Chapter 18 - Olympus

Mt. Olympus

The two goddesses and Percy arrived in Mt. Olympus, in the middle of the throne room. He looked and saw that while his Mt. Olympus was white and gold and very hard on the eyes, this world's was mostly white and only slightly hard on the eyes. He still had to squint to let his eyes adjust.

He took in his surroundings, the Throne Room was about the size of an NFL football stadium, and unlike his, there were still only 12 thrones. While Zeus' throne was in the middle with a smaller throne on his right, the other ten were split in two, almost like a courtroom jury on each side, with walls coming up to the base of the throne room encasing them all around.

As he looked down, he saw he was standing on a raised podium in the shape of a square, about 5 feet off the ground and about 25 feet squared all around.

"Well, this is certainly different," he remarked.

"Quiet male! You are on Mt. Olympus, and you will bow before its master!" Artemis pointed at Zeus' throne, were the old god sat. He actually looked like a Greek God, with the white chiton, long white hair and white flowing beard.

"'Sup Sparky." Percy raised his chin at the king of the gods, before turning to the two Goddesses behind him.

"So, can we like, get this over with? I have a date with a BOP, and I'd hate to miss it." The two daughters of Zeus stared at Percy, appalled at his blatant disrespect towards their father.

"I don't think you get it mortal." At this Percy smirked but said nothing. "You are in a divine place, surrounded by divine beings. Where is your respect?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he say a brazier behind him. Tending the fire, was a little girl. He smiled to himself. 'Well, at least some things never change.'

He looked at Athena, "You guys don't have it yet, simple as that. However." He hopped off the podium and made his way over to the girl and knelt. "Lady Hestia. You are one goddess that no matter where I am or what I'm doing, you have my eternal respect."

The girl looked at Percy with wide eyes, before smiling gently. "I am the least important deity in Mt. Olympus. Yet you bow before me before even its master. The Hearth never turns anyone away, but I must say, I am quite surprised you even noticed me for who I was."

He looked up at the Eldest and Youngest original Olympian and grinned. "Well, what can I say? Some things never change." He stood up before looking at Zeus, who had an amused look in his face. "Well, should we get started or what? My cat and dog are probably wondering where I am right now."

Zeus grunted as Percy made his way back to the podium, Artemis and Athena already in their seats. Zeus stood up and summoned his lightning bolt, and raised it in the air. Lightning started to crackle everywhere, and one by one the gods flashed into the throne room, already in their seats. If he was being honest with himself, they all looked so different he couldn't tell who any of them were except two.

Apollo, because for some strange reason, he looked exactly the same, with only a chiton on instead of modern clothes. What was even weirder, was Apollo seemed surprised to see him. Weird.

The other god he recognized, was his father. Wait, no. This wasn't his father. This was just Poseidon. He had long gray hair, a gray beard and a sea green chiton on. He could practically feel the sea on him, and he carried a trident. It wasn't his usual godly weapon, however. This was just a regular old Bronze trident. But he supposed any weapon in the hands of a god is still a powerful weapon.

"Let us begin. Daughters, this is the man who was been using Poseidon's domains?" Zeus asked.

Athena spoke up. "Yes, Father, we found out his name is Perseus, an-"


All the gods just looked at him. "Have you no respect?" Athena demanded.

"Hey, I already told you. Only one person can call me that here without me driving a sword in her spine, mostly because I think she does it purposely to annoy me. Anyone else who uses that name? Typically my enemies, and I tend to kill my enemies," he stated in a dark tone.

Apollo spoke up, "Father? What exactly is going on right now? Why is he here?"

"Were you not paying attention, boy? He somehow has been using your Uncle's domains, and we want to know how."

"That's not what I meant. Why is he," Apollo pointed at Percy, "here." Then he pointed at the ground.

Percy was confused now. "Say Apollo, you're the only one who looks the same. Care to explain?"

Zeus also had a confused expression oh his face.

"Son, what are you talking about?"

Apollo looked like he was starting to panic. "Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no!" He looked at Percy. "It's you man! You don't belong here! Why are you here!"

"Brother! You're not making any sense!" Artemis snapped.

"Sorry sis. Father, I have to go, I'm so sorry, but this is wrong. So very, very wrong. This isn't supposed to be happening!" With that, Apollo flashed out.

"Did he just-?"

"Yep. He dipped. Sorry, Thunder Thighs." Percy sighed. "That was strange. I wonder..."

"You are asking to die, aren't you mortal?" Artemis asked.

Percy looked around before pointing at himself in mock surprise. "Me? Well, not really. Honestly, I don't think you could kill me, Moon Goddess."


"You heard me. To be frank, not sure any of you could. Hey, sparky! What's up with Apollo? He always like this?"

"Enough! I've humored you long enough mortal! You will answer our questions or be smited!"

"Is that how you say that? Huh, always thought it was smoten. What's your question exactly?"

Zeus took a deep breath as most of the gods watched, transfixed on Percy's odd behavior before 12 all powerful beings.

"How is it, that you are able to call upon my brothers domains by divine means?"

Percy shrugged. "Let me think about that real quick." He put his hand to his chin and faked being deep in thought before he snapped his fingers. "Oh, I know! Maybe, now bare with me here, it's because I'm Poseidon's son and heir?"

At this Poseidon slammed his trident on the ground as every major god in the room started yelling at the god of the seas. "Nonsense! I've had no children in a thousand years, and Triton has always been my heir!"

