me...", Serena replied, trying to stand up from the toilet. Yet every time she did, she felt no strength in her legs. Perhaps the urge for the toilet from earlier caused Serena to ignore this, but each time she tried to move now, her hips would feel slight pain. A likely result from last night.

"I think I know how we can fix that.", I replied, only to stand up from the bed. Lillie watched watched on with interest. I walked to the bathroom and Serena saw me rattle the doorknob.

The moment I opened it, we were blasted by Serena's deed, causing me to waft the air with my hand.

"You really did a number in here didn't you?", I asked before I headed inside. Hearing this caused Serena to blush.

"D-Don't smell it you idiot! Are you going to help me up or what?", Serena asked.

"One hug coming right up.", I answered. Ignoring the smell, I approached Serena. Swooping one of my arms down, one arm scooped under Serena's legs.

"Oh...", Serena said in surprise, only to see her get lifted up into a princess carry. Seeing this, Serena placed her head onto my shoulders and felt my warmth. I soon saw her calm down.

"Feeling better?", I asked Serena.

"Yes...Sorry for putting you through this..." Serena replied apologetically.

"It's no problem. I had a feeling we may have had to push back continuing our journey by a couple days, depending on how you felt after our fun. And from the looks of it, you're going to need lots of rest. It's Tuesday now but we probably won't leave for Route 7 until Wednesday based on your reaction.", I explained.

"Well whose fault do you think it is for making my butt and hip so sore last night? I didn't say you had to be gentle, but I didn't think the aftereffects would be this bad...", Serena said, only for her to place her arms around my shoulders.

"It felt good though, didn't it?".

"Yes...", Serena replied happily.

"Good. Now let's get you back into bed. Your only job this next day or two is to recuperate. You can't battle Pokemon like this.", I said to Serena in a serious tone.

"I understand. Sorry for imposing you in this. I'll try to recover in a jiffy!", Serena reassured me.

Walking back out into our room, I closed the bathroom. I then placed Serena back into the bed, and placed the sheets over her tucking her in. I also saw Lillie sitting at the table nearby now.

"You'll help watch over Serena too, won't you Lillie?".

"Of course. Leave it to me.".

"Excellent. I'm going to go get us some grub and let Nurse Joy know we'll extend our stay by one to two days. I'm also going to give Gramps a quick call on our progress.".

"Got it. Don't forget to freshen yourself up too.", Lillie said.

I then looked down, only to realize I was still naked from last night. Lillie was too. We decided to use the shower to get dressed and cleaned up for the day. After coming back out, we saw Serena with her head propped up against the bed now, with a tv remote in her hand. Lillie decided to prepare tea as Serena turned on the tv, tuning into the local news.

Seeing the two get settled, I left the room, quickly making my way down to the first floor. I let Nurse Joy we will be staying for a couple more days and she happily obliged. I asked to use one of the PCs for a call too, and she said it was fine.

I walked up to the one at the furthest end, and turned the PC on. After some clicking, a ringing sound soon echoed.

Ring ring ring. Click.

.A video soon appeared on screen, revealing Professor Oak seated at his table. He currently had chopsticks in his hand, and was literally blowing on some ramen as the video appeared.

"Yo, Gramps.", I said, speaking out to Professor Oak with a grin.

I saw Professor Oak blink for a moment before realizing he heard a voice. His eyes then turned forward to the screen, and saw me.

"Well if it isn't Itsuki my boy! I was about to dig into some ramen as you see."

"Did I call at a bad time?"

"Nonsense. You can call me whenever. A little Pidgey told me you earned your fourth badge yesterday."

"Haha, word travels fast, doesn't it?"

"Congratulations are in order. But it will only get difficult from here on. Be especially careful for Sabrina. She can be a rather nasty one with her psychic prowess.", Professor Oak said, giving me a warning.

I nodded, taking his warning seriously. Among the four gym leaders left, I was considering Sabrina to be the most dangerous. There is Giovanni with his armored Mewtwo now in the mix, but I'm not sure he will use Mewtwo...

"Yes. We will be travelling to Lavender Town to catch some Pokemon before we make our way to Fuschia City to challenge Koga. We will probably be heading out in two days."

"Two days huh? The road to Fuschia is quite the long one so I may not expect another call from you for a while."

"Yes. After this call, we probably won't reach out until we are heading to Cinnabar Isl. Can you let Mom know we will stop by home then and when Ash turns 15 to celebrate his last big 5?"

"Can do my boy. Pallet Town is in such a neat spot to where you can make a short visit or return home while on a journey. Ash, Gary, and Green will be especially happy knowing you guys will be returning home soon. Probably in a month or two right?", Professor Oak asked.

"That's the plan. Two visits, and the second round is when we'll hopefully have all eight badges."

"Hoho, eight badges in five to six months, not many Trainers can progress in such speed and effectiveness. And from your tone, you seem a bit more mature now. Did something happen?", Professor Oak asked, taking notice of me having a different air.

Should I tell him about Serena and Lillie? It would be best to tell my family at least right? Professor Oak was already able to quickly call it out too...

Taking in a deep breath, I nodded.

"I won't say much but Serena and I decided to deepen our relationship last night. Lillie was in on it too, but she mostly watched.", I explained a bit to Professor Oak. I then saw him grin.

"Hoh? So Itsuki my boy finally got the taste of the forbidden fruit eh? Have you told Violet yet?", Professor Oak responded while grinning.

"Not yet...I don't know if I should even break this news to her."

"Hoho, it's a good thing you let me know first. Violet was quite protective of you and Gary. If it were me, I'd probably not bring it up."

"You do know that Lillie's mom gave us her blessing though, right?"

"I do. She mentioned about formalizing the marriage between you three should you all enter the Indigo League successfully. And you're already halfway there."

"Yup, I still want to do a special proposal to the two though."

"Is that so? Have you decided on when or where yet?"

"I have. Let's just say the proposal I want to achieve won't happen in Kanto.", I said, giving a teaser to Professor Oak with a smile.

"Hoho, well it seems you already have an idea in your head. I will wish you luck in getting your remaining badges. I won't expect another call until you guys are ready to head to Cinnabar Island."

"Thank you, Gramps.", I responded.

"Now it's dig into this ramen!", Professor Oak smiled picking up his chopsticks again. Click.

The video call ended, leaving me alone with a smile on my face.

'That went well.', I thought to myself. 'I won't bring up the matter involving Giovanni for now, since Lance is directly involved with that, and the fact that Lusamine was the one who gave me that mission, so my lips are kept shut and would only report to her.', I continued to think.

'Still, these next one to two months will go by before we know it. I'm already looking forward to returning back home again!' I happily thought to myself.

Thinking that, I suddenly felt my stomach growl, feeling hungry.

"Haha, I guess it's time to go get some food for us. Hopefully it won't take long for Serena to recover.", I smiled, getting up.

I then left the Pokemon Center, heading off to the nearest grocery store.