|| The Royal Galle

“Let's go to meet the Queen,” Vivian abruptly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the queue. I protested but - oh boy did she even bother.

The hall was filled with the chatter of everyone, some talked to their partners while having drinks, others lined up to meet the Queen and the Princes. There were a lot of people, I was afraid I might have a panic attack but surprisingly I was pretty calm.

“Why the hell don't you go with Eugene!” I hissed at her.

“Nuh-uh,” she replied, continuing to drag me.

Zen and Eugene ran over to us, Eugene cleared his throat, “What if I come with you?”

“Vivian made it clear that she wants to go with Adria,” Zen sneered at Eugene.

“No thank you Wet Sock,” Vivi said to Eugene, “I wanna go with her.”

“Maybe,” Zen suggested, “Adria and I could come with you and Eugene..?”

“I’m right here!” I snapped, “And that actually means meeting the royals which i don't want to.”

Vivi narrowed her eyes at me, “Hell no, you’re definitely coming,”

“Well, we can get food and drinks after that,” Eugene suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.

“I'm coming too.” Zen cut in, looking at me.

I thought about it for a while, I mean what am I going to do here in the middle of vampires? I groaned, “Fine.” raising my hands in defeat.

Eugene snaked his arm around Vivi’s waist, she did punch him in his midriff but he didn’t seem to mind it. I thanked the universe for making Zen a gentleman as he didn't touch me. We walked over to the endless long queue.

We waited, and waited, Eugene cracked lame jokes which were actually funny. We waited and waited and waited and waited - Gah! When is it going to get over! My food is waiting for me!

Finally after what felt like an eternity, it was Eugene and Vivi’s turn, Eugene bowed to the Queen then to Prince…Ryker? I seriously needed to learn their names - and then with slight hesitation bowed to Prince Rendell, the Prince looked at him and I saw something quickly flash through his eyes. After Vivi finished curtsying to all of them, it was our turn.

Oh NO.

My palms started to sweat as we stepped forward. Queen Morgana smiled at us with her wild green orbs. Zen bowed and I curtsied, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, your Majesty,” Zen said with his charming smile.

She nodded gracefully, how can someone nod so gracefully like she does? I curtsied slowly, not wanting to stumble over my own gown. We then moved on to Prince Ryker, as I raised my head after curtsying I met his lush green eyes staring back at me. He gave me one of his ridiculous smirks. I turned to the next Royal with Zen, not wanting to puke on Prince Ryker’s pretty face.

Prince Rendell had a strange, dangerous aura around him. When I looked up after curseying, my gaze met his stunning amber ones. I froze - I literally froze on the spot. i don't know but his eyes had a storm brewing in them, it looked dangerous yet exciting, the ones you can't get your eyes off. I finished curtsying and quickly backed away with Zen from him. These Princes were very strange, especially the first prince - what was his name again?


The Music changed from soothing and slow to fast and jazz.

Everyone gets ready with their partner, “Would you mind a dance with me?” Zen grins while giving his hand out, which made me roll my eyes at him. He held my hand, his grip was rough and warm. His touch made me want to get my hand out of his grasp as soon as possible, “What’s wrong?” he grins again, “Don’t be shy you’re my date after all,”

“I’m just thinking about how your shoes are going to look after you dance with me,” I say, “I’m warning you.”

He chuckles and wraps his arm around me and holds my other hand out. We sway sideways according to the beat, “You didn’t answer my question.”

“Oh,” I remembered he asked me about how the masks became a tradition in the family, “I don’t know.”

“So,” he starts, “The Most Greatest of rulers, His Imperial Royal Highness King Avalon met his wife for the first time on an occasion where they wore masks.” he explained, tilting his head towards the Queen. Oh yeah, King Avalon and Queen Morgana were one of the greatest and most powerful of rulers - hah! Tenth grade history finally became helpful.

“It’s believed that the Royals who wore these masks have a chance of finding their soulmate. Since then, these masquerade masks have led to good luck in the Royal family.”

“Wow,” I acknowledged in amusement, I’ve lived here for seventeen years and never knew about it and this person in front of me who moved here only about a week ago knows its history. Impressive.

We swayed according to the beat - to my surprise - I expected him to get annoyed with me whenever I stepped on his foot, but he wasn't like that. Instead he just smiled down at me, having enough patience to endure it all.

He gently twirls me around, and holds me again. The way he touched me doesn’t feel like electric sparks you read about in Romance Novels, actually I feel more uncomfortable. Maybe it’s because I’ve never danced with a guy before...actually, I’ve never danced with anybody or because dad had spooked me about vampires - oh shoot I forgot.

I scan the room for any clue of vampires, they all look like humans to me. I’ve read that Vampires are supposed to be beautiful and handsome. If it's true then, are the-

“Earth to Adria?”

His voice suddenly caught me off guard as I almost tripped over my gown - ugh. I’m never wearing these again! It took me a few seconds to realize, the music was back to normal, and people were going over to get themselves some drinks and snacks. I glanced up and saw Zen looking at me with concern.

“You look pale,” he commented. I tried to think of something to reply back but then he added with his bright smile, “Wanna have snacks?”

