Chapter 111: Paldea

Chapters are back O:

My other fanfic is now in a stable position, and I'm currently on pace to combining both into a weekly schedule.

Thank you guys for your understanding. I do appreciate the love shown through the follows during this quiet period (:

If you like the return of my Pokemon fanfic, I want those power stones to soar!


Two full days of rest later.

Even though it was just two days for Serena, Lillie and Itsuki, it had already felt like an eternity had passed. If there was one difference, both Itsuki and Serena had a different charm to them. Lillie had yet to display it though.

Still, it feels like they had taken a step forward, even though the two knew very well the real deed had yet to be done.

"Mmm...", Serena's voice echoed, signaling the next day. As for me, I could already be seen awake, and brewing some tea for the morning.

"Looks like you slept well, Serena.", I said, seeing Serena wake up. To her left, Lillie could be sleeping next to her. With one arm over Serena's chest, Lillie was snoozing away peacefully.

Sapphire and Growlithe could be seen sleeping peacefully on the pillows at the head of the bed. Since the fun time we had was already spent, we were able to bring out our Pokemon again. Amber and Snowy could be seen resting more toward the table in the center of our room. Amber specifically had been rewarded with many berries of her favorites, as she performed well during the badge fight I had with Erika.

As Serena shifted body upward, the covers shifted downward, revealing Lillie in her splendor. This caused me to look downward at her, as she could now be seen bare. Serena grinned as she saw me look down to observe Lillie's splendor.

"Like what you see?", Serena asked with a grin.

"Very.", I answered back, reaching in to give Serena a quick peck on the lips. I made sure not to disturb Lillie to wake her up. "Tea's almost ready. I'm going to go down and make some flight reservations in a bit.", I said, which caused Serena's eyes to turn wide.

"A flight, huh? It makes sense, considering both Fuschia and Cinnabar Island are so out of the way.", Serena said, nodding her head.

"Unless you'd rather take Kanto's famous cycling road?", I decided to offer another suggestion. Serena's eyes sparkled the moment I uttered that.

"You mean the cycling road that are only permitted by cyclists and it's pretty much a built highway specifically for them?", Serena's eyes sparkled.

"The very same. Though if we do that, I want to make a quick detour to Lavender Town to catch some ghost-type Pokemon. Afterward, we'll cross back into Celadon and take the cycling road.", I said, determined.

"Morning....What's this about a Cycling Road?", Lillie's voice suddenly reached out to us as Lillie rubbed her eyes a bit.

"Looks like you're up now. Good morning, Lillie. We were just deciding on which path to take to Fuschia.", I said, giving a quick peck on Lillie's lips as well.

Seeing me suddenly do this, Lillie dazed for a moment and slightly blushed, but nodded her head.

At this time, the brewing pot of tea started to steam, making a loud noise, signaling it was now ready.

"Let's go get freshened up. ", I said, only to look at Amber who was now awake, along with the other Pokemon. "Amber, look after the others, okay?", I asked her.

"Nine.", Ninetales responded in acknowledgment. The three of us then promptly headed into the shower.

Fifteen minutes later with several sounds of running water, Serena, Lillie and I came out, feeling refreshed for the day.

Pouring tea for us, we gathered around in the middle of the room at the table. Setting bowls down full of berries for our Pokemon, we grabbed the remote to the room's tv and turned on the news.

Unfortunately, just after a few moments, we heard a knock at the door.

"Professor Itsuki? I hate to disturb you guys but you have another call pending from Professor Oak. He told me to contact you as soon as you guys were free. I do apologize for this suddenness.", Nurse Joy's voice called out to us, causing our heads to turn toward the door.

"Professor Oak? It's strange to see him reach out to us considering our last call would be our last for a good while.", I said in wonder.

"Perhaps he forgot something?", Serena questioned.

"You'll take it, won't you, Itsuki?", Lillie asked.

"Of course. I always answer Gramps' call.", I answered with a smile.

"Oh, Professor Oak additionally said your party can come with you this time.", Nurse Joy continued to say, only to hear her retreating footsteps shortly after.

"Something Professor Oak has to speak to all of us about?", Serena asked.

"I wonder what it could be...", Lillie also wonder.

"I don't know either. So let's go see what Gramps has to say. Let's go call back our Pokemon too.", I said, which caused Serena and Lillie to nod their heads.

After enjoying warm tea and some light breakfast, we recalled our Pokemon and tidied up the room, as this will be the last day we spend in Celadon City for now.

But before we could depart, it seems Professor Oak still had something to say, so we made our way back down the main floor of the Pokemon Center, and greeted Nurse Joy. Giving us access to one of the computer terminals. We made our way to the farthest one in the corner, and secluded ourselves.

Picking up the phone, Serena sat to my left while Lillie sat to my right, and the screen turned on. On the other side, it suddenly showed Professor Oak currently holding some tea of in his hands, taking a sip.

