Chapter 17 - Daughters of Zeus

Star City

Artemis and Athena both landed in the outskirts of the city, looking around.

"Based off the trace amounts of divine energy, here is where Poseidon's domains were used the strongest."

Artemis gestured all around her. "Well, it does look like a pretty big battle took place here. Perhaps our sister was a part of it?"

"Diana? It's a possibility, ever since she decided to join those mortal heroes, she has seen battle all over the world. Maybe she fought a foe with our Uncle's powers."

"How would anyone even get those though? He claims to have not bedded a mortal, and Poseidon is not one to lie."

"Perhaps we should just ask our sister of what transpired here. Maybe it's time to take a trip to Themyscira, it's been awhile since we have visited."

The Goddess of the Hunt nodded, and they both flashed to the island paradise. They appeared in the Temple, right where Queen Hippolyta was standing, talking to Diana.

The Queen of the Amazon's was in shock, but quickly came to her senses as her and Diana quickly bowed. "Lady Athena, Lady Artemis. We were not expecting you."

"Rise," Athena commanded. The two Amazon's obliged. "We wish to speak with our sister."

"Is something wrong, Lady Athena?" Diana asked.

"We are looking for someone, and we think Diana here might've seen him," Artemis replied.

"Him? Are you referring to Perseus?" Hippolyta asked. Diana shot her mother a look before Athena asked, "And who would this Perseus be?"

Diana sighed. "He is our cousin, sisters. Son of Poseidon."

Artemis grew angry. "That lying bastard! He bedded another mortal after all?"

"Artemis, calm down," Athena turned to Diana.

"What do you mean, exactly? Poseidon claims to have not sired any children in the last millennium."

"He's not lying, at least that I know of. Perseus is indeed a Son of Poseidon, but not our Uncle. He is from another world, with other gods."

"What are you talking about?" Athena asked, not understanding how their could be another version of her Uncle on another world.

"He described it as another reality, where the gods didn't leave Earth, where the still sired children. After his second trip to Tartarus, he found his way here."

The two Goddesses frowned. "He went to Tartarus twice and made it out? Why was he even there in the first place?" Artemis wondered.

"It is not my place to say, Lady Artemis."

"Where is he now?"

Diana hesitated. "Why are you looking for him exactly? He hasn't done anything wrong."

"Father wants him on Olympus to explain himself, how he got his powers and what he is," Athena explained. Diana nodded, "We were going to contact you when he was ready to meet you. If you feel that the time is now, I'll tell you where he is. He is in Manhattan, at least, that was the last place I left him."

The two goddesses thanked Diana before flashing away to find Perseus. Diana turned to her mother, "Do you think he will be alright, Mother?" The Queen of the Amazon's nodded. "I can feel the Young Gods power rolling off of him. He may not realize it yet, but it was more powerful than the presence of these two that just left. Maybe they can help him properly harness his power."

"Perhaps you are right. We can only hope for the best and that they don't take him away, at least for good. I've grown fond of the little brat."

Queen Hippolyta threw back her head and laughed. "You certainly have, my darling. May we pray for the best."


Percy was bored out of his mind. During his fight with Amazo, his apartment was furnished and he had to admit, it was pretty nice. But living by himself with a mythical cat and dog in an enclosed space was a lot more boring and confining than he would have cared for.

'Screw it, I'm going for a walk.' He threw on a coat and headed out of the apartment building with no destination in particular in his mind. He just set off walking.

As he was wandering the streets, his stomach began to growl. 'Pizza, I could definitely go for some pizza right about now.' He made his way through the streets of downtown Manhattan till he started to smell the food of the gods from the sidewalk. 'Oh yeah, New York style pizza, oh how I've missed you!' He quickly identified the place the glorious scent was coming from and started in that direction.

Soon he found himself outside a building called Joe's Pizza, mouth salivating knowing what was coming next. A huge grin stretched across his face. 'Some things never change,' he thought to himself as he reached for the door handle. As he did, he heard a scream and inwardly sighed. "Great," he mumbled to himself as he sadly turned around to see where the scream originated from.

"What the hades?" Across the street, was quite literally, a demon. It had red skin, horns and its body was covered in black markings. It was wearing black clothes that were torn up in multiple different places, and it was sniffing around like it was looking for something.

"Oi! You couldn't have picked a better time do you your dastardly deeds? I was just about to grab some authentic style New York Brick Oven Pizza!" The demon looked up at Percy and grinned.

"Where is the girl, and you may go free!" He started drifting across the street as pedestrians started running every direction. "My master would be pleased if you tell us what we want to know."

