|| I'm In Deep Trouble

“Are- are you a vampire?”

“Yes,” he grinned, “but don’t you dare ask if we hate onions, fear holy water and can die only through silver axes or whatever you guys believe.”

“No way.” I muttered to myself, while switching glances at both of them.

“We are freaking vampires standing in front of you. You tell me there is no way?”


“By the way, pretty necklace you got there,” I looked down at my necklace, and let out a breath of relief. Thankfully it's still with me, I don't know what I would’ve done if I lost it.

“If I may ask,” the Prince asked, leaning closer, “where did you get the malachite from?”

“Ryker,” Prince Rendell cuts off annoyed, his voice also having a hint of accent, “Mother has been looking for you. Let me have a chat with the lady while you go accompany her. Remember what I told you.”

Prince Ryker eventually agrees as Prince Rendell sends him glares. He gets up carelessly and opens the door. “Careful.” He says over his shoulder. I’m sure he is smirking, “You don’t want to piss him off.” before closing the door shut.

Prince Rendell places a chair in front of the bed and takes a seat, he doesn’t speak for a few minutes, just plays with his black ring on his right hand with a bored expression. This is bizarre!

“Er… can I go home?”

The Prince shakes his head, “Before answering a few of my questions,” I nodded, “Why are you here?” he asked flatly.

“I-I came for the Galle..” I replied, not having enough confidence to meet his dark gaze.

He raised an eyebrow, “You think I’ll believe you?”

“I’m not lying,” I pursed my lips. Arrogant much.

“Then tell me,” he said, “why were THEY chasing YOU?”

What am I supposed to say? I don’t know? I don’t even know they were werewolves! Actually it's my fault, I went to the Galle in spite of dad’s warning.

His eyes bored into my own, something flashed in them, “Adria,” my name smoothly rolls off his tongue and sounds so exotic - wait - how the hell did he know my name? “If by any means I find out that you are up to something, I won’t be so nice.”

This sent a shiver down my spine, I mean I didn’t do anything wrong, did i?

“How do you know my name?” my brows knit together, “and when can I go back home?”

“Don’t try to escape,” he warned, ignoring my questions. He got up and walked towards the door, “you have no idea what lies outside of this palace.”

He said before closing the door behind him. Remember when I told you I follow rules sometimes? This is not sometimes. I push the comforter off myself and stand up, there is an IV attached to my hand, I painfully rip it off. How the hell do vampires know that humans need these things?

I gently held my shoulder in pain and slowly made myself walk towards the window, its night, cold breeze brushing my face as I looked out. Lush green grass covers as far as the eyes could see, ancient tall trees are grown with snow on them. Even though it's night, I can perfectly see everything. This place is completely different than Wayford. Where the hell am I?

“Trying to escape?” a voice purred in my ear.

I whirled around to meet with gorgeous green eyes, “Uh. No.”

He cocked his head side-ways, “Really?” I remembered I had seen him somewhere.

Those gorgeous green orbs with a few specks of gold in them, try to figure out my expression, “Do I look like a ghost?”


“Then why is the color drained from your face, ma chère?”

“Um. do i.. kno-know you?” I asked but stopped and froze. The hair, the eyes and his frown.

It hits me like a train.

No way. I had seen him in my dreams. I freaking saw a younger version of him in my dreams! This is crazy!

“No, not really,” Prince Ryker answered scratching his chin, “But we can get to know each other out,” he gave me a wink.

I took another minute to stare up at him. This can't be true, but I'm more than a hundred percent sure that it WAS him.

“Are you um.. really a vampire?” I finally asked the very question that's been bothering me since I woke up.

He raised his golden eyebrows, “You mean you want to see my fangs?” he asked, amusement laced his voice.

Before I could reply, he opened his mouth revealing a perfect set of teeth and no fangs. He then taps his canine which protrudes to become fangs. I stare at them with amusement.

“Uh, when can I leave this palace..?”

“If you like, you can jump from here.”

I shook my head, it’s a very high drop and no one to catch me like Zen - oh dear. Zen, Vivi and Eugene might have gone crazy! I remember how they called after me. I would’ve stopped If I knew that I would end up here. I should have never left.

“Then,” he sighed, “you have to wait until my brother agrees to let you go.”

My eyes widened, “What do you mean?! I can’t stay here!”

He clicks his tongue, “I told you I can’t do anything until my brother agrees, there are some issues to be solved.”

“What issues?”

He tilted his head, “You’re so eager to know everything, ma chère.”

Furious, I look away from him to the plains. These vampires are insane! I wonder if dad and his search team would be looking out for me, he must be worried sick. I need to leave this place as soon as possible, I don’t want to be their next meal.

“Well,” he started from behind me, “You are free to do anything here, you can roam the gardens, get delicious food and everything - but you can not leave.”

“And even if you do,” he added, “trust me, you wouldn’t want to leave the boundaries of this palace. There are things out there that are not very friendly.”

A mischievous idea crosses my mind and I nodded obediently, “Maybe I CAN stay here considering my injury,”

“Sounds good,” he smirked, I didn’t know my acting skills were so good, “I’ll send someone to get you some food. One more thing-” he looked at me and smirked, “Souris un peu.” before he swiftly leaving the room, without locking the door - no I’m not going to escape from there - I’m not THAT dumb. I wish I had paid attention in my french classes.

Okay, mission - how to get out of here alive under the arrogant noses of two Adonis - I need to stop calling them Adonis. My back is aching like hell, and it’s the worst thing. I can’t even sit or lie down. I shake my head. What the hell am I thinking! They kidnapped me and I need to escape - at least not for my sake but for dads! I can’t imagine how worried he must be for me.

Ryker said that I can do anything I want except leaving this place. Maybe I can obey them for a few days and when my back is healed enough for jumping and bending under trees - I can escape from here. But I don’t know how harmless they are - after all they are god damn vampires.

I look around the room for my phone, chanting the words ‘please be here’ . It's my one last hope. I spot it lying on one of the bedside tables, I quickly rush towards and try to turn it on.

It doesn’t turn on.

It's dead! I remember It was fully charged during the Galle.

There is a soft knock on the door, and the door opens revealing a petite feminine figure. She smiles at me while holding a tray of food.

Human food.

Wait what.

“Hello,” she chirped, her sapphire eyes smiling at me.

“Um... hi?” I replied, it came out more like a question.

“His highness has told me to send you some food,”

She walked over and placed the hot food tray on the table beside the bed, my stomach groaned as I realized I’m starving. “Here,” she smiled, “do tell me if you need anything else.”

I gave her a half smile, and she left the room. Half of me wants to eat the hot delicious food but the other half screams ‘there is poison in it!’

I don’t eat it despite the groans given by my stomach, and distract myself by looking out of the window, wondering how the hell am I going to escape from here without being noticed by the two Princes or the Queen.