"Good morning, Gramps.", I said, which caused Professor Oak to blink at the screen he was looking at. Thankfully he didn't fumble his tea and gently placed it back down at his desk.

"So you were able to answer this sudden call Itsuki my boy!", Professor Oak happily said, only to shift his eyes to Serena and Lillie too. "And it seems you have Serena and Lillie with you. This is good.", Professor Oak continued to say.

"It's been a while, Professor Oak.", Serena said, greeting him.

"Yes. Good morning to you, Professor Oak. I do wonder what it is you were trying to reach out to us for.", Lillie also said with a nod.

"Well that's the thing. I almost forgot I have an other seminar I'll be attending to in a bit. I plan to depart from Pallet Town next week.", Professor Oak explained which drew our interest.

"Another seminar, huh? You don't hold those too often.", I responded.

"Right? Well here's the kicker. I won't be alone this time. I'll be going to your place actually, Serena.", Professor Oak said, shifting his eyes back to Serena.

"You mean you'll be going to the Kalos region?", Serena asked with interest.

"Well that's the first stop, but I will be heading to Kalos, to meet with Professor Sycamore. We'll be hosting a seminar to where I'll discuss the behaviors of Pokemon during a Mega Evolution. It hasn't been too long since Professor Sycamore revealed his thesis about Mega Evolution and now that Mega Rings are beginning to circle around the market, I figure this would be a prime opportunity to make Trainers more self aware about the dangers of Mega Evolution.", Professor Oak explained.

"A co-seminar with Professor Sycamore. I still need to thank him for providing us his first round of Mega Rings, at least to me.", I said, revealing a smile.

"It sounds like you'll be busy then, but from the way you said that, it appears just going to Kalos isn't your only destination in mind?", Lillie asked.

"Hoho, so you picked up on that. That's right, Kalos is just our arrival spot. Once I meet up with Professor Sycamore, we'll actually be heading off to another place. It's a region further down to the southwest of Kalos, but it's still relatively close by.", Professor Oak said, answering Lillie.

"Another different region? Strange, I haven't heard of anything that was close to Kalos.", I said in wonder.

"Most don't, considering its a relatively closed off space. The only way to get there is by boat, or if you directly fly there. There is a peninsula which connects the two, but its mountainous regions are pretty steep to traverse, so most trainers avoid setting food in that place. It's a singular island, unlike Alola to where its a string of islands.", Professor Oak continued to say.

"Have you three of you heard of Uva Academy?", Professor Oak decided to ask us, to which we quickly shook our heads.

"Uva Academy? It doesn't exactly ring a bell to me.", I denied Professor Oak.

"Me neither.", Serena also said, shaking her head.

"Neither for me as well. If it was a well known school, I'm sure my family would have put it up for consideration to study at.", Lillie also said, shaking her head.

"Hohoho, well that's because its director, Director Clavell does not allow any foreigners to attend the school, and only extends out invitations to join should he make an exception. It's mostly for the island natives. It did struck my mind to send you one during your school studies, Itsuki, but it is pretty far away from Pallet Town, and considering the fact you were already learning alongside Lillie, I did not put it up for consideration at the time.", Professor Oak explained.

"An Academy solely used by its natives...It does sound rather intriguing. From the way you are putting it, you and Professor Sycamore are going to go host a seminar for Uva Academy's students?", I surmised.

"Bingo. Since it's so out of the way, I may be gone for a good month or so. But I'll be sure to make my return before you guys make your return trip to the backside of Pallet Town on your journey. You're still estimating it to be around June, right?", Professor Oak asked.

"That's the plan. It's approaching April, so we have a good two months before we arrive back in Pallet to celebrate Ash's birthday, along with the others.", I answered, nodding my head.

"If you guys weren't in the middle of your journey here in Kanto already, I would have taken you guys with me, hohoho.", Professor Oak responded with another chuckle. "And get this, Uva Academy runs things a little bit differently. Unlike most schools to where one attends to achieve their desired job or become a Trainer, you must be a Trainer, or an aspiring Trainer to attend Uva Academy.", Professor Oak said.

"A school solely for Trainers!?"," Serena said in excitement.

"Pretty exciting, isn't it? A trainer's studies coincides with their journey itself, to find where they are to belong. It isn't the only trainer school out there though, considering we have many regions available to us.", Professor Oak explained. At this time, a glint of light streaked across his eyes, as if he remembered something.

"Oh right, how could I forget that too? The place where Uva Academy belongs to is called the region of Paldea!", Professor Oak continued to say in excitement.

"The Paldea region...", I uttered to myself, showing excitement as well. This was a region I wasn't familiar with, so it looks like there are still many things hidden in the Pokemon world that we have yet to come across, huh?