"Well yeah, here on this earth. But that's the fun part. I'm not from this earth. So you, quite frankly, aren't my father."

"Another earth? Another Poseidon? How is that even possible? So you're saying you're a demigod?"

"Oh no. Not at all. I was born one, yeah. But after saving their sorry asses twice, once from your father, and another from your grandma, I'm sure you can figure out who that is, they made me a god."

"You defeated Kronos and Gaea? And they made you a minor god? You expect us to believe that?"

Percy started laughing at this. "Oh, you guys are too funny! No. I defeated Kronos and Gaea, yes. But I'm no minor god. I'm an Olympian, the fifteenth Olympian, to be exact."

At this the room fell silent. "Fifteenth Olympian? Wouldn't you be the Thirteenth Olympian?" Zeus asked warily.

"Nah. One of my wishes was to have Hades' and Hestia's Thrones restored before I became a god, so fifteenth. Weird right? My Throne Room's Thrones went from forming a U to a complete Circle with the brazier in the center. Also had a lot more gold..." he trailed off as he realized everyone was now silent and staring at him. "What?"

"How did you even get here? To this Earth? Are your gods planning a war on us or something?"

"Uh, no? I didn't know I would end up here when I went back to Tartarus." The gods gasped at the name of the Pit as it was mentioned. Percy just groaned, "Great, now what?"

"What do you mean, 'back to Tartarus'?"

He shrugged. "I accidentally fell in once with my girlfriend, so that was my first time. Second time? Well, let's just say I had a score to settle. And since you can't flash out of there, when I finally found the Doors of Death, they lead me here. So all in all, that's pretty much it. Can I go now?"

Zeus gripped his Lightning Bolt tight. "How do we know you won't try and over throw us Gods from Olympus? How do we know you're on our side."

"Easy. I'm not on your side. I'm not one of your gods. I could care less about what you guys do. As long as you don't attack me, no one has to die."

"I'm not sure we can trust him Father. Maybe we should kill him right here, right now," Ares spoke up. Percy turned to the heavily black armored god and sent him a death glare. "Trust me, little War God. This is not a fight you want to be picking. I defeated my Ares when I was 12 years old. Now? You would be child's play."

He could see the God of War lick his lips from behind his horned helmet. "Oh, this is definitely a fight I want to be picking, New God."

"How do I know you won't try and take over my domain of the sea?" Poseidon spoke up from behind him. He sent Ares one last glare before turning to Poseidon and sending one at him as well. "I won't need to try. Every day that passes, I can feel the sea calling out to me, yearning for me to be it's new master. You God's, you are the ones who abandoned the Earth. Why, I have no idea. But the seas do not like to be restrained, yet they do not like to be without a master either. The sea life calls to me, calling me their master, their king. They wish for me to be that master, they can just sense it on me. Tell me, God of the Seas. What will you do if your own domain abandoned you?"

"I've heard enough! You may be some crazy doppelgänger son of my brother's, but I do not think it is in our best interest to keep you alive."

Percy clicked his tongue at the King and shook his head. "You really think, you would win? Against me, as your opponent? Fighting metas may be new to me, as well as Demigoddess Warrior Princesses and Aliens. But one thing that I am good at? Fighting, and killing, Monsters, Titans, Gods, Giants, and Primordials. I've killed just about everything in the Greek Pantheon, why not add some Olympians too that list?" Percy stated while grinning like a maniac. The sight of him was making most of the Olympians go on edge.

"Are you sure this is something you want to do, Zeusy? Are you sure that you want to go to war with someone like me? In case you haven't heard, I'm Percy Fucking Jackson. And in a fight to the death against stuck up prick immortals like yourselves, I never lose."

"You would be a fool to think you can take in the King of the God's, New God."

"I defeated Gaea . You're just a warm up round."

"You dare?!"

"Oh yeah, I dare do! Wait, is that how you say that?"

He looked over at Athena, who shook her head no before snapping out of her shock and looking at her Father.

"My Lord! We don't have to do this, you don't have to fight! If he's an Olympian, especially from another world, we could use that to our advantage."

"He disrespected me for the last time, daughter. I cannot tolerate it! I don't know how any god can!"

"Oh, it's a special talent of mine," Percy smirked. "I tend to get immortals pissed off. Now I am immortal, so I can do that forever. Which is honestly a perk, if I do say so myself."

"Are you even mentally stable?" Athena asked.

"I'm hurt. Why would you even ask something like that?" Percy grabbed his heart, pretending like it broke his heart.

"You have two clearly distinct personalities, and it just flips randomly. That's not normal."

"When you spend as much time in Tartarus as I have, 'normal' becomes subjective. Trust me."

"Enough! Time do deal with you!" Zeus stood up and summoned lightning around his body and held his hand out towards Percy, who summoned his godly weapon in trident form.

"Wait! Don't do this!" Apollo flashed back in in front of his father. "My lord, you can't fight him."

Zeus looked down on the Sun God and frowned.

"And why, Apollo, can't I?"

"Yeah Apollo, why can't he fight me?"

Apollo gulped and looked around the room

nervously. "Uh, there's something you guys should know. About a power of mine I haven't told anybody about. No one but the Fates know about it."

"And what would that be?" Zeus asked, a scowl on his face.

"I can see other versions of myself in other realities. I know all about Percy Jackson."

Percy lowered his trident, "Well shit, didn't see that coming."

Zeus' lightning dissipated from around his body. "Apollo. You have some serious explaining to do."