Chapter: 112: Departure

Power stones please?


"Well, I mostly wanted to let you know I will likely be out of reach for a while. Since that is the case, I will give you guys a couple warnings. The latter half of Kanto is a far cry from the first four gyms. There has been increasing worry with Saffron's Gym Leader to be specific, the gym leader Sabrina. She has started to attack trainers directly and more frequently, should she find them displeasing during battle.", Professor Oak's voice said, suddenly turning into a serious tone which caused us to blink for a moment.

"And the League allows that?", Lillie asked, obviously worried.

"Unfortunately, yes. Psychic trainers are that of a rarity right now, much less sporting enough strength to be a Gym Leader. Most of the time Sabrina's attacks aren't life threatening, but she has induced a person or two into a coma before. Her heart is in the right place, but she can get angered...rather quickly. She also can't express her emotions well either.", Professor Oak continued to explain.

"Definitely sounds like a problem person if you ask me.", I responded, expressing my own worry too.

"We will have to proceed with caution when we reach Saffron's gym. Sabrina's the sixth, right?", Lillie questioned.

"Yeah. Before Sabrina is Koga, while Blaine and Viridian's Gym Leader are the last two.", I answered Lillie.

"You'll likely be going up against Koga next. He's a rather crafty fellow. In fact he's been recommended for one of the Elite 4's spots before. If the Elite 4 positions weren't currently filled, he would have likely joined the next available slot.", Professor Oak said to us, causing us to become surprised.

"A Gym Leader who was recommended to an Elite 4 position...That's hardly what we have faced so far.", Serena said, worried.

"Oh right. Have you guys decided on which path to take to Fuschia?", Professor Oak asked us.

"We have. We'll be taking the cycling road.", Serena immediately responded to that question as her eyes sparkled.

"Haha, as you can see. A certain someone's a little excited.", I chuckled, revealing a grin.

"Hoho. Well it's to be expected of as the daughter of Kalos's famous Pokemon Rider.", Professor Oak laughed with a smile.

"I don't think I've rode a bicycle either, so it'll be a new experience for me too.", Lillie said with an anticipated look in her eyes.

"Yeah. You'll be pairing up with me with a double seater since you haven't rode one before.", I also spoke out.

"Is that Big Brother's voice I hear!?", A voice suddenly called out to us from Professor Oak's side. I knew this voice all too well...

"Is that you, Ash?", I suddenly spoke out from our side. to respond to my voice, we saw a shadow of a figure quickly reach Professor Oak's side, only to reveal a black haired boy who seemed our age. And in fact, he actually looked his age instead of having that youthful look he did back in each anime season.

"Hehehe, you betcha it is. Professor Oak here says you guys are already halfway through Kanto. Makes me kinda jealous seeing your progress when we haven't even started yet.", Ash said, revealing a grin of his own. "Surely you have your badges, right, Big Brother?", Ash continued to ask.

"We surely do.", I responded. I took a second to look at Serena and Lillie, and we all nodded, only to retrieve our badge cases from our bags. Opening each one, Ash saw four repeating badges, signaling that we each beat four gyms so far.

"So cool!", Ash responded in excitement. "I'm already looking forward to starting our journey in a couple months along with Gary and Green.", Ash continued to say.

"In the meantime, you'll help watch over the lab along with that grandson of mine, won't you, Ash?", Professor Oak shifted his head and asked Ash.

"Of course. It's the least I can do considering the studies you've helped me with to progress my classes.", Ash said, nodded his head.

"That's right...You're just about done with school. Don't tell me you're actually graduating with Gary and Green?', Serena replied with a grin.

"Hey! I can take those exams perfectly fine. I know when to use my head.", Ash responded with his own retort.

After Ash retorted that, it caused Lillie to giggle a bit. I also laughed.

"Haha, well good luck with the rest of your classes, Ash. You may not see us until we're back in Pallet Town in June, so stay safe, okay?", I asked with a hint of worry.

"Of course, Big Brother. I wish you guys the best of luck in your remaining gym battles too.", Ash responded with a smile.

"I second that. Good luck out there you three.", Professor Oak said with a nod of his head. After saying that, he proceeded to end the call there. Seeing the call end, I slouched back in my chair a bit, letting out a sigh.

"Ash really is such a good kid.", I uttered.

"He isn't that brat we once knew anymore, that's for sure. It sounds like he's been learning plenty in the school he's currently going to.", Serena also said, chiming in.

"It is possible we'll encounter them once they start their journey too.", Lillie also said.

"Well, either way, this was still a lot of info to take in. Celadon is quite famous for its parks, so why don't we go lay out a blanket and let our Pokemon roam around for a bit and enjoy some lunch there? Afterward we can head out and we'll take the underground passage this time to reach Lavender Town.", I said, giving another suggestion to Serena and Lillie.

"It has been a few days since we were able to let our Pokemon get a good stretch in, so I'm all for that.", Lillie responded happily.

"Let's get going then!", Serena said, clapping her hands together.

We promptly left the computer area, returning to the counter.

"Thank you for letting us take that call, Nurse Joy.", I said, thanking Nurse Joy.

"It was no problem at all, Professor Itsuki. It does look like you guys are about to head out, so why don't I take this time to heal your Pokemon? The more energy they got, the better after all, fufu.", Nurse Joy responded with a laugh.

"With pleasure.", I responded while Serena and Lillie nodded their heads. Nurse Joy called in her Chansey to give us a few empty trays to place our Pokeballs inside. Once they were all filled in, Nurse Joy went to her healing machine and worked her magic. In no time at all, our Pokemon were fully healed and raring to go, despite most of them being already healed. It never hurts to ensure they are in top form for when we depart from Celadon city.

With that said, we bid farewell Nurse Joy and left the Pokemon Center. Proceeding to the several parks more close to the center of Celadon which gave a pretty nice view with all the high rise buildings surrounding it, we chose an empty spot near one of the shaded areas, and laid out our blanket. After calling out all of our Pokemon, the people and trainers nearby were stunned to see so many Pokemon called out at once. A couple even recognized who I was, but seeing us tend to our own, they were left to their own devices.

We were able to eat a nice lunch this way. It was well into spring right now, so with a gentle breeze and the warm sun, it was a time well spent. With full bellies, we knew it was time to leave Celadon. The next time we would come back, we would take the Cycling Road in the left exit, and bike our way to Fuschia.

However, with our current goal in set, our next was now Lavender town. Or to be specific, the Pokemon Tower, a resting place to where deceased Pokemon are laid to rest here in Kanto. It was also a popular hangout spot for ghost type Pokemon.

It was time to go catch some ghost Pokemon!