Percy laughed. "Oh? And who's your master Mr. Demon guy? Oh wait, that's right! I just remembered!" He flicked his wrist with his ring and his black and gold sword appeared in his hand. "I don't care."

The demon had just made it to his side of the street, and Percy lunged, preparing for a quick and easy victory. Nothing was going to stand in the way of him and his New York style pizza. Much to his surprise, however, the demon simply phased through his sword attack, and punched Percy into the wall of the Pizza Store.

"Hey! I was TRYING to eat there! Don't ruin it yet ya dick!" Percy looked around and analyzed his surroundings. Everyone had fled the street, so it was just him and the demon. 'Okay,' he thought to himself, 'How do you beat something you can't hit?'

"So, what are you exactly? You don't exactly blend in with the locals, if you know what I'm saying?"

The demon grinned. "I am Greed. I was sent by my master to find the girl, because she is the key to everything!"

"Okay, well. That cleared things up. Sup Greed, I'm Percy. Sorry to tell you, but this city here?" Percy gestured around to all the building around him. "Yeah, it's under my protection. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

The demon Greed snarled. "Not until I find the girl!"

"Man, you do realize there's billions of girls on this planet, right? Saying 'I got to find the girl!' Doesn't exactly clear thing up dude. Who exactly is she?"

"The key, the gateway for my master to come and claim this pathetic excuse for a world. She fled before she could accomplish the task she was destined to do, but don't worry. We will find her and she will complete the roll she was destined to do."

Percy raised his sword and pointed it at the demon standing in front of him. "Yeah, no. See, I like this new world. Kind of got a thing going on here. Your master won't be taking it anytime soon, but as long as I'm alive."

"Well, I guess I'll just have to kill you then, won't I?"

"You can try. Fun fact. I'm immortal." With that, Percy found the water line leading to the fire hydrant that was right beside Greed, and willed it to burst.

"Gah!" The demon was caught off guard and sent flying down the street, landing in a car and denting it.

"Time to die, little demon," Percy grinned as he willed the water around himself and launched himself towards Greed, bringing the sword into the disoriented demon's chest. Percy lowered himself till he was by the writhing demons ear. "Your master, whoever he is. He won't take my home. And if he tries, I will personally kill him. Now go to hell!" He twisted his sword, and the demon started laughing.

"Oh I will! It is, after all, my home." He locked eyes with Percy before turning into mist and dispersing into nothingness.

"Well, that takes care of that. Now, where was I? Oh right! Pizza." With a satisfied grin on his face, he dismounted the car and turned around with every intention of going back to the Pizza shop. What he didn't count on was two females, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere wearing Ancient Greek armor, to be standing behind him.

"Uh, hi?"

The brunette with strangely familiar grey eyes and a spear, pointed it at him. "Are you the one they call Perseus?"

He looked around, and after seeing no one pointed at himself. "Oh, me? Well, only one person can call me that without me trying to drive my blade in their chest, though sometimes she tempts me. Yeah, I'm Percy. Who are you guy exactly?"

The chick with the bow and quiver on her back and brown eyes and brown hair frowned. "You do not bow before two goddesses in your presence? You should be able to feel our divine power just from standing in our presence."

Percy frowned. "Huh. Sorry to disappoint, but bowing isn't really my thing. And which two goddesses do I have the pleasure of meeting this time, exactly? I'm currently on a mission at the moment."

"And what mission is that?" The one with the spear asked.

"Well, before I was so rudely interrupted by a demon, I was trying to eat some authentic style New York pizza for the first time in forever. So if you'll excuse me, unless it's important, I have a date with brick oven." He flicked his wrist and his sword turned back into a ring, and started walking back towards the Pizza shop.

"Not so fast, mortal!" The one with a bow has an arrow notched and pointed at Percy's chest. "You will he coming with us, our Father has some questions he'd like to ask you."

"And who exactly is your father?" Percy asked, getting annoyed at these two goddesses in front of him.

"Our father is Zeus. I am Artemis, and this is my sister Athena. You have to come with us to Olympus."

He looked at both of the two goddesses in front of him when it clicked. Yeah, they looked physically different, but their eyes, hair, and even weapons were the same as his Artemis and Athena.

His shoulders slumped. "Schist. This should be fun." He looked at the two female gods in front of him and rolled his eyes. "Well? What are you waiting for? Let's go see what good old Thunder Thighs wants this time."

The two goddesses look at each other and each grabbed on of Percy's arms. "Close your eyes."

"I'd rather not," he sarcastically replied.

"Your funeral," Artemis grumbled and flashed to Olympus to meet her Father.