I eagerly nodded and we walked over to the buffet, tables covered with fancy white linen that was arranged one by one along the marvelous walls of the hall. They contained many, many dishes. It ranged from steak, to many exotic dishes I’ve never seen before; to fruits, and deserts and - Oh my god - ice cream! several buckets of it!

I literally pulled Zen towards it, to my surprise he was a fan too. We stopped by and Zen scooped a huge ball of butterscotch ice cream. I was afraid that he literally had the whole bucket of ice cream on it. The maid who stood behind the table smiled sweetly at us. I thought she might attack us or something but then she pulled out another huge bucket of choco-chip ice cream.

We ate the delicious goodies while talking. Vivi and Eugene joined us too, Vivian had a bright smile on her lips at Eugene’s twisted expression.

“The Royal guards are crazy,” Eugene grumbled.

Vivi rolled her eyes, “I dared him to pickpocket one of the guards - and guess what?”

“What?” me and Zen asked in unison.

“The guard unsheathed his sword and was about to chop his stupid head off!” she doubled over laughing her head off, “You should see him trembling in fear for his dear life!”

“Woman, shut up.” Zen and I burst out laughing, I almost dropped my precious chocolate ice cream. Eugene was always this careless guy and also the last person on this planet to ever fear something.

“I’m just telling the truth! You’re a coward!”

“I’m not!”

“Yes you are!”

“You know,” Eugene turned his attention to Zen, “I bet she’s a scaredy kitten under that mask of hers,”

“Seriously? I was the one who saved you, FLYNN,” she patronised. I started giggling as an annoyed expression crossed Eugene’s face.

“Wait, can we go out?” i asked vivi

“Duh,” Vivi stated as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, “there are all these lights hanged and people around, so romantic, ew”

I made a low ‘oh’ noise. Eugene suggested to Vivi, “Maybe if you be less mean to people, it’ll be better,”

“You don't like it, Flynn?”

“No, I don't.”

“Aw thanks, I hate you anyways.” She replied while grabbing a dessert from the tray of the waiter as he passed us.

Eugene made puppy eyes, “You know I can't breathe without you,”

She stared at him in shock, “Really?” she asked, “Well, Then suffocate.”

Zen softly bumped my shoulders with his, he gestured his head towards the open grounds. I looked back at him and smiled, better than staying here and listening to these two fight like an old couple. We left them on the verge of attacking each other.

The fresh scent of the grass was soothing as we stepped out. There were few people around, maybe most of them are here because they can't stand being inside.

Zen and I casually walked around the area, there wasn't any awkward silence between us, more like a comfortable one. The soft music in the background was soothing to my ears. Whenever Zen spotted a unique shaped leaf or flower, he eagerly pointed at it like a kid and whispered excitedly ‘look!’ which is kind of adorable.

“Hey Adria,” Zen said, breaking the silence. I hummed for him to continue, “will you still be friends with me after this?” I looked at him, and he added, “I mean I’m kinda annoying and my hair doesn't always look great but I’m great at petting animals so why not be friends with me,”

I laughed at him and punched his shoulder, “I'd definitely be friends with you.” He gave me a grateful smile.

The peacefulness was broken when I heard someone calling someone’s name, my head whipped to the direction from where I heard that voice. I found Eugene waving at us like a maniac. Zen let out an irritated sigh, he and Eugene would never get along.

We walked over to him, Eugene’s face was beaming like sunshine, “You guys NEED to check this out!”

We got in and followed an excited Eugene. I asked him what it was when he was stopped by Vivi, and they started arguing again.


“What do you mean babe,” Eugene asked in a mocking tone.

“You should see your stupid face in the mirror before flirting with me,”

“Ow,” Eugene placed a hand over his heart, “It hurts.”

“Bless your delusional heart,”

“You care about me,”

“No, hell I don't!”

“Um,” Zen interrupted, trying to stop them, “Maybe–”

“Shut up!” Vivi and Eugene snapped in unison.

“Stop copying me!” Vivi hissed.

In the corner of my eye, through the glass panels which lined the top of the walls, I spotted something. While they carried on arguing, I saw IT.

My heart stopped. In the black night sky, two glowing ice blue eyes stared back at me from the corner of the window, its eyes burning my soul which made me shiver from head to toe. No - no - no.

PLEASE, IF YOU FEEL ANYTHING WRONG, JUST GET OUT OF- the lights went out, leaving us in complete darkness. Everyone stopped talking, bringing us to pin drop silence. I looked around and was surprised, I could clearly see through the dark. This is insane! I could see the terrified and confused faces of people.

It’s after me. I know it. My heart sank.

I have to get out of here. My gaze quickly searched for exits, and found one through the tightly packed crowd. It was not very far, the massive door was opened a little and few guards were outside.

I glanced back up to find the creature - with - glowing eyes gone.

This seriously can’t be happening. The Queen ordered the lights to be quickly turned on. While some guards took care of the problem,

I slowly stepped back, and my gaze fixed at the massive door, adrenaline rushed through me as I picked up the hem of my gown - and ran.